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Everything posted by ChernoPTA
So bear with me here while I explain my logic. has been basically duping every tent saved item now for around a month, lots of people have been consistently regearing from the same tents over and over because every time the servers restart the entire previous save state is there again. This means that outside of the normal amount of duping activity that people tend to get up to, there are upwards of thousands or perhaps tens of thousands of unintentionally duplicated high end mil grade weapons that people have just been picking up all over servers everywhere and theres a constantly refreshed supply of them. I think that 1.7.3 once its produced and of course confirmed through testing that Hive save states will then matter again, should be a good alpha point to once again completely wipe Hive data for all instance ID's and all player ID's and start everyone out fresh under a situation where a long running bug in the alpha process has basically mass replicated a ton of weapons and equipment that by all rights, a lot of people wouldn't actually have without this situation as it stands. For most people playing the alpha as legitimately as possible, a recovery from a Hive wipe is no real big deal, its just a process of stepping back up to where they were. And it removes the huge amount of object replication that has occurred since the release in a way that is ecumenical and equal to all participants in the alpha process. As stated, this is an alpha, and the time to do these kinds of consistency adjustments is when you are in an alpha, and I think that once 1.7.3 is confirmed as working and the hive state saves are fixed again, its simple elementary logic that all Hive instance ID's and player ID's should be reset to 0 in the process as well. Because the metrics gathered by the alpha in an environment where the constant replication of items has been present are simply going to produce very skewed and unreliable information and I cannot think of any metric offset that could be introduced to calculate such a huge explosion of replicated items against true and veritable alpha metrics. Adding this response I made way back at the end of the thread to the original post to try to get people that are responding with "but, hackers" from reading the original post, that aren't reading the responses about hackers throughout the post, to understand that hackers are irrelevant.
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40% OFF SALE | Premium DayZ Server Hosting | Host Altitude (Ltd)
ChernoPTA replied to jonnerz's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
Good luck, so glad I dumped this host. -
Bypass Is Active Again: Prepare for a Busy Weekend
ChernoPTA posted a topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
Good evening. We just had the most amusing experience on our server. We had a player infiltrate one of our servers fortified positions via teleport. But unlike most script kiddie sob stories. This one taught us a little lesson about paying attention to who is actually around us by just hanging out amongst our watch tower group for awhile, completely just chilling right there with them with no weapons at all, til someone noticed "Oh wow that guy isn't one of us!"....silly I know. Anyways, he was talking on direct comms after he was challenged, and was very pleasant but was completely immune to 3 people filling him with high caliber ammunition. He then dropped an AS50 and AS50 NATO round ammo in front of our sniper and said to take it as a gift...and then began to teleport around the camp after he was asked in direct comms how he was invulnerable. He didn't hurt anyone, or do anything majorly disruptive but was obviously immune to any and all damage, and of course seemed to be able to move from position to position at will and was quite happy to demonstrate such to our amusement. Overall, a nice guy, but still, evidence that the Bypass is back in action, and remoteexec.log cannot see it (he has no entries in that log) and even what he spawned right in front of our eyes was not picked up by createvehicle.log either. All I found for him in scripts.log is completely normal stuff that everyone else is generating, and our newest hack filters didn't see him doing anything out of the ordinary at all. It is, unfortunately, not a ban I can uphold, under the server hosting rules, so I can't ban him permanently, cause I cannot substantiate it via log evidence, and unfortunately no one at the time was running Fraps and a screenshot of a guy standing there with some weapons at his feet is hardly damning evidence. So be ready, looks like a fun weekend ahead, I at least hope you all run into someone as civil as we did. Thanks and have a great weekend. -
Exile Clan on US 503 combat logging and cheating.
ChernoPTA replied to Jest8r's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
Yeah just one last reply then I'm done. Since you're obviously TLDRing...let me clarify for you Epo™ is a member of Exile, who killed Jester, while Jester was destroying our vehicle pool, which Jester adamantly states he never did. So, update your scorecard there if you're keeping one. And again, have a fine day sir. -
Exile Clan on US 503 combat logging and cheating.
