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Everything posted by gniuz

  1. haha your funny, GWB is a dickhead plain and simple.
  2. gniuz

    Randomly running zombies

    happened to me yesterday, I thought they only ran when chasing someone as well. I can't be 100% sure there was no one around when it happened though.
  3. gniuz

    Ways to help fix glitches.

    to be fair ArmA2 on its own has some fucked up bugs and glitches, so a mod in alpha stage is not that bad. If it was a full blown stand-alone release version that was like this then I'd probably be complaining like mad.
  4. gniuz

    new key still banned ??

    why not do full system wipe and start again if you want to play that much, ever tried that?(personally I think this would be fair punishment). If you seriously wanted to learn scripting there are far better ways to learn dude, and what happens if you would have got scripts to work would you have become another little bastard spoiling peoples games? Or do the registry but be careful
  5. gniuz

    Creation of dynamic maps

    I'm not a fan of the googlemaps api to be honest, it a bit ugly. Javascript is something I've never really looked at, I know Perl and some php. There must be other ways of gettign the same output this website has. You will need to use a scripting language of some type though.
  6. gniuz

    Creation of dynamic maps

    get a plugin called firebug for firefox and check the code for http://dayzmap.info, from the looks of it he's put the map on an overlay of google maps slap bang in the middle of the atlantic ocean. Thus the google maps api, also he's running alot of scripts, these might be a little harder to understand unless you have some prior knowledge of a scripting language. Good luck.
  7. gniuz

    Creation of dynamic maps

    suerly the standard map is some where in the arma2 dir.
  8. gniuz

    [ES 69] Racist admin

    people are c*nts! life is like that as well get used to it.
  9. gniuz

    wasting your money

    I'm curious how many scripters actually get banned, when all I seem to read on these forums is people saying their innocent yet their being banned. Has people started seeing a reduction in the number of scripters?
  10. Personally I'd go for some normal everyday things. i) Being able to use your hands, i.e. push zeds away or just punch the **** out of them. ii) Being able to enter every building unless it has a massive security door of course. I have a foot on the end of my leg that can kick a flimsy front door in surely. For a realistic game I always find things like this odd it has realistic damage like my leg breaking if I fall and the game takes into account my food and water levels, but god help someone wanting to push a blood thirsty zed away. Maybe it helps elements of gameplay though I don't know just a thought.
  11. gniuz

    What should I do now?(learning C++)

    Have you done any coding before, or you starting to learn with C++? For something like a text based game you don't need to use C++, instead use a simple language like java or even C#. For 2D games start with Flash as you'll get results pretty fast and there are tons of resources on the net for help. For 3D games I'd look at starting with modelling and animation, something like OpenGL (this is where your C++ comes in) Unity it a pretty good call as is Maya but OpenGL is the underlying theory to both of these. The best advice is just try. Don't aim to high, start small and build upon it.