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Everything posted by TankFodder

  1. TankFodder

    Looking to trade

    I've got a somewhat general trade request. Here's what I want: I want mags. High-end mags, I don't care what gun they're for as long as the gun is hard as fuck to find without duping. I also want road flares and chem lights. A toolbox and some wire A tent I'm willing to trade: Cooked meat DMR + 7 or 8 mags (I forget how many i have, more than i need) M4A1 SD + ~5 mags Coyote Backpack (if you want this you will have to throw in an ALICE for me to use) PDW + 4 mags If both primary guns are traded, I will need a replacement. Preferably an AK-74 variant or M-series rifle And if you're looking to ambush me... why bother? I'm looking to trade most everything I've got for stuff that's not too hard to find. I'm just a lazy fuck who doesn't feel like looking for it
  2. TankFodder

    Looking to trade

    aaaand sniped in a farm. Good job, whoever you were. /thread
  3. TankFodder

    Looking to trade

    Throw in an ALICE and I'll throw in the mags. Send me a pm if you're interested
  4. TankFodder

    I demand satisfaction

    I'm gonna be honest, when I opened this thread I thought it was going to be something really cool, like challenging another player to pistols at dawn, or something... Huh, I think I'm gonna go challenge a player to pistols at dawn now...
  5. TankFodder

    Looking for DayZ friends!

    I've been lone-wolfing for a while, and it's gettin boring, feel free to add me on Steam: TankFodder
  6. TankFodder

    Looking for people to play with

    I'd be interested, feel, free to add me on steam: TankFodder
  7. Steam: TankFodder Age: 19 TS3: Already have it Have you been in a clan in the past?: Nope Questions: None
  8. TankFodder

    What makes you kill?

    Take into note I've been playing for only a couple weeks. But the only times I've died to other players was to snipers that I couldn't see. Nearly all the players I've actually interacted with have been wary, but we'd have a short conversation, and go our separate ways. Even two guys with bandit skins at NW Airport. Just yesterday I had a new spawn give me a transfusion, and sent him off with some smoke grenades for his trouble. Call bullshit, or whatever, but I haven't been given a real reason to KOS myself yet
  9. TankFodder

    WTF I'm dancing! and also i'm a COW!

    You've been hacked my friend. I've seen it a couple of times from a distance (Hasn't happened to me). As far as I know, the only cure is death. If you have your inventory still, have a friend kill you and guard you while you respawn, or if you don't care, or don't have it, just gallop into town and let the snipers have at it
  10. Survivor here. I've noticed the average life expectancy on the front page has been increasing. And, since zombies are piss-easy to avoid and kill, the cause is probably not them. Catch me if you can! :P
  11. TankFodder

    You guys are losing your touch.

    *gasp* Logic! My only weakness! Curses, Foiled again!
  12. TankFodder

    Traders and Traitors

    +1 For XOLiD. Trade went quick and easy, no hassle
  13. I'd be willing to trade an M4A3 for the DMR, send me a message if you're interested