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Tha Fish

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About Tha Fish

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  • Gender
  • Location
    South Carolina
  • Interests
    All games, TF2, GoW, DayZ(obviously), im also a handheld gamer. basically any and all systems.

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  • Bio
    just here having some fun on DayZ, trying to find some reputable people that wont shoot you in the back for a can of beans. i do trade from time to time, i'm also on the trading list


    feel free to hit me up.
  1. hoisted by his own pitards.
  2. i tend to agree, the fact that it is the bane of combat loggers seems to be the biggest reason its seen so often. but personally for skill i enjoy the dmr, especially for the night vision capability.
  3. Tha Fish

    Wow. I can't believe this shit.

    I agree wholeheartedly. it does take alot away from the game. for example, i also run a server for minecraft, alot of the fun from minecraft is collecting the materials for building things. But as an admin you can spawn anything you want, and in doing that you have ruined part of the game for yourself and others that are playing. you are completely removing an aspect of the game by just creating instead of having to work for it.
  4. Tha Fish

    I demand satisfaction

    unfortunately you will never be able to stop ALL of the cheaters. some people are just determinted to cause strife for others, and Derpy_Hooves is right, it is just a game. i know how upsetting it is to get teleported and killed after gathering for hours, but you just have to take the good with the bad.
  5. Tha Fish

    Wow. I can't believe this shit.

    twoski that made my day.
  6. Tha Fish

    A Funny DayZ Compilation

    that rabbit....i'm glad im not the only one who has seen them do that.
  7. Tha Fish

    Traders and Traitors

    great thread, complimentary bump.
  8. Tha Fish

    As50 for trade

    i'll bite, i can trade either or (nvg/rangefinder, take you pick) for the as50. pm me and we can set up a trade time, i'm currently at work now.
  9. Tha Fish


    i have a m4a1 cco sd i would be willing to trade. im looking for a dmr.
  10. Tha Fish

    Want to Trade: DMR + 5 mags

    i have a M4a1 CCO SD and about 5 clips, have you traded it yet?