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About RigoReyes

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. The main reason I have an issue with it is because the zombies are dumb. They've clearly lost their reasoning, but somehow they know to hit the "button on the chin" and produce a knockout? I know its a dice-roll, but it removes believability from the game. If they're strong enough to break a limb with a single strike, then the likelyhood of them doing that should be way higher. If they're capable enough to give you a knockout hit then they should be more capable at finding you or dodging your attacks I can understand the concept of multiple zombies attacking you and producing an opening that could knock you on your ass, but not a single lone zombie that the server decided had hit me before I hit him.
  2. Wonderful game, seriously. Bandits are assholes, but that's life. What sucks and just ruins the game is the ability for zombies to knock you out and to break your limbs with one hit. I just lost a life where I had all sorts of gear, doing perfectly fine and one zombie runs up to me and knocks me out with one hit and eats me right then and there. I had over 3/4 of my blood, every other zombie that had attacked me didn't pack that kind of a wallop, so wtf? You can justify this a million different ways, at the end of the day it ruins the experience. A person that has survived long enough and killed over 150 zombies with just a hatchet is not going to suddenly receive the knockout punch of a lifetime from a stupid zombie especailly when he's anticipating its arrival in order to bury that hatchet into it.
  3. RigoReyes

    Everybody is a enemy

    I've only been playing for a week...and I have to say that for the first 3-4 days I agreed. Every single person I interacted with shot me. My first time ever running into someone in the game I was running through a forest sneakily (read the guides). I kept scanning everywhere when suddenly I see a player, I turn around in shock, about to hit caps lock to speak, he says, "Hey there" and next thing I knew, I was dead. Second time, was sneaking about at night and shot at, drop, turn around, see him firing. Attempt to return fire with my revolver, dead. Third time, sneaking into a church during daytime hoping to find some loot, hear gunfire, sneak around, peer around the corner, see 3 bandits in a car!. Run away, they try to run me over, I cut the corner of the church, they stop in front, I run back around and (stupidly) go into the church hoping to find something to defend myself with. Killed by automatic fire at the front of the church.... Every one of those deaths was incredible, and the main reason I love this game (I am hooked beyond belief). Was I murdered, yes, but where else could I ever get close to that experience (sorry, I'll pass on that option in real life). After that I started running into other players and saw that some where friendly, in one instance I was sneaking up on a zombie when out of nowhere another survivor gets up around a corner (zombie was heading that way). I get spooked, he doesn't fire, I kill the zombie with my axe and the survivor went on his merry way. My favorite so far, is one where I saw someone turn bandit. I was in an industrial area and was running about, ran into one guy who told me to keep running (I was being chased by like five zombies) ran into a building where another guy came in the other side (the zombies were now chasing him) he told me to pick up the axe on the floor (looked like he had an M1911), got it, took out all of the zombies. He ran up the stairs and ran into the other guy that saved me...they had a firefight and the guy that saved me originally survived....I was shocked because all of the blood was going through the floor. The guy that survived sounded conflicted "Guess I'm a bandit now" told me to take the guys gun....told him I couldn't, was against my morals. From that moment on, decided I would never profit from the death of another player (haven't yet, was thinking of going bandit for a while). Yeah, some people are dicks, but there's also good people. You don't play the game for the gear, you play it for the experience, and the smart enemies make it so worthwhile.