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About maddada

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    On the Coast
  1. hahah that's true, but i couldn't think about that when i saw my self 10 meters above the ground and descending!
  2. Server name : Dayz 2017 - joshybfps Server ip: First at around 7:30 GMT+4 (3:30 GMT) a hacker teleports everyone in the server to pavlovo about 10 meters from the ground so they all fall and die, i shutdown my PC immediately by pulling the power. then my friend comes and gets all his gear and we take a bike and a car that were there and hide them in the woods very close to the northern edge of the map, my friend logs off and i stay on for a bit, suddenly i get shot from behind by a lee and i die. I knew for a fact that it was the hacker since i was very far from all the cities, so i go back into the game after switching to my friend's CD key so that i can get his name and then his guid. I get in, shoot him 5 times in the face, nothing happens.. then i pull the ethernet so that my friend character doesn't get killed. after that i log in and i start recording: Here's the hacker's Guid (obtained using ' #beclient players ': b1537bd212eb00371b2485ba3b864908
  3. maddada

    Real Life DayZ pics

    Nice pictures, I live in the UAE too! hope you don't mind me asking which servers do you play on?
  4. maddada

    Did i found Rocket on his work ?

    chillin with his alienware laptop :)
  5. maddada

    DayZ Chernobyl

    I think you could go to opendayz.net and ask the people there, shinkicker the site's main admin is a pro he made celle and dayz 2017, i believe he wouldn't mind a pm..
  6. About: I try to get a UH-1H out of a tight spot and this happens.. note: - the building's roof was a bit curved but i didn't think that the heli would slide down.. - Me and my friend hate playing alone in the server as it takes from the challenge, so when we saw no one was on we wanted to park our helis and get out of the server. this is a low heli count server about 5-6 at most, and many people play. - The golden aks is added to the table in namalsk, its not that rare even. - I knew that mostly the heli would explode if i started it but i though that i could eject in time, now i know that even if i ejected i would have died..
  7. maddada

    What Recording Software should I use?

    Bandicam for me. I just couldn't get dxtory to work, it kept recording 5 fps vids..