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Everything posted by Snowboarder

  1. uhhh genius that's what is a ban able offense.
  2. Thats right you forget. The more people that spread hacked weapons, the more level the playing field is. Obviously a lot of people use these weapons, so you might as well use them yourself or you are leaving yourself at a disadvantage. And for not using them you gain what......the pride of not using hacked weapons? Is pride worth leaving yourself at a huge disadvantage?
  3. Players are encouraged to pick up hacked weapons because it makes the playing field fair. The only thing you are not allowed to do is script the weapon into the server and I would say about 30% of players have that weapon.
  4. screw you devs and fix the spawns. you disabled the respawn button, so you might as well fix this shit.
  5. Please child go back into your turtle shell. what an internet warrior we got here rofl
  6. Snowboarder

    As50 AWS

    please. everyone has that gun
  7. Make the bone animations real and enable your character to break other bones and not just the leg. A compound fracture animation would be an awesome addition to this game.
  8. Of course they don't always break the skin... but when they do its called a compound fracture and if you jump from a building and land on your feet its possible. im just saying it would be a cool animation to add in... maybe even a skin bump to show the bone is def broken
  9. Please. Back to the constructive comment... Yes, you are right about not being able to walk a compound fracture off, but i think actually having animations that illustrate a broken/fractured/sprained bone would be cool. ie: if you sprain your foot you can only walk, broken wrist doesn't immobilize you but makes vision blurry and guns extremely inaccurate. Maybe a limping animation
  10. He has teleport mods and knows where you are on the map at all times. Our squad managed to kill him 4 times before he finally teleported right and got 2 of us and then teleported to me on a mountain 700m away. He is killable, but teleports and map hacks
  11. iIts a video game dude. they did it in Far Cry 2 look it up
  12. Snowboarder


    Multiple threads....***Deleted**
  13. Snowboarder

    How about a Kill Cam?

    If the DayZ game would show the person who killed you, you could definitely get rid of some of the hackers. I'm sure a lot of you dayz players have been teleported to an open area by a hacker and then got mowed down. If someone videos that happening, we can easy identify the hacker. And i know this would be beneficial in a number of other scenarios. Also, there would probably be an overflow of accusations, so the staff would have to develop a ticket system of some sort to handle all of the accusations or something... maybe the moderators could handle it i dont know... This would only get rid of a small number of the hackers, so we would have to figure out another way to stop them, but this is a simple update that would at least decrease the amount of hackers by a little. A simple update could make the dayz experience just a little bit more enjoyable. If not maybe if you study the body you could see your killer?
  14. Snowboarder

    Hive Down?

    lol i have red chain all the time and i never lose anything rofl. silly forum noobs.
  15. What does that mean and is it possible for the server to go back up?
  16. Snowboarder

    What does it mean if a server is down?

    i am concerned because my friend and i had 5 tents on it lol
  17. Snowboarder

    3-4 hackers on US 875 right now

    there are no hackers on 875 i play on that server every single day. are you mad that you got killed loL?
  18. Snowboarder

    Server Question

    When i try to join a server off DayZ commander, it says waitng for host and never lets me in. the ping is 10000 and the arma version doesnt appear above the DayZ version and the players icon is a "/". When i join it just says waiting for host.. I was just in the server yestarday. Anyone else experiencing similar problems?? Version 95948