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Everything posted by liquidsnake

  1. liquidsnake

    Ghillie suit, rangefinder ?

    Or a recipe that requires 5 different plants. One in Berezino, Cherno, Devil's Castle, Stary and Green Mountain. Would make it one hell of a challenge to craft it, well not so much a challenge as a royal pain in the ass :P
  2. liquidsnake

    What's the funniest Bambi experience you've had?

    Four bambis bunched up on me and beat me to death to take my newfound sporter. Ha ha.
  3. liquidsnake

    M9A1 Combat Knife: The new fireaxe

    I love the knives! Great news that they finally work
  4. liquidsnake

    Ghillie suit, rangefinder ?

    Oh, so the summer is about the same as it is here in Holland. 20-25 on a normal summer day, right? 30-35 if we're having a heat wave.
  5. liquidsnake

    Ghillie suit, rangefinder ?

    The odour of the grass masks the sweat somewhat, so the zombies won't be able to smell you as good as players without something masking their odour. And on cool days, layered clothing on itself doesn't make you sweat. Heavy labour does.
  6. liquidsnake

    Ghillie suit, rangefinder ?

    We don't know what season Chernarus is in as of right now, so you can't say wearing warm clothing is a bad thing. And even if it is summer, it doesn't get all too hot in eastern bloc countries (20-25 celsius if it's really hot?). Also, the odour of cut grass and other plants is a lot stronger than sweat. I'd like to see some visual impearment, though. Maybe some grass/leaves hanging on the edges of your screen?
  7. liquidsnake

    black mosin magazine visible?

    I see it as well. There is also some greyish stuff that doesn't belong there, between the end of the bolt and the gun. In the camo version that space is black, as it should be.
  8. liquidsnake

    Where have all the experimental servers gone?

    Yeah, just came back from the server list after finding no servers at all. Another update? AKM? Maybe they're just fixing the extreme rubberbanding.
  9. liquidsnake

    black mosin magazine visible?

    Mosin can only have a loading clip, like the SKS IIRC. So it'd still not be a mag like that. It's most likely a bug.
  10. liquidsnake


    Love the third suggestion! But I also think certain items should be able to be stacked. A single socket should be able to hold 2-3 mags IRL, so should the one in the game.
  11. liquidsnake

    Easy Way To Chamber Weapons

    No, because it's obviously more difficult to chamber a single bullet rather than sticking a mag/clip into the gun. Having to open your inventory and chamering the bullet manually reflects this perfectly. I hope they keep it as it is now.
  12. liquidsnake

    Expanding on .22lr firearms

    They won't even hear it coming. Would love the CZ455.
  13. liquidsnake

    I finally have my precious, sweet Binoculars

    I love the model they chose, since I have the exact same binocs. But not from the soviets of course, mine is the WW2 british one which my grandfather used in and after the war. It's a carbon copy and I love it B)
  14. liquidsnake

    Weak Melee weapons

    Kinda disappointed myself. I liked how killing zeds was a royal pain in the ass if you didn't want the entire town knowing you're there. Guns were the only viable way, with the disadvantage of compromising your position. Seemed logical and gameplay enhancing to me, but oh well
  15. liquidsnake

    Would you want Persistent Bandages?

    Yup, but that wouldn't make you look badass and battle hardened. On topic, how about the limp animation as long as the bandage is needed (few hours or so)? Or until you've regained full blood? Getting shot should have some consequences until you're healed.
  16. liquidsnake

    Weak Melee weapons

    A zombie has never even damaged my gear. Don't know why it does happen to others Btw, on experimental it's back to normal, so all you have to do is endure it 'till next patch
  17. liquidsnake

    Would you want Persistent Bandages?

    Not sure how many here have played Metal Gear Solid 3, but how about a medical system like that? It was easy to use, yet pretty realistic. Add a time penalty for each treatment and it's all set for DayZ.
  18. liquidsnake

    Would you want Persistent Bandages?

    Yeah, and make the low quality ones more visible. Rags: bright white, compromises camo greatly. First-aid bandages: greyish white, isn't too bad, but makes you slightly more visible. High grade bandages (the green ones from the mod): green, complements your camo nicely, but the packs only come with one bandage (yes I know the bandages aren't supposed to be green).
  19. liquidsnake

    I finally have my precious, sweet Binoculars

    I'm seeing them a lot in houses and supermarkets
  20. liquidsnake

    Deadly Deer Stands, and Evil Towers!

    With the latest patch on experimental, running off roofs all day every day. After I exit a house I always get teleported back to the roof due to rubberbanding. After I make it off without injury I always get teleported back up there 13 times for good measure :blink:
  21. liquidsnake

    Why wont people play in the night ?

    For me, it's the gamma abusers that scare me away from night time. I hate that they can see me while I can't see them.
  22. liquidsnake

    Would you want foldable clothing in DayZ?

    I was gonna wait for tents to do this, but hell, this is way better
  23. liquidsnake

    Cigarettes ?

    Cigars, I don't like cigarettes. Seems daft to inhale noxious smoke into your lungs, when you can just enjoy the taste of a good cigar. Unless it's winter (which is inbound in Chernarus, btw), since cigarettes do provide a warm feeling, if not actual warmth.
  24. liquidsnake

    Tracking: the grass method

    I agree. Tracking players to assassinate them would be great. Tracking them to their camps even more so. What I'm worried about is being tracked to the place I log out and seeing the "You're Dead" screen upon my next login. The ultimate act of cowardice, and it's bound to happen. Bandits who'll deliberately not engage and wait for their victim to log out. I'm willing to take the chance of this happening, though. Tracking would be too cool to pass up.
  25. liquidsnake

    Another new pistol...

    Probably what happened, yeah. I've had that happen to me before. And about the know-it-all stuff, I was referring to the way you said it, not what you said. I don't know why, but when someone starts his post off with a mocking "lol" or something along those lines, I'm somewhat bothered by it and feel obligated to respond :P I still think the gun won't be useless, since the Mosin not OHK'ing is generally caused by bugs. If there were no damage bugs, it'd be a OHK 90% of the time. Even with the bugs, I spend most of my time fending off fresh spawns who're bunching up on me by loading one bullet into the .22 at a time, so the pistol would always be better than that. I think it'd make for a fine start-up gun, rather than end-game. Especially when the pistols are made more common than rifles, it'd be the most powerful gun to find in cities, with a scope as well. It'll be used for sure. I'd always take a .45 or the Magnum over it, though.