ChernoPTA replied to Jest8r's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
Thats a DarT player DB, it doesn't change other than to add new players to it when they play on the server DarT is monitoring. My DarT runs constantly when the server is up. It has been up every time you have been on the server. You are the only Jester, and that Epo above, is the guy that shot you when you were attempting to take out our vehicle pool. The only way that info would ever change is if there was ever a Jester with a different IP or GUID on the server. Now if you want log logs, like RPT, server_console, and all those near damn to useless filter logs I suppose I could drag my ass through those too and parse your player ID/GUID and show you exactly what DarT is showing you....you're the only Jester we've had on our server since we went private with a completely clean hive and no carry over gear. Problem with those logs though is you can just say we edited them...cause they're text logs after all, hardly impossible to fake, which is why you get a screenshot of the DarT DB, which I can't even cut and paste from, I have to actually take screenshots. I did protect your IP and GUID though...not looking to have someone steal your GUID and get you BE banned or anything. So its pretty much an impasse either way you want to go Jester. You have your point of view and I have mine. Oh and Epo has his point of view, and his point of view has never been confused about a death message in regards to a person he just killed at nearly point blank range. I'm all for trying to "work something out" but in all fairness if you really wanted to "work something out" you wouldn't be sitting here stirring up drama trying to whip up an army of "FUCK THEM SERVER ADMINS" folks to your cause, to try to get them to come grief our server til we decide to quit hosting it. Cause really, you know its a private hive. You knew it was a private hive. You knew enough to know that 525 was on the same hive DB. So seriously, its just silly to sit here acting like the unjustly accused. Your stories do not add up, using the DayZ "Cheat reporting" forum to attempt to "report" a private hive server is nothing but an attempt to whip up griefers against the server because you got banned, and the reason you put it in Cheat Reporting is because Server Reporting is MODERATED and you know full well that you'd never get the post through in that forum because the moderators would toss it out as irrelevant because its a private hive. So, lets not beat around the bush here. Its dead obvious what you're attempting to do. Its dead obvious what your intent was, and its dead obvious that you will attempt to keep this thread at the top of the list to get as much support as you can for your little drama jihad against "Exile" or perhaps "ExLied" whoever the hell they are....and thats the entire point of this thread. You know you got capped at the factory, you know you and your friend combat logged at the top of the hill, you know you ghosted on 525 to get into position on 503 because it was the easiest way to get a shot at people at the new camp without being caught, its all 100% true and even if I produced notarized and witnessed video footage you'd still say "That wasn't me" and continue waving the torch to try to get the "bad guys" to come fuck up our server because we got wise to your crap. Well, sorry, I'm just not going to fall for it any further. I've said my piece and I don't frankly care if people believe you or me. If someone comes to fuck up my server on your behalf, I'll ban them too, then I'll rollback to the most recent hive save before their bullshit and keep on trucking like it never happened, and if more come I'll ban them too and change my instance ID. Welcome to a world where all DayZ Admins don't have to do whatever the hell you say. -
Exile Clan on US 503 combat logging and cheating.
ChernoPTA replied to Jest8r's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
The views and opinions of Epo™ are not necessarily the views of Exile Gaming, LLC, LTD, CO, CO.UK, .XXX but he is hilarious to have around and doesn't require 3rd party assistance to shoot people in the back of the face. -
Exile Clan on US 503 combat logging and cheating.
