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Everything posted by liquidsnake

  1. liquidsnake

    Hacks/Illegal Mods are on the Rise

    Please do tell me how a player not showing up on the player list is game breaking to you. Who cares if he was on the player list? He was there and he shot you, period. No need to call hax. And what kind of hack would that be anyway? A hack that gives the hacker no advantage whatsoever, except not showing on the player list? The hell?
  2. liquidsnake

    will the bow and crossbow be a primery

    But, with the bottle suppressors the bullet still breaks the sound barrier, which'll attract zombies anyway. Subsonic ammo, like in the .22 Amphibia (I think) shouldn't attract any zombies at all
  3. liquidsnake

    Creating speedloaders

    Loading a gun bullet by bullet is supposed to be just that (compared to speedloaders, anyway)
  4. liquidsnake

    Creating speedloaders

    The inventory loading system is supposed to simulate that longer reload time, so I'd say keep it as it is. Seems better overall anyway, since you can't just recklessly shove a mag/clip into the gun, but have to load it one bullet at a time. It shouldn't be just one button.
  5. liquidsnake

    What sorcery is this?

    Same here. I've been playing on NWAF continuously for a week, exclusively on 15-25 player servers and I only saw one player in that entire time and heard no shots whatsoever. Everything unlooted as well.
  6. liquidsnake

    Fantastic news wind will affect bullets

    Considering that the DayZ characters don't have military background (let alone sniper training), they shouldn't be able to make a 1000m shot. Because it's a game, up to 800 maybe 900 meters is acceptable, but 1000m just goes a bit too far lol
  7. liquidsnake

    Fantastic news wind will affect bullets

    I was talking about the calculating itself, not the adjustment on the scope. Measuring the wind speed, determining what adjustment the scope needs, stuff like that. That's what the spotter normally does for the sniper
  8. The founder is a perfectionist, meaning the game will NEVER be perfect in his eyes.
  9. liquidsnake

    Fantastic news wind will affect bullets

    This, the only difference is that it'll take more time to adjust the scope as he has to do the calculations himself. But in the process he'll have to take his eye off the scope and might lose the target (probably the biggest problem with solo sniping).
  10. This would be way too difficult to do. Unnecessary as well, in my eyes. Variation is key. Add snowy areas, where it's difficult to survive but loot is more plentiful. Add interesting locations that have something to make you want to go there (be it loot, or something else).
  11. liquidsnake

    What's your Favorite Weapon right now?

    Right now I have a Mosin with PU scope, bipod, compensator (and LRS in my chest rig, for those long range encounters), a Magnum as a PVP breach/CQ weapon and an FNX with suppressor, dot sight and two mags (both found today, lucky me :)) for anti-zombie or if I run out of bullets for my Magnum and need a quick reload. I always use my firefighter axe against zombies, though. When the AKM comes around I'll consider a switch, unless it's as ridiculously dependent on attachments as the M4 (I like the stock AKM the most, same goes for the M4).
  12. I have been exploring the new north Chernarus lately and I have to say that I already see lots of good stuff up there. A way to improve Chernarus even more is perhaps to make the north side (or another area) completely covered in snow, like Namalsk did for the mod. It created two kinds of worlds and lots of variation. And as you said, radiation zones would be awesome. Imagine having to find a full hazmat suit and corresponding mask to enter an abandoned nuclear plant, which had a melt-down after it was abandoned during the infection. For story purposes the military could've gone there to insert the moderators (preventing a melt-down), but were too late and somehow died there. This would create an exclusive area with high military loot. Also, big zombie herds (think crash sites from the mod) in random places would add a whole lot to the game. You'd better run if you encounter a herd like that in SA.
  13. liquidsnake

    Why shoot.

    Because there's something deeply satisfying about walking off into the distance as the victor of a kill-or-be-killed situation
  14. liquidsnake

    Your best story of finding a random friendly player.

    Most friendly guy I've encountered was on NWAF. We bumped into eachother in CQ, so usually the perfect recipe for a panic kill, but we only raised our weapons. I slowly moved away, never letting him out of my sight. Then, as I got away from him, I left NWAF, since I was done looting anyway. I haven't really encountered many players for quite some time, because apparently nobody loots NWAF anymore. I've been playing on servers with 15-25 players for a week now and this was the first guy I ever saw at NWAF.
  15. liquidsnake

    Solving problem of kill on sight - Vehicles.

    This, I have a 200 day old character now on the orgininal mod servers and I find plenty of other things to do. I spent most of my time in Vybor, visit NWAF from time to time and go out on distant trips all the time. I play on semi-full servers so I still get plenty of encounters, but not swarmed. I enjoy myself a lot without griefing, even though my char has everything I'd want. Random encounters without needless violence is still the most fun in this game. Surviving is fun. My standalone character is coming along just fine as well, being alive for a week now. Especially in standalone it's riveting to just visit new places and have a look.
  16. liquidsnake

    Ghillie suit, rangefinder ?

    Agreed. I don't even know what all the fuss is about. There is undoubtedly going to be some sort of accurate 7.62 sniper in the game at some point and that does the job equally well at least. A .50 cal would be complete overkill in DayZ. Let the fools have their overly huge gun that compromises their position, is awfully cumbersome (a gun like that should have twice the sway in-game) and kills in one shot. I'll keep my 7.62 light sniper rifle that's dead-on accurate and knocks out in one shot, if not kill. It might be problematic for vehicles, though.
  17. liquidsnake

    Ghillie suit, rangefinder ?

    Now this sounds promising. The ghillie should be made pretty darn effective, but with this major fault to it as well for balancing purposes (and even realism, two birds with one stone). No bags for sure, no chest rigs either. The ghillie suit is all that's there, with a standard 6 slots or so.
  18. liquidsnake

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    In real life, I can imagine that you can distinguish between malevolent people and harmless people. You just pick up on some things and they all add up. Of course there's a middleground as well, of which you can't determine if he's a bandit or not. It's not entirely unrealistic to be able to see heroes, I suppose.
  19. liquidsnake

    Solving problem of kill on sight - Vehicles.

    And what if players have all end-game gear AND vehicles? Will they... run over on sight?
  20. liquidsnake

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    Hmm, good point. Maybe it can be made incompatible with bandits or other non-heroes? Or maybe, instead of something craftable, it can be initials sprayed on clothing/headwear with the spraycan. And everytime the hero takes it off, the markings disappear. Think a huge H on a helmet or on a jacket, or maybe some sort of icon.
  21. liquidsnake

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    Something that only heroes can craft could be the answer. Headwear, a shirt, whatever. Maybe some sort of bandana, which heroes can craft from simple shirts?
  22. liquidsnake

    Ghillie suit, rangefinder ?

    I think (improvised) ghillie suits are an absolute must, but only if they're rare or require lots of work to craft (for example, three compartments. One in cherno, one in that new town north of NWAF, and one all the way NE. To really make players work for it. And of course make them fairly rare, but not too much)
  23. Exactly. And zombies should be made even more sensitive to gun fire, making it less of a no brainer to pick the sniper and CQC weapon rather than melee. You should be in a tough situation after firing a gun in a town, with loads of zombies rushing towards you
  24. It's extremely difficult to decapacitate in combat, so I don't think it should. When you captured someone, however, I would love to see this! And you're absolutely right about the knife damage.
  25. liquidsnake

    How Do You Get Your High In DayZ

    Don't go camping. Engage in thrilling CQC. Perhaps stalk your targets and before you attack, let them know you're there by speaking to them or whatever. Then engage in a frantic firefight. With skilled players being your preferred target of course. A good fight never gets old