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Quantic (DayZ)

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About Quantic (DayZ)

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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    Don't tell me you're friendly, it just comes down to wether you kill me or I kill you.
  1. Quantic (DayZ)

    All my stuff is gone?

    Your "brother" probably played on your acc and had you killed. :]
  2. Quantic (DayZ)


    /fucks your life
  3. Quantic (DayZ)

    Stuck in loading screen

    Search function, tralala!
  4. Quantic (DayZ)

    Stuck on last loading screen

    I've already told you, join other servers. If your old favourites doesn't work; too bad, blame Rocket.
  5. Quantic (DayZ)

    Debug monitor gone?

    Yea, it's gone. D: I can see the water, blood, food, and temperature thingies, but not the debug monitor. Is it supposed to be like this? xd Q
  6. Quantic (DayZ)

    Banned for No Reason?

    You don't get banned for no reason. You obviously did something, hence you were banned. Anyway, send a mail to Battleye.
  7. Quantic (DayZ)

    Stuck on last loading screen

    Goddamnit, USE SEARCH FUNCTION! Try joining different servers and eventually you'll find one that works. Jesus Christ...
  8. Quantic (DayZ)

    Forever waiting

    No, you have obviously not tried the search option. Not good enough, anyway. It's pretty much a server-side bug, and if you just try joining other servers, eventually it will work.
  9. Quantic (DayZ)

    Banned for doing nothing?

    Seriously. Grow. Fucking. Up. This is beginning to look like some goddamn kindergarden. Instead of playing Tony Montana on the net, just goddamn answer this guys questions and leave it be. If he's a hacker, then he got fucked with all right, if he's not.. well, too bad, but that's none of your concern, really. Stop messing around and get a fucking life. Read Hemingway or something.
  10. Quantic (DayZ)

    Banned for doing nothing?

    Ya, makes sense bro. Blame yourself.
  11. Do us all a favor and watch the videos before you respond. :> Then, explain what you did, how you did it.. somewhere it went wrong, righto?
  12. Quantic (DayZ)


    No no, hacking is fine and will have no consequenses. Think for yourself, maybe?
  13. Yo. So yea, looking for people to play DayZ with. I was considering taking my characters life and start over, but yea.. if anyone want to play, add. DremoraZ on steam jackepackex on Skype
  14. Quantic (DayZ)


    You wait for your character to die out of dehydration.
  15. Quantic (DayZ)

    Stuck on ( Setup completed, Please wait...)

    Don't know how to fix it, but really.. telling the entire community that you have the same problem (we all pity you anyway, there's no need to remind us of how shitty your conditions are) brings noothing good. Just wait for someone to help you.