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About prospekt

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. prospekt

    Where are all the devblogs?

    Matt has stopped playing! He stopped! i'm so stalking them...
  2. prospekt

    Lost all gear and spawned back at beach

    So basicaly, you've been killed? I feel you bro
  3. prospekt

    Sniper Zeroing sheet

    I don't agree, I usually zero my rifle, and kill as much bandits as bullets I have in my mags.
  4. prospekt

    Sniper Zeroing sheet

    Even if I will probably not use it, I must admit that it's pretty nice work! About the AS50, the scope provides two magnification levels (3x & 12x), the formula depends on which zoom you're using. In this case, the formula becomes: Distance = (magnification/10) * (Size*1000)/ mil For instance, a 1.8m guy, appearing 2mils on x12 will be at 1.2 * 1.8 * 1000 / 2 = 1080 meters Suddenly, headshot.
  5. prospekt

    Sniper Zeroing sheet

    These math are pretty easy to do. Let me explain! Starting from the formula (ObjectHeight×1000)/MildotHeight You can asume that ObjectHeight is 1.8 for a standing man, and 1.2 for a crouched man so your formula is: 1800/Mil or 1200/Mil Moreover, assuming that you're sniping, Mil will be likely to be between 0 and 4. (if not, run, because you're too close!) Most of the time, you will have to know the following (for a standing average man): 1800/1 = 1800 1800/2 = 900 1800/3 = 600 1800/4 = 450 So, if you can't do that kind of math, you should at least try to learn these simple values, you will save a LOT of precious time. PS: Note that with some scope (AS50 for exemple), the formula is a bit more complex
  6. prospekt

    Scariest moments in DayZ?

    Yesterday I was in Cherno (or maybe elektro) looting a fire station, found an AK Kobra, pretty happy. From the tower, I see a guy running with about 6 zombies following him. I start shooting zombies to help him, but thinking I was trying to kill him, he fires in reply. Suddenly a car arrives in town and stops, and the guy jumps in. And don't know why but I kept firing and tryed to stop the car. Quickly someone shoot from nowhere and I'm dead. But the story is just beggining... I respawn on the east coast. My plan was to get some food in medium residential loot area, and then walk in-land. After some poor loots, a car comes to me and honk. The guy tell me to get in if I wanted to. Looking for adventure, I jumped in. After one or two kilometers, the guy told me something like "I know you, you opened fire on my car" My blood just froze. I was in the car of a guy I tryed to kill, unarmed, and lost in the middle of nowhere. He seemed pretty mad (and I can understand why), so jumped out of the car as soon as possible. "Where are you going? I just want to talk!" he yelled while I was trying to run away. He did not wanted to talk, he chased me with his car through the town, trying to crush me. I finaly come to a dead-end, my only option was to get in a building and hide. First I thought I was safe, but he started talking. "I'm going to find you", "You're dead, no need to hide". Indeed, he find me, and killed me. This was the scariest night in my DayZ life.
  7. Nice work, take my beans! And be recruited by DayZ team please
  8. prospekt

    DayZ is booring at late game - my idea.

    I am against any AI military convoy coming into chernarus, it would break the "players vs zombies (vs players)" feeling of the game. Anyway, some rare events with zeds coming where you don't expect them, well, why not
  9. prospekt

    How can i be bandit with bandit suit?

    This post is guaranteed Suggestion free
  10. This idea sucks as much as the 20 previous times it has been suggested
  11. prospekt

    Idea to sort out some trust issues

    This post is incredibly wrong -__-
  12. prospekt


  13. prospekt

    Playing Sniper In Elektro Till Helicopter Ruins It

    I love rail shooters too
  14. prospekt

    Roaming Zombies.

    I agree with OP, but It should be rare enough to surprise the player when it happens
  15. +1, and want the same for food