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About FallingDown

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    On the Coast
  1. FallingDown


    Hi I've been globally banned and I wanna share my experience the community. I've read like the whole thread and I know that the game has changed since 15th August. I've been playing about a month and the hacking has kinda ruined the game from the start, and stopped me telling my buddies to play as I don't think they could handle it. I don't really mind guys giving themself a nice gun or two if they think it helps them. I DO mind being sent to debug land, turned into a cow, killed by 3 guys in ghillies & a heli who i killed 5 minutes ago, invisible/unkillable dudes, etc. I was playing on the 14th and hacking seemed at an all time high. I musta bin hacked more then 10time in 3 hours - sudden freefall with no parachute, giant bombs that are not in the game(are nukes part of DayZ?), killed without being hit by something, to name a few. I kept on playing (what choice), tried a few different servers but it was the same all over. Then I met a 'friendly' hacker, who didn't ask but gave me a full kit-out and was spawning ammo and vehicles all over, healing me and teleporting me & him around the map. I log on the next day and I am globally banned. Can't help feeling robbed since I did not cheat. I didn't want to cheat. I didn't suicide when he gave me all the stuff, but it seems fucking rough to lose my game for that. I emailed BE on the 15th but guess what, no response. I pretty much expect to never play this game again, and I won't be buying it after this shit nor will my friends. BE never stopped the hackers fucking up my whole evenings play, so yeah, I'm pretty mad, brah. I understand hacker-hate only too well but I just wanted some of these fools to know this shit can happen. If BE made cars, we'd all be dead in ditches.