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Everything posted by LastShenanigan

  1. LastShenanigan

    Another Resusitation Idea

    Giving us the tools to define our own classes within a group is always a great idea.
  2. LastShenanigan

    Overhaul of the needs of players

    Some solid ideas, although I usually sit a safe distance away from a fire. Sitting close enough to be warm but not close enough to become dehydrated would need to be implemented. Where this effect would work awesome is if we ever have burning buildings or forest fires. Being chased through a burning building by zombies could get fairly intense and you probably wouldn't feel so well afterwards.
  3. LastShenanigan

    Zombie hordes in the woods ?

    I would like a large persistant always moving horde on each server. The horde slowly migrates around the map, through cities, wandering through forests, across airfields. Keeping track of where the horde is would be vital for survival, running into another player (assuming you don't shoot each other) and being told not to go into nearby town due to the horde passing through would add immersion to the game world.
  4. LastShenanigan

    Zombie sense of smell

    So I'm shot by another player and I'm about to get DayZerged? Well it'd certainly make things interesting. While we're down the route of smell we could always throw sweat in. Been sprinting nonstop for the last 10 minutes? Your character stinks and zombies slowly drift towards your scent until you get waist deep in water or pour a canteen all over yourself. I'd honestly like to see zombies have semi random senses, some having worst eyesight while others having better hearing. It'd need to be subtle and have a way to visually identify the zombies with better senses though, so player aren't raging about random zombie aggro.
  5. LastShenanigan

    dayz non-pvp servers?

    All you need to do to survive the zombies is hide in the woods, the only challenge currently in Dayz is the players. I'm not saying that won't change over time but you should really consider what we would all be doing in a no pvp server. "Ok guys, we've got tons of vehicles, ammo, food and weapons. We're completely safe out here in our tent city... uh... does anyone... know what there is to do?" "Let's start a campfire and tell pvp server stories!"
  6. LastShenanigan

    Class system

    I think a players attributes should be decided by how he plays i.e. player carrying less gear moves faster and is quieter. I'm not against picking what you were before the apocalypse like doctor or mechanic. Your suggested classes seem too combat focused though, and you'll probably never see starting weapons again.
  7. LastShenanigan

    The one thing i hate about Dayz

    Solution: Everyone spawns at NW airfield! That way we can get geared and start shooting at things with little to no downtime! Hurraaay!
  8. LastShenanigan

    But really, why SHOULDN'T I shoot you?

    Always approach a stranger holding a gun from cover. If you bumped into a guy in an alleyway and he was pointing a gun at you but said he is friendly would you run right up to him? It's a game but you need to treat them like real people, you can't throw caution to the wind just because someone holding a gun says "come out, I won't hurt you". A lot of the time it's luck of the draw. I tend to avoid groups as they usually are already established and are looking to suppy themselves, not make friends. If you're dead set on approaching groups you should probably hide your pack somewhere and approach them with a minor weapon. They may still kill you, but hopefully they never realize you had more stuff. I usually stay in cover and talk to people for a few minutes before trusting them, if I see them moving a lot it's either open fire or run like hell. A few times I've actually come across another survivor who has the same strategy, we both find cover, exchange words for awhile, and get along famously.
  9. I have a mental disorder also. I don't give a shit about people on the internet bragging about being a sociopath, but boy are you cool.
  10. LastShenanigan

