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Everything posted by Snowboarder

  1. Snowboarder

    bad CD Key

    go to steam and go to your library, right click arma 2 oa, click properties, go to local files, click verify integrity of game cache.
  2. Snowboarder

    Advice on graphics optimization

    lol i run 2.8ghz everything on high and the game runs perfect.
  3. buy a new copy of arma 2 co
  4. I think its Taviana, what do you guys think?
  5. Snowboarder

    What's your best moment in DayZ?

    we found our first bus, fixed it up and drove away after hours of running from place to place :D
  6. Snowboarder

    What is the best DayZ map so far?

    I have to agree, chernarus is a better constructed map; but taviana is just so nice for people that like to fly aircraft... like me ^^
  7. Snowboarder

    Help cant play anymoe lag

    virus protection takes up cpu which will slow your game down. in your case, you must disable this when you are playing
  8. Come play on our server and enjoy the airports filled with all sorts of aircraft! ***Just make sure to download the Taviana 2.0 map off of DayZcommanderand you will be ready to join*** :thumbsup: ***For people who have not used Team speak*** Download Teamspeakclient, go to connections, click connect, and there you will see a box that says "Server Address" and there you type : mist.pure-voice.net:8032 Then hit Connect Teamspeak server is : mist.pure-voice.net:8032 There will be vehicles placed around the map as well so you can set up camp where ever you want! When on the Arma OA server list, go to remote and type these in the correct boxes. Address: Port: 2302 Or Go to DayZ commander, Favorites tab and type the in the first box and 2302 in the second box and it will appear in your favorites as: DayZTaviana - (2.0/100296) - Hosted By Red Gaming 1327 | HFBservers.com Live gameplay of the server can be found here: http://www.twitch.tv/xxnoob_sl4y3rxx http://www.twitch.tv/xrednek_13x http://www.twitch.tv/x1xsnafux1x
  9. We had two players come in today and hopefully you guys will post about your in game experience. Hope to see you again Andrew and David! Vehicles are still being moved around and loadouts are being adjusted, so if you guys have any suggestions make sure to post up and we will see what we can do!
  10. They are right, your pc specs are fine, its probably the server. Most servers are very good at restarting so they don't lag, make sure to join a server that constantly resets to prevent in game lag.
  11. Snowboarder

    DayZ Commander install problems

    Try using other browsers and temporarily turning off your firewalls.
  12. Pretty cool huh? join our server here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/120376-new-dayz-taviana-20-private-hive-friendly-admins-fun-community-300-vehicles/
  13. stop posting on my threads. and watch this video Compared to DayZ, arma 2 is dead. Its like comparing Cod 4 to mw3, people still play cod 4, but tons more play Mw3. Now onto your next statement "go play combined ops or something" Think to yourself why i might have posted this thread on a DAYZMOD website? ***Spoiler alert.... Its because i like to play Dayz***
  14. because arma 2 is a dead game and dayz is 100 times more popular
  15. Snowboarder

    I was told to contact dayz staff

    yeah we fixed it. It was something with the loadout for players that was messing it up.
  16. Snowboarder

    I was told to contact dayz staff

    Well i was able to join and load the game. I'm pretty sure It would said incorrect version if that was the issue.
  17. Snowboarder

    Dayz aircraft carrier mod

  18. Snowboarder

    Dayz aircraft carrier mod

  19. I will trade for the following items/weapons [bear trap, M4A1 HWS M203, M107] I currently have: SVD Camo L85A2 AWS (Inferred/Night Vision) M4A3 CCO Mk 48 Mod 0 M14 AIM AS50 Satchel Charges M4A3 CCO Silenced AS50 TWS (Thermal) Camo Clothing M240 M249 Saw Antibiotics MP5 (Silenced) FN FAL Night Visio Bison PP19
  20. Snowboarder

    i want a sniper! please help?

    ill leave you a sniper ina tent if you message me
  21. We play every day and we are very good at Dayz. If you are looking for players that are chill, but also competitive when it comes to killing please post or shoot me a message on here.
  22. Thanks for not shooting me on site rofl