ChernoPTA replied to Jest8r's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
Since you're going on at length about using other game profiles and what not I'll just leave this here. Amazing how we killed a Jester that wasn't you, but you're the only Jester in my player database, you're also the only one with a current Hive record on the private hive we use. Sure to be more though soon enough. Far as adversaries, we'd love some, that whole deal on the North Hill was really cool til you and your friend combat logged because you knew you were pinned. I let it slide because even though I state I ban combat loggers, we have been trying to give people a break so people would take up residence on the server and...yanno, be legitimate adversaries. Base building is part of what the game is about, working together as survivors to defend whats ours. We actually recruited a guy that came to the factory and laid down his weapons because he saw there were more of us than there were of him. The move was a simple tactical call, and as stated I managed the entire thing, you were not on the server, not as Jester, not on a different game profile either cause...as the DB log there shows you haven't used one on 503. So the whole situation of you seeing the V3S and "one other vehicle" heading west completely falls flat. Especially since there were 5 total vehicles on that run, and none of them were traveling together. The final total vehicle count was two UAZ's, the SUV, one Hilux Truck (that you had not destroyed) and the V3S. Some went completely off road, none traveled together, there was no point where you would have "observed" the vehicles together as you stated and, also, as stated, you were not on the server during the move. Had you been tagged on the server with the same GUID with a different name you'd be right there in the database. Overall this entire argument is rather pointless. You can red text my statements if you like and say "thats not me, it wasn't me", but you've been on and off 503 for well over a week and we've given you plenty of opportunities to be a legitimate adversary. Ghosting on 525 to get in position on 503 is enough for me to call it quits in regards to giving you further opportunities. There are no AS50_TWS's on 503, DayZ Anti-Hax 0.7 actually parses for non-standard weapons and removes them. BTW, so whatever that guy's added to your post is hogwash. You should know as well as anyone that we only have TWO AS50's, one that was in the V3S you stole, and now the other that we removed from the van you left behind the base when you took the truck. And they're just plain AS50's, we have a few M107's though...don't use them, but someone brought them in from a chopper crash. Oh and truck inventory....yes there were things removed from it. 4 sets of NVG's that were stored on the truck were no longer on it. 4 sets of NVGs were in the tents on 525. Including quite a few other items that were incredibly similar to our previous stockpile at the factory. So if it wasn't you hauling the gear out, perhaps someone got in there and stole the NVGs and just happened to take them to the EXACT same spot you took the V3S to somewhere in the 30 minutes between me logging off and you logging on. Oh and that Exlie clan isn't us, btw. Not sure why you even linked those. Kwark was a problem causer we had on 401, video evidence wasn't enough apparently, just got a lot of "wasn't me, that wasn't us" from that too. Only place I screwed up was with the christian clan that hit us, but we thought they had teleported in because of a screwy read on positional data in the RPT files, because they started out attacking from the hill, then suddenly there were people in the factory too, they ghosted in, legitimate on the public hive, but doesn't mean I like it, and its part of the reason we went private. -
Exile Clan on US 503 combat logging and cheating.
ChernoPTA replied to Jest8r's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
Yeah ignoring posts with evidence in them is quite LOLZ. I just cut his entire post apart with direct facts and hive log timestamps backing up those facts. But its alright, I get that "two" complaints one of them completely misunderstood (on our end, that we never had a chance to make up for because this forum destroyed our public hive server due to the drama) and one from a guy thats obviously using DayZ Navigator equals "multiple people". I have 2565 people on my ban list right now. Most of them are from the community ban list and DayZ Anti-Hax, a few hundred are from me. If you look around in cheat reporting you'll find posts where I'm trying to report the people I was banning (back when I was actually still on the main hive) properly. And by and large I do my best to let people be if they seem to be playing straight. But since BattlEye is blind 6 days out of 7 at best, and I'm on a private hive now, you're just going to have to deal with the fact that occasionally I'm going to make a gut instinct call based on the facts as I see them. And other than that, you can have a wonderful day. Even if the original poster hadn't used DayZ Navigator to locate where we moved, he still ghosted his way to our base on a server that is on the same shared private hive, and attacked without ever being detected on his way to his position by doing so. And that alone is grounds enough for me to ban the guy on my server....cause I can, cause I don't like spineless ghosters abusing hive travel to "get a better vantage". To be honest I could have defended myself with a gigantic ASCII middle finger and I'd have been just as justified. But I put down facts and a direct shot of the hive log that correlates timestamp to timestamp with the actual series of events. -
Exile Clan on US 503 combat logging and cheating.
