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About ledruz

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. ledruz

    ban at DE 2136

    Now the time is comming we have no idea. Tents are comming back and i take a look in it. We are giving up. No host for this game.
  2. ledruz

    ban at DE 2136

    Next ban player 76623494 http://gotcha-antihack.com/ is my favorite
  3. Today i banned player 73300038 He asked for friendly and then he let spawn two UAZ, and all items. After bann another unvisiabled gamer try to kill me, i disconnected the server. 20 min later i connect again both UAZ are out of order items are away.
  4. Few days ago i stoke in the lake near factory. Zombies kills me and i can run to my dead body and save all stuf.
  5. ledruz

    Wheres My Interface Bar? I need my interface Bar!...

    confirm same here
  6. ledruz

    Flashlight doesn't work?

    The flashlight at weapons have not this problem. My flashlight at sidearm dont work. i will try relog to desktop to night.