Ok. so I just started this game/mod about a week ago and so far I am loving the idea. It is just brilliant and gives me a thrill that I have not felt since i started out as a pirate in EvE Online. I love the fact that this game is somewhat unique. You have to think up strategies and just plain out survive as you would in RL. Here are my problems. And Yes I know this is in Alpha/Beta so I was wondering if someone out there has any ideas for me on my end to maby fix things up a littlebit in case this is me and not the game itself... 1. Forever Alone guy This problem happens about 9/10 games I play. I spawn. I scavange for stuff, usualy start by picking up a rifle or a hatchet (prefere the hatchet to begin with for silent kills of zeds while looting towns) Then all of a sudden there are no more zombies no more loot. at first I thought "could it be that someone has killed all the zombies in this small town, hid they'r bodies and looted everything?"... so I ran to next town and same storie.. everywhere I go I can just run as crazy on the middle of the road. all loot places are empty and no zombies anywhere. but I can still hear gunshots from players etc. this requers me to log off the server and relog in... witch brings me to point 2... 2. Y U SO SLOW I have tried to connect to the game both by using arma 2 and selecting servers directly and by using 6launcher. if I connect with the game directly I have a great ping (usualy about 70'ish) but i give up try'n to connect after 1 hour of LOADING. this is with newest patch. If I conect with 6launcher the game starts up much quicker but still about 10 minutes of LOADING. but instead I have a ping of about 150-300!!. do note that I have a fiber conection with 30mbps upload and 50mbps download speed. 3. KILL ALL THE PLAYERS!! I have no problem what so ever with PVP. I love it. it gives so much excitement to the game! but what I rly hate is the way people go around killing others. I have often had the fellow player run to me and yelling / typing FRIENDL FRIENDLY. and I say friendly back. then we chat a little and then that person kills me.. this is just not cool heh.. I mean. I dont mind being killed by other players in a stright up gunfight or a snipershot. but this.. lame 4. The best/worst bug ever? I had a character that had been alive now for 3 days. I had loads of usefull stuff except for food and I was low on blood after killing a bandit that shot my fellow player at the time in the back after say'n "friendly" to us. I killed the bandit (although he did not have the bandit skin I got a bandit kill from it) I was down to 2700 blood. no food to boost the blood suply up and noone to give me blood. so I was scouting towns for food. last night I logged of in a warehouse since all the zombies and the loot stopped spawning (as in note 1) and when I rejoin this morning I spawn at the exact same place. but this time I had a completely different inventory. When I logged of I had a mak pistol and a hatchet plus some bandages and drinks, painkillers, map, bino and some more stuff. After logging back in.. I had a sniper and 9 clips, a ALICE bag, map, compas, NVG, revolver + ammo, toolbox, hunting knife, matches and loads loads more items I have not even seen before. after testing the sniper with 2 shots on zombies I get a lag spike. all of a sudden it's like 30+ guys in camo outfits stand up all around me and then everything gets white. except me and the other "players" that are all running around like in panic. Then I notie that the screen aint white but we are in the sky and I see that far down is land and trees wich is coming closer and closer. so I'm falling. the other players all pop parasuits except me and I fall down to my death and have to start a new character... wtf???? and no this was not a dream. lol so yeah. anyone had similar issues with the game? got any pointers for a noobie and / or want to share your thoughts? :) feel free to rage at me if you wish if it makes you feel better about yourself. I dont mind. Edit: Forgot to ask. Is there any way to start a new character / Kill this one off mid game? For exc. you brake your leg with no morfin in the middle of the forest and there is no way to survive that and only way out is to die and start over.. orelese you have to crawl for few hours to find some place that can eather help you or kill you.. :)