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Everything posted by freds765

  1. freds765

    Recruiting players to join current squad.

    From UK Age 21 5+ months experience
  2. freds765

    Looking for partner!

    I'll be on this Friday (UK time) and Saturday and Sunday. PC_James45 is my name on skype.
  3. freds765

    Looking for a uk clan to be in??

    Btw, in recent playings on Day Z i've noticed an increase in vehicles driving along the coastal towns of elektro and cherno. I'd like to find a vehicle spawn and fix it up and drive around. If we get a few more guys, 2 more should be easy to get, we can have some fun as a group of 4 in a car. There are areas of the map I have never explored, and I think it'll be good to check them out. Or we can do whatever u wna do neways
  4. freds765

    Looking for a uk clan to be in??

    I have no clan, but i'm in the UK. I will play with you this weekend and Friday night if ur on. add me on skype. PC_James45. Anyone else reading this can add me. I use teamspeak as well. As I said I don't have a clan because I only play weekends, but I play with a few other guys sometimes so you play with us too, but it's not a regular 'clan'. Nevertheless it will still be fun. If you add me, I'll accept it on Friday.
  5. Hi. I am a regular player on Day Z, on weekends (Friday, Saturday Sunday) GMT time. I'm looking to start a group of players who play on weekends too. If you play week days and weekends or just weekends, drop me a PM. we can use skype or teamspeak. i like to hang around elektro and cherno, and see whats going on n what adventures we can have. im from the UK. i'll play with anyone. ive got a lot of experience, so new players drop me a PM and i'll show u the ropes.
  6. freds765

    Noob looking for Some help And Group

    yo. PM me ur skype name
  7. do u have skype? id be happy to show u the ropes. PM with ur skype add is ur interested
  8. freds765

    looking to start clan

    PC_james45 add me on skype
  9. freds765

    I need people to play DAYZ with!!!!!

    add me. PC_James45
  10. yo. if you get team speak 3, you can play with me and some of my m8s, we are bandits too. ill pm you
  11. freds765

    1-2 ppl to play with ...

    check ur skype
  12. Hi. I want to start finding other players and getting into PvP situations. I'm new to the game. I have tried servers with 30-40 players, and so far I have only tried out Elekro, but I haven't found any other players yet! any tips??? I don't want to camp at an airfield, I would rather stay in a city. But if I have to go to an airfield I will. any tips?
  13. do you have skype? I use skype to communicate. i'm on now, we can play if u want
  14. Day Z name: PC How long have you played Day Z: 2 months Time Zone: GMT London PvP experience: quite a lot, I like to play in elektro and cherno in high populated servers, scavenging what I can and killing better players to take their guns (instead of looting the airfields etc) ​ Favorite Gun Combo: Hatchet, M4A1 CCO, AS50 Hope to play with you guys soon
  15. freds765

    Daily Dayz survival group

    yes i will join
  16. freds765

    looking for survivors to team with

    I will join you. I do not have steam. How do we connect?