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Everything posted by Aroni

  1. I'm currently waiting on a new rig arriving and want to make sure I grab the right files for my Arma2 profile to transfer onto the new machine. I play alot on Dayz Origins and to be honest I'm not sure how the profile works (for obivous reasons I want to play on my current profile on the new machine that has my houses etc) and after abit of searching didn't seem to turn up anything overly useful. So anyone know what files / folders I need to pull into my new Arma2 install. Thanks in advance, Aroni
  2. Ah I was hoping it would simply be linked to my GUID and yes I did buy Arma2 through steam so hopefully it won't be a problem then. Thank you very much for the help looking forward to playing on my new computer! Now I just have to wait impatiently for it to arrive and install everything with my terrible internet first woohoo!
  3. Aroni

    Traders and Traitors

    Successful trade with Spuddy0108 +1
  4. Successful trade with spuddy tonight! Topic can be closed off thank you for the item
  5. As one of the people with Blynx I can vouch for the trade we found the gun in a tent with ammo. The trade is real we aren't really interested in the sniper since we prefer the machine guns. Possiblility that the AS50 is duped? (Pretty high) however we did find it and we have found a truck we are interested in but finding the Engine Parts especially has proven to be unsuccessful! We have a mumble server whoever is interested can come on talk to us first so that both sides feel safe to make the trade before we meet up. If anyone on my side even considers talking a shot I'll kick and ban them from mumble and put them down in game myself. Its simply bad manners
  6. Myself and a group of friends have been playing on this server over the last few days. Think we found a place to call home! Anyways its been down all morning made this topic on the off chance that an admin reads it and can share some information on whats happened to the server.
  7. I was with Ollie and Blynx this evening and had a great time. Just added him randomly on Steam and we chatted for abit before joining a server. Both him and Blynx were trustworthy we were able to get on well and watch each others backs.....until we got blew away by a sniper woohoo. Followed by some laughs in a bus we found. So again don't know what crap you are spewing outcast cause i never had any problems. Hell I made the forum account just to give my thumbs up!