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Everything posted by joost4533

  1. joost4533

    DayZ Addiction?

    we dont.. where slowly turning into zombies
  2. joost4533

    Hive clearing needed

    LOL what about the players who play fair? just play on a server whit like 10/20 players works fine for me seen no hackers
  3. joost4533

    Things that should reduce banditing

    this is part of the game hopefully they dont change a thing
  4. joost4533

    Trading AS50s and ghillie suits

    2 refined for ghilly.... (jk)
  5. joost4533


    So i have a little story for you guys i just installed dayz evrything worked the first time i played it i just dicked around mastering the controls and stuff like that I died ;[ second spawn was amazing.. i walked 10 feet i saw a house walked to it no doors ;[ i walked around and then i noticed... 2 TENTS full whit lots of goodies 1 drm, silenced m4 (dont now the name) gilly suits backpack lots of ammo this whas realy good cuse i whas a fresh spawn :} This is my story hope u enjoyed! p.s. im still alive when making this post!
  6. joost4533

    dayz commander

    Heya i just started playing dayz i can join servers but sometimes it hangs on loading when i try to download dayz commander it says it could be harmful for my pc and stuff like that Should i download it or not? also when i update dayz/arma 2 or any does my items reset ?
  7. joost4533

    dayz commander

    Thx master
  8. joost4533

    dayz commander

    Okay thx 1 more thing when i update dayz/ arma 2 does my gear reset? And som1 told me that i should stay out of beta updates? explain master please.
  9. joost4533


  10. joost4533


    Hello! i am a noob at dayz i just bought arma 2 combined operations, installed dayz joined a server evrything worked good but... Walking is realy weird it doesnt go smooth (like in other peoples videos) how do i get third person? (i now i can find this in the option menu but i cant for some weird reason) Please help me if u can Thx!
  11. joost4533


    it says that it can harm my pc not sure
  12. joost4533


    Okey evrything works now for some weird reason the third person key whas not bound to anything thx for all the help il download dayz commander, but is it safe to download?
  13. joost4533


    i also cant figure out how to go third person tried evrything the server says its on help
  14. joost4533


    Oke thx i also have problems whit joining servers i keep getting stuck on loading after the character creation any ideas?