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Everything posted by liquidsnake

  1. liquidsnake

    How to scroll using papers?

    Try some buttons which make sense. Try page up/down for example.
  2. liquidsnake

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    Did I miss something? The experimental servers have been offline for ages now, this can't be an update or some maintenance. They have been unavailable for about a week now! What baffles me the most is that I couldn't find another topic on this. Does anyone know what the hell is going on with the experimental servers? This is not normal.
  3. liquidsnake

    Having at least one real city in the map

    I'm not exactly a genius when it comes to modding, but would merging elektro, balota and cherno into a large city really make for a huge impact on performance. No buildings will be added and the buildings are already somewhat close to eachother.
  4. Don't know if I like that drum mag on the AKM. Would've preferred if they held that off until a 7.62 LMG is implemented.
  5. liquidsnake

    Improving blood bags (and notes)

    They should be everywhere in hospitals and blue clinics. I just found one in a house today, which makes little to no sense. Anyway, my blood type is B+ :)
  6. liquidsnake

    Hey guys new masks for game would be cool.

    Oh right, a Finn. With the most confirmed kills of any WW2 sniper, right?
  7. The AMD-65 is my favourite AK, so I definitely wouldn't mind to see that as a rarer, better version of the AKM with all the advantages you mentioned
  8. liquidsnake

    Hey guys new masks for game would be cool.

    Wasn't he a Swede who killed Soviets?
  9. liquidsnake

    2 Guns and put on my back

    Grammar* :P OT: Only if you can't sprint, like it is now. I do think, however, that certain weapons should fit in the backpack like the sawed off. Maybe the upcoming MP5K?
  10. I think that what OP needs to understand is that there are unjustified complaints and justified ones. Most are actually stupid complaints that negate the fact that it's in alpha, while others are proper complaints. Sometimes, people also yell alpha when it's a proper complaint, however.
  11. liquidsnake

    Super zombies/different zombie types

    You mean like that thing with the lab coat in Origins? Patient Zero I think he was called. Not sure if I'd want an extra strong zed, but I'm all for different types. Give us zeds with a missing leg, which crawl and perhaps zeds that hop like some of them in the mod. Also zeds with armour should be a chore to kill. Maybe some that are even stronger than that. The Chernarussian crowd control units in cities maybe? They have armour all over, no weak spots (except the visor, but make that bullet-proof for gameplay purposes). Then we'll have extra strong zeds in cities and military areas. Mostly I think we need more of them, though, rather than different ones.
  12. liquidsnake

    Incapacitation/ Kinectic knockdown discussion

    Yes please. Large calibres should knock people to the ground, not knock them out (all the time) or magically kill them instantly (except for headshots). Even a makarov shot to the chest should always knock the player down, nobody keeps standing while enduring the pain of a punctured lung, let alone a shot to the heart. A shot to a vital organ like the heart should knock the player down and probably knock him out with death following to simulate bleeding out. A shot to the general torso area and head should always knock down. A shot to the arm/leg should only cause bleeding. Not sure about this one, though, should 9x19/9x18 knock an armoured player to the ground? My initial guess is no.
  13. liquidsnake

    Another thread about looking friendly

    Telling someone not to talk down to you =/= talking down to someone.
  14. liquidsnake

    Another thread about looking friendly

    Mostly, yes. But I'm available during the afternoon frequently as well.
  15. liquidsnake

    Game strives for realism; fists better than an axe

    Machete works for me. 1-2 hits to the head and you're done. It's also easy to aim with
  16. liquidsnake

    Another thread about looking friendly

    I'm afraid I purposely don't use a mic because I don't live alone and hate to wake others in the evenings. If it's any consolation, I have a lot of teamplay experience from befriending randoms in the mod. I type fast :)
  17. liquidsnake

    Wow, just wow.

    Don't get attached to your gear. I died two days ago after surviving for a month or two. Boo freakin hoo
  18. liquidsnake

    Another thread about looking friendly

    Yeah I'm dutch. Don't have a mic, though.
  19. liquidsnake

    Another thread about looking friendly

    I'm trying to do the same as OP. Maybe more for RP than looking friendly, but I'm going for a survivor look which isn't menacing. I'm thinking of going for a hardcore hunter look with summer hunter pants and maybe green raincoat. Maybe I'll recreate the good ol' hero skin. Regarding not getting killed cause you're looking friendly, it simply won't work. I don't know why, but everyone is so hostile in SA compared to the mod. My guess is the influx of non-arma players caused it. When the mod first got out they all worked together to survive the zeds :lol: Some new ones should realise that this isn't some sort of PvP paradise. We need more heroes or even survivors, as there are way too many bandits now. I feel like even the somewhat respected hero skin from the mod won't halt the ridiculous trust issues most seem to have. I miss giving blood bags to anyone who needed it, I miss the whole hero vs bandit thing going on on some servers. I also feel like there's a certain lack of communication, which also holds friendliness back. 70% seems to be oblivious to the ability to type in direct chat. My last char was a fully kitted hero, just like old times. I held a moderately kitted player up and gave him an FNX with every attachment and he never said a thing during the entire process. I've held up more players, never a response. I've tried to communicate with others, never a response. I even talked to a group of 7 freshies for 3 mins and they were just gazing at me with their daft eyes. Something's gone horribly wrong with SA and we need to fix it. /rant EDIT: got nothing against PvP/KoS in general, there's just too damn much of it now. A 70/30 or 80/20 bandit/survivor rate would be perfect in my eyes. Full blown heroes should be as rare as friendliness is now.
  20. liquidsnake

    Hunting ~end of may

    TBH, I wouldn't mind if hunting's just a little bit better than the mod. Even though proper hunting would be mind blowing, the animals from the mod which ran around like chickens without their heads weren't too bad. I feel like it takes too much time to make them super realistic. I hope they chose the middle ground though. For now, the models look amazing so that's a good start
  21. liquidsnake

    Why do my arms look like salami?

    Maybe your arms are different in first person? Or they change when exiting/entering first person? I think there are other things that are doing this
  22. liquidsnake

    Sporter 22 Mags?

    There are 20 round mags for the .22? :blink: I've actually never found one of those. Coming from the guy who's found 3 anti-stab vests, 3 press vests and 5 FNX dot sights
  23. liquidsnake

    Your most frustrating moments.

    That horrible bug killed me once as well
  24. liquidsnake

    Why do my arms look like salami?

    Wow, I'm astounded by this :lol:
  25. liquidsnake

    Pen and paper

    Haha I died there too. I hope those bastards are dying to know the end of our stories but they never will muhahahaha >:(