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I've had this message three times today alone, before today it has never happened as far as I know, but earlier I bumped into a hacker and took a laser marker off one of his many dead bodies, perhaps it's something to do with that? I've heard they are hacked in, but I have also found one at a spawn point.
Some people dont know what a coward is.
Axz replied to Jeff the killer's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Ok: 1) Wow. 2) Cool. 3) I couldn't have put it any better myself. 4) Sadly I can't see too many people here being able to understand the message of that post. 5) ??? 6) Profit! (Sorry I couldn't help it haha.) And lastly, remind me not to get on your bad side haha. -
Some people dont know what a coward is.
Axz replied to Jeff the killer's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Setting up a trap does not make you a coward, it makes you smarter than the guy who fell into it. I used to put a bear trap in the entracnce to one of the NWAF barracks and put a morphine, painkillers and bandage within sight, if a bandit walked into it, i'd pop him while he working out why he just fell down with a broken leg, if a survivor walked into it I told him there is everything he needs to patch himself up next to him and I leave him a little something to say sorry. (Mostly food to replace blood and things I don't want to use like grenades and satchel charges.) *I stopped doing this as I was hitting WAY more survivors than bandits, one nearly died and I ran to Vydor and got loads of food for him while he waited in a safe spot. Sniper doesn't make you a coward, it makes you ... Well, a sniper. The whole point of being a sniper is to take people out undetected from a safe distance. The whole point of being a survivor is to make sure you don't fall into thier LoS. There are ofc some basterds who will camp and snipe fresh spawns, unarmed players and so on, but they fall into the catagory of dick heads more than snipers. Alt4'ers..... Yea that's mostly cowardly, although it does sometimes have it acceptable uses, I was running through the wilderness and suddenly I was in the south air field bunker with 3 guys pointing guns at me, hackers ofc and I logged out ASAP (didn't alt 4, just pressed esc and clicked abort, alt 4 does nothing for me for some reason). -
Nice guys may finish last, but this is just a game, so ultimatly we win.
Ditto, I have had the game for a few months and have had no problems untill recently, I was playing ealier for about an hour then suddenly got kicked and ever since then every servers ping is 500+. ArmA2, Dayz commander and Dayz are all up to date and on rare occasions some servers that are ping of 20-ish but the second I click on them they go up to 300+ then 500+.
Sadly KoS is quite a large part of encounters, but it doesn't mean you have to do it, I never have and never will, but ultimatly that will end up getting me killed. I'd rather let someone go on with what they where doing that insta-kill them just because I am too scared to lose my stuff, if you get killed because of it then that sucks, but at least that way only one of you that KoS, which is a shite-site better than both of you going KoS.
I was on US 2778 and was riding by the Vybor supermarket and saw some guy standing there but he didn't seem to react to me so i snuck up on him to see what was going on, when I got in there there was about 8 people standing there doing nothing, all where dead bodies but still seemed to be standing up pointing thier gun. They where all the same person, someone called "Asdasasdaasda" (or something like that) he was wearing some kind of red camo, and each of his bodies had a silenced PDW, a radio, a AS50 TWS (Don't know if that's hacked or not) and some had a camo' assualt rifle that had a silencer, scope and grenade launcher a G136-something or other or that's what it looked like anyway. I don't have any screenshots or vid', but this was about an hour ago so he might still be there, I don't have time to hang around I got to leave for work in 15 min's. Summery: US 2778, Vybor supermarket should have a bunch of "dead" guys called Asdasasdaasda all with hacked gear, just letting you guys know.
As Aristotle famously once said "Shit happens.". But seriously, most of what bugs you is bugging me too, i've only been playing a couple of months, but every time I get bugged / glitched / killed by hackers I just play Forgotten Realms Deluxe Edition (Neverwinter Nights, Baldurs' Gate 1+2, Icewind Dale 1+2 and all expainsion packs) DOOM Collectors Edition / SILVER / Mech Commander / Mech Warrior the list goes on and on and on and on...... (Yes i'm a nerd, bite me) DayZ is good, but it ain't got Jack Sprat or his cat on them. I am prescribing you 1 great back up game, when things goes wrong just play that insted, any of the above will do but ultimatly the choice is up to you. Or you could try drugs.... Side effects include wearing a hooded jumper, sudden bouts of theft, a radical drop in IQ, instant and ireverseable death, calling everybody "Blood" and having a greater apreaceation of the song Golden Brown by The Stranglers.
Ghille all the way to the bank, although as you said, it can be made redundant if you bump into the wrong guy.
It's pretty much a PvP area, A huge fortified area on the high ground with plenty of hiding spots / snipers positions, more often there not you won't know you are being targeted untill you are picking your brians up off the floor. I went there once, no problems but then again no loot either. EDIT: I've heard of people going to extreme lengths to hold that area, such as a large clan taking shifts in a chopper circling the area with sniper / heavy fire / explosives support.... Doesn't sound like somewhere I want to revisit haha.
Gentlemen. I present to you: Fritz' Self-Help Initiative
Axz replied to LeYuno (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Fritz as in... Fritz the cat? That was some crazy **** haha. -
People really gotta start hiding their tents in better spots.
Axz replied to Sarevok (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I don't use tents, they are ofc usefull but you only really need 1 gun + ammo, medical supplies and food / water, all of which can be carried with a decent backpack. If you carry two guns by the time you've realised you need the other and have swaped you are already dead. And if it's storage you're after, a vehicle would prob' be a better option, just a mobile tent really. EDIT: And yes I was one of those newbs who placed a tent right at the border in a group of trees thinking "DERP, no one will look here!" -
◥ Killer Clowns ◤ ★ Bandit Clan ★ Gaming Community ★ Multiple Servers ★ Teamspeak 3 ★
Axz replied to Vexxy's topic in Clan / Group Recruitment
Killer Clowns? Wow that's a blast from the past, I remember watching that back to back with Evil Dead and Bottom when they where new.... Followed by MANY sleepless nights, I was only 8 haha. -
I've heard that you cannot get banned for having hacked gear, only from spawning it, but that's just what i've heard, prob' best to play it safe and ditch it.
