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Everything posted by liquidsnake

  1. liquidsnake

    The scary truth about the firestaton...

    I'm intrigued. I remember seeing signs on the red brick building and the piano house. Wonder what those say... And the "school" always struck me as an office building, but perhaps it's a post office? I love these small, useless facts, I really do :D
  2. liquidsnake

    Cannot find certain items for the life of me!

    Binos have vanished from under the sun, in experimental. No-one finds them anymore, it seems
  3. liquidsnake

    Why do you push?

    An experienced breacher will get you most of the times, or at least even out the odds if you're in a great defensive position. Don't underestimate the power of breaching, dammit!
  4. liquidsnake

    Horses in DayZ Standalone

    Yeah, you go ahead and eat your own faeces. Bon appetit. Report back when you realise it didn't hold any nutrients and didn't still your hunger.
  5. liquidsnake

    The Mosin; Camo or Black? Also, Outfits!

    Wood is the best, but if I have to choose between those two I'd go with camo if I'm camo/green and black if I'm dressed predominantly black/greyish
  6. liquidsnake

    Horses in DayZ Standalone

    I'd say there's about an 80% chance BI will screw this up. Riding horses in DayZ is a bit too much to hope for, though it'd be awesome
  7. liquidsnake

    What's up with the servers?

    Lol, every wednesday this thread is guaranteed to pop up :lol:
  8. liquidsnake

    DayZ moving to new engine - ENFUSION

    Hopefully this improvement to the engine will bear fruit.
  9. liquidsnake

    What happened to utes

    Utes would be perfect for Chernarus+ The most loot, the most dangerous place (considering only hardened players will get there, and it'd become the mod's NWAF), the hardest place to get to, no place to put a camp (for long).
  10. liquidsnake

    Incessant char resets

    Yesterday I encountered a new problem with char resets. Now, litterally every single time I log in, I revert back to being a newspawn. Every single time. I can cope with the occasional char reset, but this is obviously gamebreaking. Is there any way to prevent this from happening? I'm not joining regular instead of hardcore. I'm aware of 30 man and 40 man servers being in a different hive. I'm also aware that the odd server can be in yet another hive. I've looked through most of the topics on this and they're all just bickering about the occasional char reset, not the incessant one.
  11. liquidsnake

    Mod is still better than the SA

    The mod is obviously still king
  12. liquidsnake

    Nuggets, Caged Zombie and Babies

  13. liquidsnake

    dayz lags badly

    Could be your PC's hardware (graphics card and the likes) or just the game. It's an unfinished game, as stated on the staem page, so issues are likely to arise. If you post your PC specs here, we might be able to give advice.
  14. liquidsnake

    Incessant char resets

    No, nothing of the sort. Never a message, just the spawning as a bambi. It's on experimental btw.
  15. liquidsnake

    Can't join empty server

    Empty servers you can't join are being restarted. Refresh the page until you see at least 1 other player in there and then you can join. If no other player turns up, just spam join it until you're in.
  16. liquidsnake

    Tulga...oh sweet Tulga

    Yeah that's a beautiful spot. Used to find a few camps there back in the mod. Still, it was definitely one of the better places to hide a camp. I myself want to check out if I can find any hidden crevices or caves to reside in. I've already heard of three.
  17. liquidsnake

    More civillian clothing.. Less military

    ^ Dat first pic :lol:
  18. liquidsnake

    Real question about the community

  19. liquidsnake

    2 BS Deaths?

    I had the worst experience with this once. I was in the NEAF jail, heard footsteps, so I set up position in front of the closed doors. Someone opened them and I opened fire (SKS). I aimed at his guts for a quick and easy kill, my 4x scope crosshair was aimed at the exact center of his stomach at all times. I fired a full SKS mag into him, he didn't move so I didn't even have to adjust aim or anything. Less than 10m away. He didn't even react before I already landed 6 shots. Then, he proceeded to light me up with his M4. I just stood there, my mag emptied, all bullets were a sure hit. Then he killed me. He didn't even bleed or anything.
  20. liquidsnake

    put the wind in

    I'd just go for the effect on bullets
  21. liquidsnake

    More civillian clothing.. Less military

    Maybe you'd get that your very behaviour turns this into a mere game, if you were intelligent. Because of people like you, our intricate survival milsim turned into giant deathmatch with the very, very rare sane non-KoS'er. You'd have to be daft not to see the heinous effects of your "logical" conduct. There used to be so much more to it than firing a gun.
  22. liquidsnake

    AKM questions/bugs/stats

    RIS??? Must. Find. Now.
  23. liquidsnake

    Looks or functionality

    The ballistic helmet stops 5.56 without knocking the user out. I think up to three. Also, there have been reports of 7.62 headshots resulting in unconsciousness instead of death, when wearing it. I, too, love the pilot helmet. I always RP as a crashed russian heli pilot when I find one
  24. You want teams/clans? All participants wear a blue beret or something, it's all you'll get
  25. liquidsnake

    Creating gear independent character value

    I don't think maturity has to do with the suicidal mindset of the majority, since it seemed quite fine in the mod. There, kids (and new players) were massively naive, and were more likely to team up than KoS. The mature ones used to be the heroes/bandits (and the odd KoS'er), the pubescent ones the KoS'ers and the pre-pubescent kids the ones who were helped by heroes or screwed over by bandits, roughly. Now, well-nigh everyone seems to KoS. It's either SA or the influx of new players that's to blame, in my view. I always loved DayZ for the sound balance between bandits, heroes, mere survivors and KoS'ers. SA seems to solely consist of a huge amount of KoS'ers, a decent (though inadequate) amount of bandits and heroes/survivors are virtually absent. There's also this unhealthy mindset of "gear is all" floating around Chernarus. If I hold someone up, they become suicidal and try to make sure I only get ruined gear. Especially the latter is what I'm hoping to eradicate by making life something to be cherished by the player. A valuable life will hopefully shift the majority from KoS'er to survivor, which would even out the balance at least a bit. Chances are it would just create more KoS due to decreased trust in others, however.