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Everything posted by Ragstorm88

  1. What settings make it easier to spot people that are like running in a forest or hiding inside a bush i guess first thing to change would be shadows:off ?
  2. Hello i've been playing dayZ for a year and since playing solo i'm looking for somebody +17 years old WHO HAS TIME TO PLAY.I'm looking for somebody highly skilled because i'm planing on recording and making a lot of videos or livestreaming. I'm 17 years old from Bulgaria with pretty open mind as my martial arts medals from championships approving it studing in a sergeant military school. In arma 2 and DayZ in general i can operate with any weapon or vehicle.I don't know what more to say neither i like talking about myself if you have anything to ask just PM me and i can send you some gameplay that i recorded last few days. I can use both Skype and Teamspeak
  3. Ragstorm88

    Looking for experienced mate or 2

    added you but looks like you can't receive my messege or you are offline
  4. Ragstorm88

    LFG for DayZ Caribou

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aj14K_ukTaY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qRH-XAfjC4 I'm looking for somebody who is pretty good in killing people because that's what i do in this game to have fun i mean somebody who plays tactical and survive more than avarage players
  5. Ragstorm88

    Best settings for spotting people

    haha PM me and we can 1v1 anytime
  6. Ragstorm88

    Day Z Videos

  7. Ragstorm88

    Day Z Videos

  8. I'm trying to fix my settings so i can record good quaility without losing a lot of FPS. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ib9QpWDE_-w Is the quality any good, and if you can print screen your settings for maximum fps no matter what the graphics look like id be happy to see it. Thanks have a nice day P.S. i'm still looking for squad/duo mate PS> here is a second 1 i made shortly after
  9. Ragstorm88

    Please give me feedback about my video

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Im64VPLsuXk&feature=youtu.be theres a second 1 i made
  10. Ragstorm88

    Looking for a EU based clan

    How come CQC be broken in arma 2 lol
  11. Ragstorm88

    in need of some skilled bandits

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aj14K_ukTaY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qRH-XAfjC4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ib9QpWDE_-w Why you should choose me over others at my age of 17 is the reason that i have mature thinking by that i mean i know how to use my brain because ive played on 2 karate world championships 2 weeks ago was my second where i finish 4rd out of 21 and the second thing is that i'm practicing military preparation from 1 year and i have expirience as you can see in my videos. how long have you been playing? Since release of DayZ how active are you? Every day whats your play style(sniper,assault rifle, scouter)?:My Favorite play styles are 1st place Machine gunner second sniper third assault easiest way to access you.(pref. Skype)? Skype is Lestat_1996 age? 17
  12. I took a little break from arma 2 and DayZ because i was playing arma 3 but now i'm kind of hungry for dayZ. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aj14K_ukTaY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qRH-XAfjC4 i'm not really into sniping but i can do well at it i just prefer long range LMG engagement.Please watch the videos from start to end and decide if i'm capable of doing your job.
  13. Ragstorm88

    Looking for a experienced sniper

    I took a little break from arma 2 and DayZ because i was playing arma 3 but now i'm kind of hungry for dayZ. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qRH-XAfjC4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aj14K_ukTaY i'm not really into sniping but i can do well at it i just prefer long range LMG engagement.Please watch the videos from start to end and decide if i'm capable of doing your job.
  14. Ragstorm88

    Help a new YouTuber

    Hello guys and girls since ive got my new PC ive always wanted to make videos and livestream (when i get some more money for xsplit license) to entertain people and i'm wondering how to grow my channel.For example what kind of videos you guys prefer to watch Kill montages or a long video without cuts, Which game modes Breaking point,dayZ,wasteland or Arma 3.The choise of music any feedback and critics are welcome i need to improve and i hope you help me :) have a great day. Here you can watch 2 videos i made 1 month ago: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qRH-XAfjC4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aj14K_ukTaY
  15. First what i bring.I'm 17 years old I've been playing arma 2 for 1 year mostly wasteland deathmatch and DayZ i usualy end up top 5 by kills in every wasteland server i play but i don't want to shine myself if you want to test my expirience we can always do some deathmatch i can fly helicopters,I'm very active i play every day +2GMT. What i'm looking for Team or a player that is capable of keeping good communication in combat not some screaming woman.Similar expirienced,Not greedy and be MATURE and BTW... my computer is not the best one so i'm playing with around 15-20 fps on 30/40 players servers i can still fight but it's a little harder.
  16. Hello.A short introduction about myself playing FPS games for 11 years started with cs 1.5 than 6 status battlefield veteran and now i'm in DayZ.I'm playing DayZ from 4 months.I have experience leading squads played many battlefield tournaments and also practice paintball and airsoft for 2 years which gave me alot of expirience how to work with team in fire fight situations.My play style is really aggressive i'm a bandit (hate me i don't care) i'm not really into shooting unarmed players but if he is about taking the loot i'm going for he is tango down.I love moving around cherno and elektro taking out bandits and helping newspawns when i'm solo if i get to play with somebody else or a bigger group i'd love to go up north building a camp finding helis,cars PvP around stary and airfield. I'm from Bulgaria my name is Йордан English one Jordan people call me Dante I'm 16 years old.Time zone is +2 have skype,vent,team speak I'm playing every day from 13/14:00 monday,wednesday and friday i have trainings which i can't miss for any reason it's about championships on world level.hmmm dunno what more to say just massage me if you have any other questions. Skype: Lestat_1996 If you have time theres 13 min video on youtube with name DayZ hostage it's my first time playing DayZ taking out entire squad and a hostage xD
  17. Ragstorm88

    Best Custom DayZ Servers

    UK#10 your best choise 200 vehicles 80/80 players every night they will lift it to 100 in a week constant 3/4 admins which you can connect directly on teamspeak no custom stuff anyway
  18. get on this team speak and search Ragstorm i have massive group playing all maps
  19. can you guys recommend me some spot on panthera map where i can hide a helicopter and have it safe there
  20. just all the brainless trolls away from this topic
  21. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/107480-experienced-player-lf-partnersquad-to-play-with/#entry1013657 check my post or find Lestat_1996 skype
  22. yep playing fps since i was 4 years old
  23. Ragstorm88

    Underrated Weapons

    Double Barrel + Pellets + close range = instant 32k dmg