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About SlamBliss

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. SlamBliss

    Day Z Wallpapers

    Didn't really add any filters to them
  2. SlamBliss

    DayZ Screenshots!

    And these are slightly edited to be wallpapers, so I posted them there http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=6512&pid=69322#pid69322
  3. Does being close to the edge of the map make you massively drop in temperature, as well?
  4. Man, my gameplay this morning has 100% been about temperature. I forgive the horrible rates before the hotfix. I actually didn't mind it much after that, I died to get rid of my cold simply because anti-biotics weren't worth the time and my friends would be on soon, and on my way back to my body, I found a vehicle. This vehicle apparently had a few broken windows, but for some reason the temperature drop didn't kick in until I had been driving it for a looong while. It actually didn't drop until I got out of the vehicle and repaired 3/4 of the broken windows. And when it kicked in, it kicked in HARD. Like, I was losing more than 20 temp a minute. So I got out of the vehicle, and my temperature continued to go down. It however was going down at a much slower pace this time. Got back into the vehicle to the melody of "Fuck it, I already caught a cold" and decided to write a post here because I've been at 0 temperature while sprinting through sunny fields for at least a half hour now. This was kind of a shitty move for the mod, in my observance. Most of my friends upon hearing about the glitchy temperature system simply scoffed and haven't touched the game since the patch, and these are longtime veterans of games like FOnline: 2238, so they're used to games that aren't for the faint of heart. Really though, you should have at least waited to release this until you had hatchets or something. I don't even need to restate how stupid it is, not being able to find wood in a forest. Too many people before me have already done so in detail.
  5. No, that'd be way too painful on people who DON'T serverhop. Mayhaps, only 3-5 servers an hour? As for loot camping, that'd be way more difficult to fix, I think. Maybe after a certain density in a zone, items no longer spawn? That'd at least make them leave the building they're camping in to throw down the trash, exposing them. Could mess up Stary Sabor's military camp, however.
  6. Camping a lootspawn and server hopping are pretty pathetic, and the worst part is that people don't even try to hide it. Example below, someone teaching their friend how to camp the barracks. I can't say "THAT ISN'T HOW THE GAME IS MEANT TO BE PLAYED" because it isn't my place to say such a thing. It however from my point of view is robbing people of an authentic SURVIVAL horror experience.