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alexfoster (DayZ)

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Everything posted by alexfoster (DayZ)

  1. alexfoster (DayZ)

    UK players wanted !!!

    add tyber496 to steam me and my bro are in the same situation
  2. alexfoster (DayZ)

    living in DayZ

    right i been playing this game for about 3 mounths and i really enjoy it but i have been unable to team up with people under fear of death the last time i was in a large group i was hunted down for my nvgs and gps so iam very warry about meeting new players and other people cos every one ethier tired shooting me in the back or just trying to kill me head on wih an axe so what teh hell my char has lived for a mounth now. time to meet new player hi my name is alex foster iam from the uk i play 3-4 hours aday i have a lot of experince in game its self i have my own ts line if u havent got no way of communication but yeah just add me on steam and we will arrage something Steam:tyber496
  3. alexfoster (DayZ)

    [ESQD] Elite squad

    hey guy iam looking for someone to play with running milies up and down the coast line with no praticly ponit to the game i wonderd i should join some people ive been alive for a mounth iam from the uk i dont have skpe i use team speack 3 and iam from the uk add tyber496 to steam
  4. alexfoster (DayZ)

    Looking for people to join Squad

    yeah go guys
  5. iam looking for a few people to join me and my mate he started yesterday and me about a mounth ago we have a ts3 that empty and hope to get some replays getr in touch
  6. alexfoster (DayZ)

    looking for peeps to play with

    sorry all new to this o well we iam from the uk we dont have a server, we play servers that work what work so u have a nice server u like we will join you