1) Let's get this established early, I NEVER exspose myself to anyone besdies medics on rare occasions, and even then i'm on edge. If I ever see anyone I just get the hell out of there ASAP, if he wants to try and kill me that's his choice and right, but as I said I would rather be killed for no reason than kill for no reason. And to kill someone on sight who hasn't seen you is a dick move, it's allowed but that doesn't change the fact that there would be roughly a 90% that you could get away easily and safetly without harm, in my books that's a dick move, ofc it's all circumstancial but how often do these rare random encounters in the wilderness involve a squad, heli' or something that posses a real threat? Very, VERY rarely. (Unless you are going out looking for them, in which case it's your own fault.) 2) It's not a FFA game, it's a survival game with the option of FFA, it also has the option of co-op but that doesn't make it a co-op game, you have the choice of killing someone or not killing him and getting out of there. 3) If I am in a position where I can kill you then that's your fault, putting yourself in a position where you can be killed and then killing others saying "He could have killed me." is pretty ridiculas. 4) Killing on sight is a huge generlisation, if you see a lone survivor at 400 yards heading in another direction who hasn't seen you you wouldn't kill him would you? If by KoS you mean people you sneak up behind you without letting you know then yes ofc kill him, or someone lying in ghillie on a hill aiming at chero' then yes ofc kill him. But if you are running through the wilderness and another survivor bumps into you you could be a nice guy and attempt to find a way where you both survive, or not, you can do what you like, but you ARE screwing someone over if you kill them without good reason, you can try to dress it up all you want but you can't polish a turd. I've been playing nearly 2 months and encountered many players and we both walked away without a single shot fired. The only time i've died from a bandit was down to my own stupidty, shooting zombies knowing there was another player in the area, he must have thought I was shooting at him. (I was a noob back then.) EDIT: Killing another player who has shown no hostility just because "You have nothing to lose." is...... Well, read it back and you tell me.
1) You cannot compare this game to a chess match, I know what you mean, but you're wrong, in a chess match there must be one winner and one loser (unless stale mate ofc), in DayZ everyone can win. 2) If dayZ is truly about survival, then what advantages does killing others give you? Insted of going into a quite, out of the way town to get your own stuff on a low population server with little to no risk of encountering another player and prob' not even having to fire a single shot, you get yourself a bandit skin so almost everyone will try to kill you on sight for much, much less of what you needed (food, medicine, etc) may take serious damage possible even risking your own life will almost certainly have to use up some of your ammo, maybe make some long term enemys. That sounds like a really bad move to me. 3) I know it's a game and ofc people can PvP if they want, but survival of the fittest doesn't mean you can kill whoever you want whenever you want. As human beings our survival is based majoritly on intelligence not physical atributes, and surely an intelligent person would not want to screw over another person who is in exactly the same boat as them for too many reason to list here. As Carton Banks said "I'm running the same race as you, so why are you tripping me up?" EDIT: This isn't a argument, this is what my intelligence tells me would be the best way of playing for everyone involved, putting aside my own greed and laziness for the benifit of others. Ofc this is just the way I do it, I can't exspect everyone to understand and play like me. They can play how they want, I just prefer to play nice and not screw over others.
People who murder bandits =/= heroes
Axz replied to Ozelot (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I think you've kind of misunderstood, by bandit they mean players who actively seek out other players with only the intention of killing them, sometimes for food, sometimes for gear and sometimes just for (and this is a REAL quote from a bandit) "Target Practise". They mean REAL bandits, the type of people that will kill you so they can wait close to your body and kill you again 2 or 3 times when you try to get all your stuff back from your body, and when they are bored they will hide your body just so you can't get your stuff back, REAL bandits, real cunts. -
I don't kill anyone bacause: 1) I'm not dumb enough to put myself in a position where encountering another player is a possiblilty. 2) In the very unlikely event of encountering another player I would rather die than kill them, I have a multitude of other games I can play, they might not, thier loss would in most cases be far worse than my loss. 3) Even if I got the chance to kill a highly geared player without him/her/Quina knowing where, when, why or what happened I would not, anything that person has I could get for myself using nothing but patience without screwing anyone over, and I am not a twat so i'd just go and get it myself. 4) Even some bandits are not killers, they might have been defending themselfs, killed bandits who where not below -5K humanity or just got it through some other bug/glitch. If I see a bandit kill another player unprovoked then if I am armed with at least a semi-decent weapon i'd give them a taste of thier own medicine and watch them rage quit.
People who murder bandits =/= heroes
Axz replied to Ozelot (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Haha yea, now people can identify and kill them at range like they do to other players suddeny that makes it "Unfair" -
What would be the perfect all around gun for a lone survivor?
Axz replied to Man vs Wild's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
There is a silenced version, but it is hacked :/ I've heard you cannot get a global ban from carrying hacked items as long as you did not hack them in, but i've also heard that some servers will ban you in they find out that you have any hacked gear, and besides the iron sight for the PDW/PDWSD is attrotious, you'll prob' get more kills per mag from a M9 SD (headshots ofc). -
I thought it was a dyslexic person wanting to trade for a ghille haha.
You have the option of shooting first and asking questions after, as long as you don't shoot his head off and then ask the question "Are you ok?"
Maybe trade with someone on that server? Is it possible for you to join another server and gear up on that?