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Everything posted by joost4533

  1. joost4533

    Traders and Traitors List

    +1 daveazoicer fast and eay once again :} also thx :D (new to the list)
  2. joost4533

    Swordsworn and Co. Warehouse

    Sorry, i would like to trade for a m14 aim but i dont have anything on ur wanted list :{
  3. joost4533

    Swordsworn and Co. Warehouse

    hey, im looking for 1 tent. dont really now what to give for it.
  4. joost4533

    Traders and Traitors List

    +1 daveazoicer fast and easy.
  5. joost4533

    Free stuff! Military and more!

    Il take a mk 48 mod if u guys still have it
  6. joost4533

    Swordsworn and Co. Warehouse

    Do u have any other assault rifles/guns in that fashion?
  7. joost4533

    Swordsworn and Co. Warehouse

    Hey, im looking for a good assault rifle. Dont have much time atm so il post more in a few hours currently i have a m107 3 mags intressted?
  8. so on this server i am repairing a car but last night i wanted to connect but it didnt work. it hangs on creating character. after 30 seconds it goes into recieving data and it says dayz file ak missing or something ideas? before i could join this server fine. seems weird ;[
  9. joost4533

    Gun reliability to be a factor

    Plastic guns? realy?
  10. joost4533


    So i am currently fixing a car (needs 4 wheels i now pain in the ass) when i came back to it with some parts i saw 2 crashed helicopters in the same area. i already was geared up so i wasnt really exited First one had: 2 M107 1 mag 1 shotgun and a svd camo with 1 mag second: 3 svd camos 1 mag and 1 shotgun. i took the m107 dropped a saw for it currently have a m14 aim and the m107. Good choice?
  11. joost4533

    Crashed Heli - No Loot

    probaly bein looted its not always server problems many times they are looted when u get there
  12. joost4533

    Dog tags

    arent your characters supposed to be just normal guys living in Dayz map? seems a bit odd that they just have dog tags just saying
  13. joost4533

    Crashed Heli - No Loot

    they all spawn with loot (i think) someone must have looted it already. shame
  14. joost4533

    my first kill

    So 10 minutes ago i killed my first person so here is the little story i wanted to share with you guys I logged in to my normal server and as always decided to go hunt for some cars i walked to a house and to my luck i found a motorbike! it worked but had little fuel i decided to go to the nearest town and fuel but i didnt make it left the bike and go on foot then i found a humvee in a field so lucky! had no wheels tho so i decided to go look for some parts found nothing but i heard something and hided in a bush (normaly i abort out of fear, yes i do hate on meh now) i decided this time i manned up and fight this person. he walked near me and i opened fire on him first 3 shots missed and he proned so it whas quite a easy kill. (please note that this whas on the airfield and i concider evryone that is on the airfield to be hostile) Leave your stories below!
  15. joost4533

    my first kill

    Also before i even saw him he threw a grenade in my direction (sounded really close)
  16. joost4533

    my first kill

    when i shot the first 3 bullets that missed i moved and he shot i believe stanag rounds he hit me and then i scoped and hit him in the head.
  17. joost4533


    So i played on a few servers and i havent found a single car/bike etc are they that rare? i have found 1 tractor that whas broken and its not really what i am looking for. Tips?
  18. joost4533

    Improved vehicle system Ideas

    nice idea and also a idea that there are a lot of cars but almost no fuel.
  19. Really? cuse it looks fine to me.
  20. Yes, well i do much better then starting up arma 2 and looking for a server. quicker and better
  21. joost4533


    Also if u cook meat al the bad stuff dies off doesnt it? the bad stuff in the meat
  22. joost4533


    Just a little story of my. So i joined a server with my trusty m4 cco and decided i would go to stary sober to check the tents there. on the way i found FIVE crash sites. first 1 whas empty second one had 3 shotguns third one had THREE dmrs so i took 1 and continued on my way found the fourth chopper didnt really contain anything the last one had M14 aim my fav gun and a saw. in short happy me :} I wantz to hear your stories about crash sites.
  23. Nvm dont need help anymore.
  24. joost4533

    wandering tradesman co

    Thx trade went well even put up with me cuse i spawned near the shore so i had to run 6km! Nice trade smooth quick! Thx.