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Everything posted by FatBongTokes420

  1. Looking for mature players to form a squad with or a clan to join either or, getting tired of looting nwaf then heading back south on a long walk to pvp. I could never trust someone i met in DayZ so this is the only way I see any good groups or teamwork being formed. Tired of walking everywhere, I check vehicle spawns everytime I play....never anything everytime i fucking check. Only been picked up once then lost connection hahah, so if your group or clan has vehicles im defiantly down to join up. Im 21 years old, live in phoenix, AZ so id be looking for a US group. Im a mean shot with a sniper rifle, also really good with a assault rifle and ruthless as fuck when it comes to killing people. I fucking trust no one I meet and id hope posting in the bandit section will help me team up with like minded survivors. Just reply here or shoot me a pm, I can download teamspeak if necessary as well just havnt needed to playing solo.
  2. Age: 21 steam name: FatBongTokes420 how long have you played: About a month now Timezone: UTC Pacific equipment you currently have: Died killing snipers at NWAF haha, so currently looting but ill have a assault or sniper layout here quickly
  3. FatBongTokes420


    Character Name: Fatbongtokes420 Why are you a good team player? I believe in constant communication and teamwork, a solid plan and objective is also a necessacity. How many hours per week do you play? I play atleast once a day for a few hours, its really the only game i make time for Real Name: Ryan What is your favorite weapon? M4A1 CCO SD or Any sniper honestly How Long Have You Played Dayz: About a month now What Can YOU Offer The Clan: Maturity and communication especially during raids and pvp. Will never leave a man behind and always look out for my fellow squad members. I can also bring humor and some good conversation when out of combat situations :) Are You Prepared sacrifice your items to save squad members: Any time....anywhere, whatever it takes to complete the mission succesfuly What is most important to you in Dayz? Finding a squad and building a base.....solo is no fun, i never find vehicles..... Time Zone: UTC-8 Pacific Time Age: 21 Additional Comment: Actually fantastic at graphics design.....I can get back into it if need be to make banners for clan forums or signatures ect....