ChernoPTA replied to Jest8r's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
Hi, I run US 503. My MOTD says we don't answer to anyone, especially you. But I'm a nice guy so I'll give you an answer. As the poster above you indicates, I banned you for usage of DayZ Navigator. You did not at any time "observe" us moving the V3S west on the 24th, and I can state why. First, some backstory: On the 22nd you and one other individual attacked the Factory from the North Hill, you didn't kill anyone, and once fire was being returned and there were defenders moving up the hill to engage you at closer range while over watch positions had you pinned down, both of you combat logged within 20 seconds of each other. I'm not going to drag your friends name into this but I was there and I watched the entire thing go down...I let it slide...once, cause I figured, alright these guys have been playing on the server and I'll give them a chance. On the day of the 23rd the server appeared to be down due to a node error, it had no activity at all that day except me and it took me a lot of work arounds to even get to the lobby, once we got the node issue sorted out the server was back up. On the morning of the 24th, you waited until members of the server known to you as the survival group at the factory were not on the server. You joined the server at 05:56AM, after going through the tents and grabbing some grenades and an M249 and several ammo belts, you then began to destroy vehicles in the base including 1 civilian Ural, and a White Hilux truck. Fair game, no problem, you were attempting to destroy a third vehicle when you were legally killed by Epo, a member of Exile. After your player_death event, the log data shows you disconnecting at 06:07AM. After the event at 10:32AM I logged in and was appraised of the situation. I decided at that time due to the material loss we'd taken, that it was time to move elsewhere. The original plan was to move the two UAZ we had left and the SUV (which is a legal spawn on Bliss Hive btw) to a new location. One of our members down on the coast came across the V3S while we were in the process of emptying our tents and packing, so we picked that up. Now heres where the hole in your story begins. We had the V3S and had our move completed before 4:00PM Server time, there was only one unknown on the server during the move, it was not you or your friend. The entire move was completed by 14:00 hours...and you might notice...right here...that your connections on the 24th show you on the server at 05:56, disconnecting at 06:07 after being shot dead, and then...your next log entry on the server shows you logging in at 16:41(4:41PM), long after the move had been completed. Simple facts are, you couldn't have seen a V3S because we didn't have a V3S at the factory when we killed you, and you didn't know we had one because you weren't on the server the whole day after you were killed while attempting to take down our entire vehicle base. The timestamps are right there. You couldn't have "seen" the V3S moving west because you WERE NOT THERE when the V3S was moving west. Nobody witnessed the V3S moving anywhere. As the only other hostile on the server had logged off and it was just our usual group by the time we passed through Novy Sobor with said V3S. So...stands to reason theres only one way you could have known we had a V3S and that we took it west and I've already explained what that reason was. Now heres a fun fact. Later that night, you turn up in Vybor at 0111, as the log shows, you were spotted there by someone we had up there on salvage duty, we immediately sent out a foot team to pen you in and put you down, I personally wasn't sure why you'd ended up in Vybor at all, you'd been on the server on and off since being killed at the Factory, maybe you'd already gone back to the factory and figured out we'd moved by then...who knows, but for some reason you're in Vybor, We sent in 5 people to take you down, and just as we're closing in on your position, you log out. Could be coincidence, so I let that one go. I found it odd that you all seemed to have followed us to the west side of a very large map but hey, things happen right? Anyways, I was up til 05:00 on the 25th, I did a server restart at 05:00 approximately because the server had been up for 24 hours, I checked our defenses, saved all our stuff and logged off, figuring that one of our euro time scale players would log on soon enough and all will be well. You log on at 05:32 approximately 30 minutes after I went to bed, potentially having noticed the server is empty. And make your way down from Vybor to the Putoshka base, and if you took down that southern set of defenses in a "minute" I'm impressed, I used the last of my cat wire and tank traps buttoning up that position as best I could (we only had 20 or so of each left) and that portion had at least 8 sets of cat wire down and 6 tank traps...but hey, you're a skilled guy obviously. I should also mention that you made the run from Vybor in a S1203 Van, got into the base, got the V3S out and parked it 7 klicks north of its position at base, as far north on the map as you could go without it going out of bounds, all in just over 30 minutes....obviously you're a very skilled guy. And you come inside the warehouse there, and take a V3S you couldn't have possibly known we had, in fact, couldn't have possibly known any of the vehicles were there at all because