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Sir Toby

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Everything posted by Sir Toby

  1. Sir Toby

    Just saw Rocket again.

    Dear Mr. Hall, you sir have some explaining to do. Love this thread :P
  2. I saw the vid just after the day he released it, and i got sold. :)
  3. Sir Toby

    are you a bandit or a murderer? (poll)

    I shoot when im fired upon, Or when the other guy have real nice loot that i realy need. But i have found out that my mentality gets me killed quite a lot. But i still stick with it, and i try to be friendly as often as possible.
  4. Sir Toby

    Famous last words... Dayz edition

    "Oh SH*T!" or "Friendly!?"
  5. Sir Toby

    I may have killed a Hacker.

    dafuq!? no beans for u, gtfo of this forum. @Admin, ban maybe? OnT: I would drop the AS50 TWS.. its mentally over-powerd.
  6. Sir Toby

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    i think works pretty good. Sometime i get the graphical glitch but it dissapers when you flush. But some zeds aggro from waaaaay to far. But hey! Its an Alpha. :P The worst is the cheaters/hackers/scripters.
  7. Sir Toby

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    I prefer Pasta or Baked beans :) and Coke.