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Everything posted by PsiPhiGames

  1. PsiPhiGames


    You're a bandit so that's the most hypocritical thing ever.
  2. PsiPhiGames

    A newbie looking for a sidekick

    Would love to team up. Skype;Aldafunkymonky Steam:Aldafunkymonky Been playing arma 2 for 1 year and dayz since it came out. Im friendly and have never killed anyone apart from bandits.
  3. PsiPhiGames

    Why you kill unarmed players

    I kill bandits on sight no matter what. But anyone one else i only shoot if they shoot me.
  4. PsiPhiGames


    Yes it used to be up and it was good and i don't know why they took it down.
  5. Im 15 only ever killed one dude and he was a bandit and i also want to team up my skype is :aldafunkymonky and my steam is the same.
  6. Name:Alex. Age:15(sorry if that's too young for you but i assure you i am mature). Location:England,Nottingham. Time Zone:GMT. Past experiences in DayZ:Playing arma 2 for 1 year and dayz since release. Typical time of playing DayZ in GMT time zone:2pm-11pm weekends and 5pm-9pm weekdays. Additional information (Optional):Never killed anyone in dayz apart from a bandit.
  7. PsiPhiGames

    Team up

    Hi after playing dayz on my own for a while i got bored and im deciding to ask if anyone wants to team up the only requirements are that you preferably live in gmt time zone and also have a microphone and either skype or team speak. If you are interested add me on skype or steam. Skype:aldafunkymonky Steam:aldafunkymonky Oh and i prefer if you're not a bandit.
  8. PsiPhiGames

    [ZH] Zombie Hords is Recruiting

    In-game Name:Vantage Steam name:aldafunkymonky Age:15 (sorry about the young age) The current time zone you're residing in(UTC):gmt Mic:yes How long you've been playing:Arma 2 for 1 year dayz for 3 months Your preferred role and/or weapon: prefered role is probably supplies weapon is m4a1 cco sd Humanity(bandit/survivor/hero): survivor
  9. PsiPhiGames

    friendly!!! WHY BE FRIENDLY!

    Because shooting people is a dick move.
  10. PsiPhiGames

    What is the "Humanity" thing?

    It's not new it was in about a month ago but the display for it was took out it basically gives you a bandit skin if you're bad and a hero skin if you're good and a survivor skin if you do nothing.
  11. PsiPhiGames

    massive fps drop cant fix

    I had a very weird problem for some reason today my arma 2 is laggy a crazy amount i normally get around 34-41 fps on high settings but now im getting around 3fps in the menu screen and i have no idea why nothing was altered at all i just started dayz up today and it's completely unplayable for me.
  12. PsiPhiGames

    Finally a little hope....

    Shame something similar happened to me. I was in cherno with medical supplies looking with survivors to team up with the first one i met shot me but then apologised but he got killed my zombies, the second was interesting i was on the roof of the hospital and i turn around and see a ghillie with an as50 and immidiatlly think i will die but he says get down and the second later i hear a sniper shot and he returns fire unfortunately he gets shot and dies i take his as50 and try to kill the sniper and succseeed, the last was a guy who came running up to me bleeding i tried to bandage him but he had too little blood and died, i then got shot and killed. It's good to see there are others out there who are nice but there's definitely some people who will kills you just so you don't go near them.
  13. PsiPhiGames

    Looking for people to join Squad

    1. What do you use to talk with other people? Skype,TS,Vent? I use skype and team speak but i prefer teamspeak. 2. Where are you from? England. 3. Do you speak fluid English. Fluid? do you mean fluent? if you do then yes. 4. How old are you? 15 5. How long have you played DayZ, Did you play ArmA2 or ArmA before you started DayZ? I have been playing arma 2 for 1 year and dayz for 2 and a half months about 3 weeks after it first came out. 6. What do you like to play as a close range, sniper ETC. I would like to play as a pilot if we manage to get a heli and normally just a medium to long range using a assault rifle (the m4a1 cco sd) i also have a sniper but im not so good with mil dots but i could practise some more. 7. Do you know how to handle vehicles if so what are you good at? I played in arma 2 clans a Huey pilot so i guess helicopters but i have experience playing arma 2 in most vehicles anyway. 8. Are you a good team player? I would say so. 9. What time of day do like to play? or how often do you play? I prefer to play from 9am-3pm gmt as my internet is best then but i can play later or earlier. 10. do you play with 3rd on/off? And on what timezone? Normally i play with first person as i prefer it and i play in gmt. 11. Do you play any other games if so what do you play? (This will not do any thing to if you get in or not) Just generally alot of sandbox and fps games.
  14. Sent you a pm on youtube would love to join looks good.
  15. Hi i would love to team up i have been playing dayz for 2 months and arma 2 for a year and have good experience with flying heli's and fighting in arma 2 clans. I also have some good equipment but im really bored on my own i currently have a Dmr and a m4a1 cco sd and good knowledge of dayz and arma 2 add me on steam aldafunkymonky
  16. PsiPhiGames

    Looking for players (We have a bus)

    Hi i would love to join you and play some dayz i have been playing it for 2 months and arma 2 for 1 year in clans flying heli's so i have some good experiences in fighting and surviving in dayz and arma 2 and i currently have good supplies including a DMR a m4a1 cco sd and some other stuff.