    Inmate clothing for the next respawn bandits

    The problem with this is the "perm death", when you're killed in Dayz that character IS DEAD. However I don't think its a terrible idea it would really need to be fleshed out to work. If an inmate dies without killing anyone does he still respawn an inmate? Does the player have to help someone get their humanity back up while sitting in a skin that says "I murder". How do you stop innocent people from ending up respawned as an inmate. If I get attacked by survivors and manage to kill them but then bleed to death myself I respawn as an inmate?? These are all issues and suggesting we segregate the playerbase would only lead to more problems, It'd only be a matter of time until people get annoyed and suggest inmates spawn inside a prison somewhere far away from survivors. The thing that makes Dayz exciting is that you don't know who this person is in front of you. Some people seem to want to take the fear out of approaching a stranger because it's currently not very friendly gameplay. The fear is the only thing making this mod worth playing and it's the most realistic part of the mod, you SHOULD be afraid of hungry strangers carrying guns around the apocalypse. We need more ways to encourage people to trust each other which is incredible hard in a video game where you know you're not hurting a real person. Large objectives that require and reward multiple people would be the first step. The problem right now is, theres nothing else exciting for experienced players to do except hunt other players. A person is far more difficult to kill then an npc whos completely unaware of their surroundings. It'll be very boring when there is nothing left but zombies to kill all day.
  11. I approve a cooldown timer for reconnecting to a server you've recently disconnected from. The servers must keep track of players connecting, if the same person trys to connect more then once in a 15 min period = Denied. If it's a legit disconnect you really should have no problem playing on another server for a few minutes and as the game becomes more stable we should see less random disconnects.
  12. I would just like easier ways to identify players on my own. Your ideas interesting but it may be a lot of work just for a very rare chance of it happening. Finding a npc survivor on the road who for some food will give me information might be nice, but I'm not too keen on them having items on them. I don't mind not know who killed me, I take issue with witnessing a murder myself at close range and then moments later not being able to identify who was the attacker because he looks just like everyone else standing around. I hate when me and my friend are looting an area and we have to vocally announce to each other that it is in fact us standing a foot away from each other. Player names appearing over us really isn't a solution either.
  13. LastShenanigan

    Cut down inventory space !

    I always found it weird that I can only fit a few guns in the Alice pack, you really should be able jam more things in there. I think adding weight to items that effects movement speed would be great. At the same time I'd like to see large duffle bags added which could potentially take up your rifles slot. Don't just force players to travel light, give us the realistic ups and downs of both. Opting for a small pack with only a few items and your fast and quiet. Opt for a large backpack and a duffle on your shoulder and you have the benefit of being able to carry alot of gear, but you're slow, noisey, can't use a rifle and become thirsty quickly. This would increase the variety of play styles seen amoung solo players and add more management options for grouped up players so they can define specific roles within the group. A lightweight fast player covers his pal while he runs into the building with a huge bag throwing whatever supplies he can find into it.
  14. LastShenanigan

    Suggestion for Super Rare Weapon

    I'd imagine there are better swords then a katana for zombie slaying. Too many games push the idea that a katana found at the mall can cut through bones without ever being damaged.
  15. LastShenanigan

    Start us off with NOTHING please

    Not only do I want to start with NOTHING, I want to spawn being chased by 10-15 zombies. Make it happen!
  16. LastShenanigan

    Vehicle Protection

    require toolbox to steal someone elses car? Or some new type of loot that could be of assistance when hotwiring? I've never had a vehicle for long but it does seem ridiculous that I can just run up to any vehicle and jump in as if the driver left the key in.
  17. LastShenanigan

    Fuck Kamenka! *RESPAWN*

    Sleeping bags? 1. Has to be placed in the forest. 2. After placing one it takes 30 minutes or more before being "active", if you die in this time it disappears, resetting your spawn. 3. You cannot place one within x distance of a tent. 4. Any other player can destroy your sleeping bag resetting you to default spawns. just spitballing
  18. LastShenanigan