they were inside the warehouse and not on open view....yes there was a bus out there, yes there was a tractor outside the walls. But for some reason, you were very sure, obviously, according to your own original account in the first post, there was a V3S that you couldn't have possibly ever seen inside that warehouse. (christ we didn't even know it had spawned, Bliss Hive 6 had a bug where the V3S wouldn't spawn at all, we'd only update to Bliss Hive 7 that morning which fixed the V3S spawn and it turned up in the usual place.) And "being a cool guy" you only stole the V3S, cause I guess destroying the Ural the day before had tired you out and made you feel dirty inside. And you carted the V3S to 022001, how did we find it? Well I'll tell you how, we spent all day driving around looking for it cause it still had most of our critical supplies on it. We'd been cycling loot spawns in Putoshka and Vybor for tents most of the previous evening and only came up with 10 of them in a whole overnight process of attempting to build back up from losing our storage at the factory. Finally around 1500 CST, after driving as far north on the western highway as a our search team could, they turned around to head back and one of them spotted the V3S up in the trees. Now heres where things get more fun. At 16:41 on the 25th you log in at 022001, just as you said, to find the V3S gone. You immediately log out and go to US 525...why is that? Oh well I think we know why. To check your camp that you were going to ghost all our gear over to, 525 being on the same shared private hive and all that. Notice the timestamps afterwards. You log back on to 525 for 3 minutes starting at 19:33. You then log into 503 at 19:37 stay for three minutes and log out. You then log in to US 525 at 19:41 and spend 14 minutes on US 525 doing...who knows what, probably running like crazy to Putoshka, but you must have been pretty fast to come from 022001 in 14 minutes, but hell I'll even give you that (we checked quite extensively for vehicles in Putoshka on 525, but hey maybe there was a car hidden way out in the trees..who knows.), even though it completely debunks your story about how you actually made your way down to Putoshka while on 503 and that touching little statement about having to log off to do something with your daughter...but the timestamps don't seem to agree with your heroic retelling of your skillfull and valiant attack on a bunch of evil clan members. You then log in to 503 at 19:57 and spend a little time getting into position. I happen to be on the server at the time, Bloodwraith is up on the oil tank doing overwatch and notices some odd zombie activity to the south, so I flank south west and see that its you, back to the scene of the crime and shooting at people. Bloodwraith did combat log and I had a long talk with him about it afterwards...cause lord knows I've died to enough hackers in the last several months that I figured he could at least take a bullet. But after weighing all the stuff in my head, about how you combat logged on us on the 22nd, how you were stalking our camps when nobody was around and how you miraculously just seemed to know that a vehicle you couldn't have ever seen us with because you weren't ever on the server at the times that we had it after we killed you at the factory, had moved 8 klicks across the map to an entirely different location....instead of pulling my guns trigger, I pulled the ban trigger. Now here are my reasons 1.) You are using DayZ Navigator, the only way you could have spotted a V3S where it was was by doing so, you were never on the server, as the hive log shows, during the time the V3S was mobile, so you did not "spot" it moving west. You knew exactly where the camp was, out of ANYWHERE else we could have gone, less than 12 hours after we'd picked up and moved. 2.) You had combat logged on us previously when we had the amount of people to deal with you, and only returned to our camps when there was very little chance of you meeting any resistance. 3.) You were ghosting between US 503 and US 525 and one of the reasons we went to a private hive was to get away from ghosting jackasses that won't fight fair. You ghosted from 022001 on 525, to position south of Putoshka and then logged to 503 to get a "better vantage". Thats why I banned you. Those are my reasons, that is my evidence. And to be honest I don't have to defend my decisions cause....well I don't, but I'm defending them nonetheless. Bloodwraith, though, for your information, is not a member of Exile, he is a member of a clan called Saints. And he has no administrative access to the 503 server. So...he didn't ban you for shooting him. I banned you because I was getting tired of your "ha ha I'm a squirrely bastard" crap and after you'd found our new camp so fast I knew for sure you weren't playing straight. BTW, sorry about your stockpile of stuff on 525. Just so happens that we did a little elementary logic and figured that if you'd parked our V3S at 022001 on our server, there must have been a reason for you continually logging over to 525, there must have been a reason for it, and sure enough there was. Thankfully we retrieved several of the high value items you'd stolen from us, which I was happy you'd taken the time to store them because they're pretty rare spawns and all, and even working the airfield and all the best we've come up with for those NVG's is 4 sets so far. Lot of