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Everything posted by liquidsnake

  1. liquidsnake

    Will the new AKM suck ?

    Semi auto and it's probably golden. Full auto will most likely be as horrible as the M4
  2. liquidsnake

    What is this Bullsh*t?

    For the record, it is bullshit.
  3. liquidsnake

    Weapons Drawn or Put away and KOS policy ...

    I've noticed this mindset as well. It's ridiculous to expect from others to risk their lives by holstering their only viable means of defence. Only madmen would keep their weapons holstered and if they have them drawn it doesn't mean they're out for a kill
  4. liquidsnake

    What is this Bullsh*t?

    You just got Mike Tyson'd. That guy was extremely lucky with that punch
  5. liquidsnake

    How's The Game Lookin'?

    At this time, the game is a huge KoS fest due to lack of content like vehicles and tents. But since there are so many visual and gunplay improvements, I have to say it still is quite entertaining, despite of how bland it is compared to the mod. Mind you, even though SA is fun, the mod is still miles ahead.
  6. They moved the spawns when the new cities were added, so I suspect they did this to check for bugs. They're obviously still working on more venues up north, so the Berezino spawn will remain what it is until further notice. Also, I remember they wanted to add the island of Utes to the map. I understand this won't be a smart thing to do if we don't have boats, but is there any info on Utes? I heard it quite a while back, so I'm curious
  7. I picture the OP holding up women at NEAF and asking "Do you come here often?" Don't worry OP, your day will come :lol:
  8. liquidsnake

    Forum Suggestion: Required posts to start a new topic

    Or IP ban? It's the fiercest measure they can take, but imo this guy definitely qualifies
  9. Today I was killed by yet another 3rd person exploiter, but I've never experienced such a horrendous way of being murdered. He stood behind a bush, so I couldn't possibly see him and used 3rd person to aim at me and shot from complete concealment. I had the drop on him and saw him first, so I waited to blow him away as soon as he stuck his head out from cover. But nope, he shot while behind concealment. Nothing I could do, since I had a mosin and couldn't just spray the bushes. It's not hacking, but this is the absolute lowest "tactic" I have ever seen. Not even with all my time in the mod and SA. Frankly, I don't have any words for this. I was staggered when he managed to shoot me. All I could do was run, it was ridiculous. The invisible wall glitch, "peeking" around corners and whatnot was bad enough. If anyone has also had a heinous experience with 3rd person, please do tell. I'd love to hear all the ridiculously unfair exploits they've been up to lately.
  10. liquidsnake

    Third person exploits reached a new low today

    I'm not asking for sympathy. And as I said, I had the drop on him, saw him first. The fire came from extremely close, from his direction. I was laying on the ground, just about 30 feet in front of me were bushes, from where the fire came. The bushes were so extremely close that him seeing me without using 3PP was impossible, that is if he wasn't planning on getting shot. He was too close for me to not see him. Hell, I could've even seen the barrel of his gun sticking out there at that range
  11. liquidsnake

    DayZ SA items List?

    dayzdb.com has a map with all buildings and what spawns in them. EDIT: damn, ninja'd :ph34r:
  12. liquidsnake

    Third person exploits reached a new low today

    Right, let's make up random stories about what happened. On a serious note, once he started firing I was baffled. I had no idea where it was coming from because I could hear that the then unknown assailant was extremely close, yet I couldn't get eyes-on. I then realised it was coming from the bushes right in front of my nose and simple started running, since I assumed it was blind fire. He already hit me and it'd be daft to just stay there, since he seemed to have a good aim on me and I couldn't pinpoint his position (multiple bushes which qualify as his possible concealment). Only when his aim meticulously followed my movement did I know that it was by no means blind fire. He had a crystal clear view on me @qww yes I already play HC as well. I like to have multiple characters so I play both reg and HC atm. I've played DayZ for 2-3 years now and never saw this before. It probably happened before, but this is the first time I'm certain of my attacker's tactic. It explains a few weird deaths I had in the last couple years, I suppose :D
  13. liquidsnake

    DayZ SA Sounds?

    I suppose so :rolleyes:
  14. liquidsnake

    can these house walls be shot through?

    I'm aware of how it's done, yes. In my eyes, everything that involves fiddling with PBO's is a hack/mod
  15. liquidsnake

    Primitive weapons

    I'd also think a sword would be too much, but I was just using it as an example. I just think it's ridiculous to have proper ancient warriors lurking around Chernarus. Amateurs just aren't all that lethal with blades/blunt weapons. It's much like hand-to-hand combat. Amateurs are a far cry from being deadly with their mindless punching, but a martial arts (or any other fight sport) pro is genuinely lethal with punches in vital areas and in a specific manner. The same goes for most melee weapons. Survivors aren't pros.
  16. liquidsnake

    can these house walls be shot through?

    I believe there are hackers who can see through walls and shoot through them. Wall hacking. It had to have been a hacker, since there was apparently no legit way of spotting you
  17. liquidsnake

    Third person exploits reached a new low today

    Weird, because I've been playing the mod for years and never saw this happen. Anyway, I tend to have chars on both HC and regular so it's all good. I just didn't know what to say when I died, I was so amazed by how low some people go.
  18. liquidsnake

    DayZ SA Sounds?

    Just said that because the emoticon you used implied you meant it to be an arsehole post
  19. liquidsnake

    DayZ SA Sounds?

    You can say something useless like this, or you can help him with the same amount of words. OT: The DayZ files are under program files, then Steam/SteamApps/common/DayZ. In the DayZ map you can find all the sound files. I don't know where exactly, but the folders should be named properly, so it isn't difficult to find them if you search the logica folders. Go get your friend :)
  20. liquidsnake

    Primitive weapons

    What I'm trying to say is that an untrained sword wielder can't even slice through a doormat with a katana, which is capable of making a clean cut through steel. How can you possible expect an amateur to be even a little efficient with a sword? I don't like to bring up the walking dead (also, know that I'm not basing my arguments on a television series, this is just something I noticed in that series which seems true to reality), but *spoilers* when the governor tried to behead hershel and the swing didn't even kill him: *spoilers end* that was realistic. A random fool can not just pick up a sword and slice through everything they see. Amateurs can't even slice through a melon, let alone a human being
  21. liquidsnake

    Primitive weapons

    Firearms are a lot easier to use than melee weapons, let alone homemade ones.
  22. liquidsnake

    Primitive weapons

    Guns are a lot easier to master and the difference between a pro and someone who only knows the basics isn't insanely large. The latter would have less accuracy and that's pretty much it (the rest is minor). The difference between an experienced sword wielder and a newbie, for instance, is really big. A pro can easily make a clean cut through steel, while an amateur has difficulties with making a clean cut through a straw doormat.
  23. I beg to differ, my rarest find ever in the mod was a ghillie suit in the corridor that moves under houses. Those normally spawn a map at best. Ghillie suits were even extremely rare in military areas This one is what I'm talking about: There was a chance, but of course with the proper rarity.
  24. liquidsnake

    The AK Sound

    You got me all excited about a new experimental patch...
  25. liquidsnake

    Vegetation draw distance increase?

    We need a way to hide camouflaged players at distance, yet not concealing players with horrible camouflage.