    I'd like to see one very big very dangerous animal that wanders the wilderness at night. It can be a wolflike creature or an infected bear, whatever. It should be an absolute killing machine that will not go into buildings and quickly lose interest and wander off if the player goes in or near buildings. I don't know how possible it is to have persistant npcs, even if its only one, but just knowing it's out there would terrify most players who use the deep forest as night cover. I want to be terrified running to the nearest building ala the orginal resident evil, wondering if it's safe to go out there. People could get annoyed if it can one shot them though. A more sophisticated AI would be helpful in this situation, it can be designed to ambush the player. Knock them down and cause bleeding and then slowly proceed to circle them waiting for them to bleed out. The player can get up and run but it will pursue them until they get near enterable buildings. I don't want the experience to totally ruin a players day, just terrify them.
  19. The biggest reason for the shoot on sight mentality seems to be that even though someone says they're friendly, they can still shoot you in the back as soon as you turn around. I personally don't have a problem with this, I avoid strangers. However, I'd rather a simple fix be pushed through before we start having penalties for people playing the bandit. What I suggest is for you and another player to be able to flag each other as "Friendly". What this would do is make you unable to damage each other through melee or gunfire, things like grenades would still work of course. It wouldn't be instant, maybe taking 60 seconds after the confirmation before you are unable to damage each other. Of course you would be able to remove the friendly mark between you and another player whenever you want. Though again a wait period before it's actually confirmed may be required. This could also be implemented towards fixing loggers. Simply put, if you're within X radius of another player (or zombies even) and they are not marked as a friendly, you cannot abort. Alt F4ing would perhaps cause you're character to simply hang around for a few moments. Though in my opinion Alt F4 should be in the in-game unbindable key for suicide. I understand that betrayal is a big appeal to people in Dayz, but I'm finding a lot of people aren't even using it maturely. We aren't even getting to the point where we can betray each other anymore. Would you rather say friendly and then shoot someone in the back for a can of beans, or confirm friendly gain their trust and have them lead you back to their vehicles and tents. Our biggest hurdle is everyone who is playing who'd prefer to act like idiots. The amount of betrayals "for the lulz" is the #1 reason players shoot on sight. They know that they aren't killing a real person, as such they don't feel it worth taking seriously. Idiot open fire because they just want to kill another player in a video game, and serious players open fire because there is no way to ween out the idiots. The maturity of the players involved directly influences the success of this mod. Immature players to no surprise, act immature when dropped into a sandbox. They could care less about the social experiment.
  20. It isn't Deathmatch, you have no apparently grasp on what Deathmatch is. I'll explain, Deathmatch is a gametype found in many shooters in which players are pitted against each other. The goal of Deathmatch is for players to kill as many other players as they can until a time limit or goal is met. So until a big "BaNdIt's WiN!" screen pops up and we all start over you are only blowing smoke by making ignorant comparisons. Your suggested fix to players killing each other is esstianly World of Warcrafts pvp system in which once a player has attacked another they are "flagged" as an attacker. Player killing doesn't need to be fixed, you do. Plenty of people enjoy exactly the direction this game is going in and you feel it should be changed because it doesn't suit you. Next you'll suggest seperating the servers so PvEr can play house in the apocalypse until they get bored and move on to the next game in which the only challenge presented is killing npcs.
  21. LastShenanigan

    Why did you shoot me.

    You guys who all are tired of people shooting on sight could... you know... team up? Instead of all agreeing you hate no one being forced to be friendly how bout you meet in game somewhere and play together.
  22. No, there should be no penelty for murder. You're suggesting magical punishment in the "zombie apocalypse". This is not a world with a clearly defined society. The actual number of players who murder is nowhere near the number of people running around alive. This to me seems like a made up issue from people who simply don't like the ambush PVP that they encounter in this mod. Or they see another player, procede to run straight at them and are then upset when that player shoots at them. This mentality is seeking to have it discouraged by devs rather then work through it themselves by establishing their own group. I'm all for more ingame benefits to being in a group, but there are already plenty of groups who murder outsiders. I do not murder other players, I play for very long hours and I don't feel we need an invisible policing system to stop other survivors from killing me. In fact in recent days the only player I remember taking a shot at me was a sniper on a hill somewhere. I've ran into 4 or 5 other people and almost all of them went about their business. One I spoke to briefly and then also went about his business. The only place this shoot on sight mentality seems to happen is in the Cherno/Electro area. I don't have an issue with this, I like how different parts of the map have different attitude players. These are supposed to be the major cities, it's not insane to assume it's not safe to head into them. I honestly can't believe the people who are angry that a mystery player that killed them wasn't punished for their actions. Completely missing the point of this mod with the "I want my character to live forever, make facebook friends, and kill zombies with them" attitude. There isn't a drop of anything resembling a deathmatch in this mod.
  23. LastShenanigan

    DayZ equals Sociopath's/assholes

    I think it's pretty clear who the person with the personality disorder is here.