our people are running around blind at night and as you might have noticed when you were vulturing through our supplies we only had a few L85's and definitely not enough NV Goggles to go around. So...yeah, a guy that plays with us that isn't in Exile did combat log on you, and yeah, I banned you, cause to be frank I'm tired of not getting a straight fight out of anyone at this game. Anyways we're moving the base again when I decide to bring the server back up. It'll be on the Cherno docks, right there in the warehouse, until people like you and DayZ Navigator are no longer a factor, there is no point in trying to "survive" anywhere. So we might as well be right down on the coast so we can kill you people as you come in the door, rather than what we have been doing for the last month, which was staying north of the major towns and the coast and doing our best to try to let the server population grow naturally. Anyways, take care. Its my server and its my rules and it was my call that you're a gutless map hack using ghoster, and I don't have to put up with people like you on my server. So I didn't. Cya. Edited to add a copy of your original post in case you edit it to try to change your story around, champ. -
I wiped my own hive. Call me impatient. Perhaps spending my days off and my time off work reporting a bunch of hackers that take months to ban got to me and I got tired of it. Regardless I hope the public hive gets a wipe too. But, I'm no longer all that invested in what the DayZ team decides to do with their hive.
Elpis Host - $30/month for 40 slots - BEC/Anti-Hax - Unrivaled Quality
ChernoPTA replied to Tyler Salwierz's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
Still can't say enough good things about Elpis really. Tyler has put a lot of work into introducing features that server admins want and beyond that hes the type of person that will get on your server and play and see why you need what you need and actually look at the problems that are brought to servers by script kiddies and various DayZ bugs. And he'll generally do it within minutes of requesting support. There are very few hosting companies that put this level of dedication into ensuring they have happy customers. So not to shill, again, but Elpis definitely puts in an inordinate amount of time to ensure that they not only support the games they host, but they know enough about them to know why certain problems you may have are bothering you. I can't name many other hosts that will do that. -
What are your best experiences with BANDITS?
ChernoPTA replied to [email protected]'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Couldn't say, never had a bandit say one word to me, all I hear is bullets generally. There aren't a lot of "bandits" left. Mostly just murderers and thats about it. -
What is the point of a private server?
ChernoPTA replied to sidereal6's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
I'm hoping my host starts offering this option soon. While private hives don't ward off hackers, they do defeat a couple of issues that I feel completely ruin a server experience. 1) Ghosting 2) Gear Migration Ghosting sucks cause nothings more annoying that putting a lot of time into creating a defensible base only to have an assault force log in INSIDE it with absolutely no warning. Thats not realistic, nor does it even take any skill. Gear migration sucks cause you can open a completely fresh DayZ server right now and in two days you'll have duper camps popping up on it where people are basically moving their gear from their previous server to yours then duping it all 20 times over and thus there is no scarcity of supply in regards to anything. With a private hive you don't really have to worry about either. Though while duping can still be an issue (not as big an issue though as private hives can have far faster save state response times and can be much harder to dupe on because of it) no one can carry an AS50 from somewhere else to your server, and then dupe it 20 times and arm half your server with AS50's. And the fact that people can't ghost into your defensive positions actually sort of makes the game as it was intended to be played, people can actually try to survive on a private hive. And if you want someones stuff you have to fight them for it, you can't just ghost in and raid their tents while they're away or offline. So overall, while private hives are not more secure from hackers, they do remove two elements of the public Hive DayZ version that I feel are some of the largest problems with DayZ outside of hackers. I will definitely be disconnecting from the public Hive as soon as my host finds a way to do so without getting all their IP's blacklisted for doing it. -
Brace yourselves, a second wave is coming
ChernoPTA replied to SqTH's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
My server is offline for the weekend til the situation has an answer. We had a lot of crap going on and I'm just in no mood to deal with it. Mass teleports, vehicle teleports, all tents on a server disappearing instantly. Not going to keep a server up for hackers to have their lulz. Not going to spend my day trying to ban people I can't ban because I can't prove who did it because the security precautions in place have become completely ineffectual. Just take your servers down, period. Perhaps if enough servers go dark, someone will give a fuck. -
Is this a hack or something innocent?
