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About Torke

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  1. Thinking about making a training application but still not fully convinced? Ive learned ALOT from them in one day. They did teach me: -how to spot snipers in ghillie and how to avoid their vision so they wont be able to shoot you -how to drive vechiles -how to shoot sniper rifles and to use zeroing properly -where to find vechile parts and some other usefull things. They are patient and good teachers. They explain things in good way so even with basic english skills i understood 100% what they were trying to teach me. You will have good laugh and zero stress during whole process. I encourage every newbie who is willing to learn to make an application. I did and i do not regret it. T.
  2. Torke

    Being a hero versus being a bandit

    The ''old-new'' thing happened - Karma. When i was in Stary i saw two guys coming my way. One of them had and AKM, second had CZ550 on his back and Silenced gun in hand. They saw me too. I tried to hide in market. Then all started: -Are you friendly - they asked -I am friendly guys! Im no threat ! Out of ammo! - i replied When they heard out of ammo they started to sprint in my direction. When they entered the shop gun blazing they had a little suprise. I was bluffing. I could see suprise and fear in their eyes when i was pointing my double barrel at them from 3 meters. I blasted guy with AKM before he even blink. Second one got hit too i think because he started to bleed - guess what ALT+F4. I took some stuff from dead body and was waiting till the second one log to help his friend recover body. But he outsmarted me..... He logged on another server, changed position and loged back in on server i was. I had no chance. I got hit by sniper rifle from afar in face when i was peeking outside with Q. Guess what - KARMA. Session lost. When i logged in i was alive and had all items i looted. So thanks for MAP, AKM, AMMO and ofc Beans. Sniper rifle, attacking unarmed, alt+f4, server hop. All in one. Damn coward.
  3. Torke

    Getting chased by an helicopter.

    Damn mate. I think that was ''the best way to lose your car''. Heli chase, people shooting from it. Like in action movie :D
  4. They try to kill because: -they know you will not shoot on sight so they can get adventage of getting closer -they think you have awesome gear on you -they are sure you will not fight back and lose your hard earned humanity points Some survivors are far more aggresive than bandits.
  5. Give it a try. I did and i do not regret it. Game is awesome i played it for 14hours already. I had many interesting encounters and couple less interesting ones (damn snipers, where are you shooting from?!). Also game is much more fun when you play with friend. And i mean real friend who wont be mad when you smoke him out with grenade because he took your beanz. Is it worth waiting for standalone? Well to be honest i think not. Hop in alpha and get into standalone as veteran not newbie. This game have very nice system ''easy to learn hard to master'' and it reward smart and patient players. Guy who is not patient and does not move in cover will be blasted by bandits. Guy who is patient will avoid encounter or even shoot that bandit in back when he move to another position. It is a sandbox so everything is...um.... well in ''your mind''. If you like doing scenarios for yourself then you will have lots of fun. About hackers - i have not seen one. And if i do i will just server jump. There are more than 4k+ servers available for me in DayZ Commader. Sorry for my bad english. I hope i could help. -T
  6. Torke

    Being a hero versus being a bandit

    Unarmed guy apporached me in barn chased by couple zeds. I had hatchet and there was another one in room (long barns have small rooms). When i was fighting off zombies i told guy with my funny English on mic to pick up hatchet instead of slashing him on spot. He armed himself and ran off. Im pretty sure he did not respond because he was laughing hard at my accent. I hope he's fine by the way ;D
  7. Torke

    Killed attackers and....

    Nice post. Thanks.
  8. Torke

    Killed attackers and....

    Still lost 2756 humanity becuase of this situation. Next time i will try to hide better... EDIT: @Dallas - so my humanity restore over time?
  9. I was attacked by 2 armed guys. They shoot first. I was able to kill one and wound second. I bandaged myself, he bandaged. We started shooting again. I ran out of ammo, changed to hatchet and hide. He found me and killed me with weapon before i was able to reach him with my axe. Then i noticed something. Game count my kill as murder and now i have -256 humanity (i had 2500). So next time i get attacked i just have to let them kill me? So i wont become bandit? This is stupid... I really wanted to be good guy. I was just defending myself. I called ''friendly'' ofc.
  10. It happened to me today. I am total newbie and i was looking for weapons/food yesterday for a really long time. Got not much and logged out close to Bop (Bor). Couple minutes ago i tried to log in into same server. All items dissapear and i was in some kind of strange area (debug area? There was nothing there). I reloged again to find myself close to sea and without any items.... EDIT: @up Im sure i did not log out close to any tree or bush. I logged out in plain grass. I was crouching - maybe i should not do that when i log out?
  11. I am friendly and also im total newbie so please don't shoot ;D Cya in game.