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About davep1234

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  1. davep1234

    Graphic Glitch and Fractals.

    Thats to bad Nik21, works everytime for me.
  2. This may not work for some. I have a Nvidia GTX 560 card and I get the graphic glitch covering my screen alot. When I am in a area(say Cherno) and I am getting a large amount of graphics covering my screen. -I find a safe place to lay down, hit alt tab(to close your screen and go to desktop) then just sit there for 1-2 seconds and open screen back up, the graphics glitch will have vanished and your screen is clear again. -Sometimes you have to do this a few times before it works, also if you don't have a glitch and you close the screen using alt tab , it can make the screen glitch once you open game up again. I also went into my nvidia control , went to 3d settings and turned of thread optimization. I dunno if that helps but I turned that off same time that I started alt tabbing out of screen. The closer you are to the glitch the better it seems to work. - I normally wait till it starts to get bad and quickly alt tab. -Dunno why it works, but it seems like it reloads the area or something.. Let me no if it works for you.
  3. davep1234

    DAYZ - New recruitment for clan *A-TEAM*

    Hey what time zone you play in.. I live in Canada. BC .. west coast.. Sounds interesting. I am 25 years old, I wanna find a group of players to play with. Game gets quiet boring if your by urself all the time. Ill add you on skype if are timezones work out.
  4. davep1234

    Looking for more squad mates

    I am casual gamer. I live in wester canada(so all US servers basically work). Currenetly I have my own gear and medical supplies, I also have a tent near berezino on a server. Items disappeared but apperently they come back after server restart . I have skype and steam. Send me message on here if its cool and ill give u my steam account name.
  5. Looking for a group of people or clan to play with ... I have steam/ TS3 and can easily grab other chat systems. I can get my own gear. Don't need it to be super serious but I would like to have groups of people to travel with/loot towns. Getting boring playing by myself. I live on the west coast Pacific time . im 25 years old also.
  6. davep1234

    Anybody else happy for Tent/Vehicle bugs?

    I agree, the stand-alone has to come out pretty quick though, the hype will die down and the hackers/bugs will make people move on to other games. They will only remember Day Z for the bad(thats what people generally do). I am gonna quit Day Z pretty soon because of the bugs. They should get the stand-alone out fast(bug free) and add all t he pretty extras after. Like the underground buildings and dogs. So basically, get stand-alone out fast and easy to play, add pretty extras after.. If it doesn't come out in few months I ll probably forget all about it(unless I read that Day Z standalone is completley amazing.
  7. davep1234

    Nerf the zombies...

    Some people expeirence different zombies I guess. Mine aggro from so far away that I can't even prone crawl(holding shift) into a town with aggroing at least 2.. Takes me forever to even get close to town because I have to prone crawl from 100+ out or I aggro. Sometimes I even aggro from that range. Saying they are to easy is just your gaming exp because It is impossible for me to get into a house to get items 80 % of the time. Sometimes they don't even aggro and sometimes they just glitch away. Those are the only times I get items. Then I die from a zombie aggroing me well crouching from 1000 feet away.
  8. davep1234

    Zombies aggro from 50+ meters

    Just started playing Day Z so I don't no what it was like before. All I can say is that the zombie aggro range is out of wack and can make it completely impossible to get items sometimes, no matter how skilled you are. I Was at military base , probably 20 zombies in field/around base. I waiting for them to spread abit(took about 10 minutes) then i finally approached in prone. I proned close but I was spotted and got aggro from a large amount of zombies . I was probably 40-50 feet away from them. The gaps between zombies isn't large enough for you to sneak between there aggro range. Anyways, this game has alot of potential but its completely broken right now. P.S Zombies aren't suppose to run through concrete walls , are they?
  9. Looking for some people that have steam accounts to play Day Z with. Somewhat mature(don't be 12 please, it creeps me out). Don't have to be serious, just lookin for people that wanna join up when we both are online. Leave post if your interested.
  10. davep1234

    Looking for group

    Hey, i tried to search for SGT Tasty Wheat . Your profile did not appear to me.. Do you have a profile that is hidden? Mine is dave_play..
  11. davep1234

    Looking for group

    I play casual, I got steam account... Pretty new to game but starting to figure it out. We can join up if want , just let me no one here. Mite be better with few people in group.