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About svenson

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    On the Coast
  1. Lol, this "It's an alpha"-argument is so funny. We have had hackers in Arma2 since years. These hacks are working with EVERY multiplayer game in Arma2, not only DayZ. So, deal with it or stop playing.
  2. svenson

    DayZ needs objective other than survival

    I think, objectives or goals are opposite to the game concept: Emergent gameplay. Atm, there is a lack of game aspects, which allow people to evolve this kind of gameplay (form a team, establish persistant values, etc.). In my opinion, emergent gameplay is impossible with a bunch of lonewolfs. We need a bit more COOP in the mod.
  3. Yes' date=' thats a fact. I ruins the game for many ppl. I agree. Everything we see is cheats (gamma setting, server in wrong timezone, etc.) or server-hopping (bad ping). The real-time thing was a nice idea, but its a big FAIL.
  4. Bingo! No need to change anything else but the stupid real-time. Bonus: Dayz will be played by a new group of ppl: Non-unemployed adults.
  5. svenson

    Fireplace and tent placement

    +1. Plz change tent + fire placement.
  6. svenson

    Winny changes

    You all miss the point: Yes, guns are loud, but zombies usually lost their hearing: Source: http://www.fvza.org/zscience2.html That is why zeds are not able to hear ANY gun beyond 50m (except they are "fresh"). This HAS to be fixed. Everything else is UNREALISTIC. ;-)
  7. svenson

    WTF a jet ?

    Do not believe in things like "permabans". These hackers are using spoofed ids. If they get banned, they just create a new id (which is not banned). Hacking will be much worse soon. We had the same thing with other popular mods/missions (like Warfare and Domination). It began to get better, when the Arma2 community faded out. The hackers lost their interest to develop new battleeye hacks. It seems, their interest is back.... They will destroy the whole dayz thing soon. Its not really funny if you play for hours or days and then you lose all your gear because a hacker kills all players on the map with one click... Atm, there is no "open hack" available, but probably this will change soon: http://thisgamesux.net/vb/showthread.php?t=29619
  8. Most ppl here dont get the key from the initial post. Its about "values" and not how to prevent server hopping. My ideas for "persistant values" in a cross-server environment: * values can be saved and "reinstantiated" (manually) by a user/group. * a value disappears when its saved. * values can be reinstantiated on every server (=transfered) * a value (e.g. fortification) is not fixed to a position, but it has some instantiation restrictions (e.g. distance to other values, out of spawn area, time between instantiations, etc.). All you need is something to form up groups, sharing the ability to save or instantiate (common) values. Call this feature: Aristocracy.