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About Ghosthits

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    On the Coast

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  1. I think you are missing the point here. Sure, maybe the Makarov SD isnt a gamebreaker overpowered gun. What upsets the balance is the amount of hacked weapons brought into the game, it does nothing but flood the game with supposedly "RARE" items. The game is not intended to be a Run n' Gun shooter, but rather a zombie survival simulation with some military loot involved. When you see someone with say an MK 48 mod 0 in game, you should be scared, rather then looking at him through the thermal scope of an L85, with any number of sniper rifles in your pack and a full kit. now i just used mostly examples of hacked or duped items already in the game... add in the amount of items not in the LOOT TABLES to the game and chaos ensues. Now any noob that has never even made it to the northwest airfield is decked out in very rare or non existent items. Basically this game isnt intended to be a showcase of weapons, it is intended to be a showcase of survival... adding all the hacked/duped weapons and it becomes something entirely different. COD,CS,BF, but instead of a menu you have hacked camps.
  2. Ghosthits

    What is the minecraft model?

    To explain it in a few words, Basically means releasing the game in an alpha/beta stage and developing/adding as you get community input.
  3. It works.... You need to run the program as an admin... right click and select "run as admin".
  4. Ghosthits

    [ZH] Zombie Hords is Recruiting

    In-game Name:Ghosted (been my name in most games, did not know about ghosting untill Dayz....) Steam name:Keatzman Age:28 The current time zone you're residing in(UTC): Pacific Mic:Yes How long you've been playing:just over a month Your preferred role and/or weapon: Pilot / Operator. I am a fairly decent sniper, understanding mildots / ranging. I enjoyed using the M16A4 Acog as well. Humanity(bandit/survivor/hero): Last i checked my Humanity was at 4275. But thats just cause i have some friends that like to break thier legs..... so im flexible I am a decent pilot with experience flying in game. Also as far as orienteering... i dont get lost. Basically looking to Expand my in game experience with groups goals and something resembling Structure and Purpose.