ChernoPTA replied to ganjademon's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
Both are examples of a player attempting to use a script to make themselves invisible. Yes they are hacks. -
Hacker Nuked our Scavenger Hunt!
ChernoPTA replied to torturedchunk's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
Ahh Lucas. I've had him banned on my server for a half a month now for the same crap. I thought that was a new GUID but its not, same one.....amazing that BE hasn't globally banned this guy yet. -
All Our Vehicals have been taken while we were on or in them
ChernoPTA replied to ubikPainKiller's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
I shut my server down for the weekend. Even though BattlEye just updated, there are some serious issues going on here. First of all, remoteexec.log isn't recording anything any more. Period, even with the latest filters installed. Why do I say this? Because last night my entire server had all tents flattened then everyone on the server was teleported into the air to drop to their deaths somewhere in the ocean. What does remoteexec.log have to say about this? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. BIG FAT ZERO KB FILE WITH NOTHING IN IT THANK YOU VERY MUCH. Publicvariables is nice it shows a great big splat of 30+ people dying. Cool huh? Createvehicle is useless in this situation. And BattlEye just updated and its just as frakking useless. So my plan for the weekend is to wait for the kids to go back to school. Cause I'm not going to sit here dealing with this crap all weekend and have to pay for it too. EDIT: BTW I'm not putting this all at Dwarden's feet or BE's feet either, I've got BEC and DayZ Anti-Hax running and I've got multiple server admins too...and theres not fuck all we can do right now other than ban people on gut instinct alone. And can't do that.....cause RULES. So yeah, I'll do something else this weekend. -
Its broken....seriously. Someone go pull the Host Altitude people out of their beds and tell them to figure out what the hell is wrong.
Okay maybe "Hive is broken" is a bit generalist. What I mean is its not talking to the rest of the world at the moment. And perhaps the people responsible for that should be talking to people that are responsible for making sure it does.
C:\Users\admin>ping hive.dayzmod.com Pinging hive.dayzmod.com [] with 32 bytes of data: Request timed out. Request timed out. Request timed out. Request timed out. Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 0, Lost = 4 (100% loss), I R NOT STOOPID
Its not fine, entire server networks are timing out to Hive connections entirely. Not asking Host Altitude to update THEIR servers they rent out, I'm asking them to find out whats wrong with the Hive because they host it.
The joys of update days.
So not to quibble but how much longer do we need to endure Hive 0.7.3?
ChernoPTA posted a topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
I'm pretty sure all metrics generated at this point indicate that Hive 0.7.3 is about as broken as it can possibly be without it being completely unable to allow incoming connections from the server network entirely. Vehicles don't save their positions, tents do not save their inventory, people log out of a server and log back in to find their backpacks full of crap they never put in there. Vehicle inventories are completely unreliable, spawn data is not randomizing loot node chance, the same tents in Stary have the same stuff nearly every time you go to them, and if its not the same AKM/M1014/occasional AKS Kobra, its enough tin cans and detritus to build a junk fort castle with. Seriously, what gives? This isn't helping the persistent experience at all, its chasing players off servers and towards private hives and overall...theres not much more "alpha" data you should need, looking at the dev-heaven issues on it, to get something done about it. Don't mean to be harping at all but Hive 0.7.3 is making server look a lot more broken than it actually is. -
I find it somewhat confusing that people think an old patch somehow means the Hive will be retaining data for servers using an old patch. The "Hive" is not a locally hosted database on each server. Its independent of all servers. Irregardless of the server version, a blank Hive means the exact same thing in all respects.