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About grundose

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Those of you who have, feel free to judge me all you want. It doesn't really matter. I'm willing to bet though, any of you who have had to deal with the menace that "hackers" are creating, and then got a false positive ban and were in the same boat I am in would be pretty pissed yourselves. Will I actually "go to the dark side" probably not. I'm just venting my frustration, but I will remain pissed, and I will not be buying the standalone if Battleye remains the cheat detection software. I'm out my 30 bucks now, I hope it doesn't happen to you, yet at the same time I do. Go ahead and cast your stones.
  2. So I had a false positive or something occur on Monday, because when I tried to join a server tuesday all I see now is that I've got a global ban. I've e-mailed support@battleye.com with my ban id and everything hoping to get it overturned. 4 days later and still no response. I see this guys policy is to not respond whatsoever if he investigates and declared you to be a hacker. Has anyone else appealed and been successful? How long did it take? Being as it's been 4 days and I've heard nothing yet I'm running out of patience. I'm starting to conclude this guy who runs this shitty "cheat prevention software"(which doesn't appear to fucking work as i've been banned and there's still plenty of "hackers" out there) either doesn't care, or hasn't looked into it properly and just assumed i'm a hacker. I'm trying my hardest not to resort to childish temper tantrum mode. As fucked as it is, having been a legitimate player and being banned, if this doesn't get resolved I will try my damnedest to come back, and this time around I will be part of the problem that so many of us hate. I really hope it doesn't come to that. This is desperation. Anyone any sort of information on this appeal process?