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Caesar (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Caesar (DayZ)

  1. My fellow bandits, we face a grave threat. I was browsing the Survivor HQ threads, and a tag caught my eye, "The Coaliton - Changing the culture of DayZ". (Link here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/73671-the-coalition-changing-the-culture-of-dayz/) When I clicked the link, I was greeted not by yet another Survivor clan recruitment posting, but something far more dangerous. It seems the Survivors are getting organized. Several apparently influential or powerful clans have grouped together to from a 400 person strong organization. They claim that they will use military force to "police" Chernaurus, and set up "Trade areas". This is Chernaurus! We TAKE what we want. There are NO police. Howvever, these uppity survivors need to be taught a lesson. Our disorganization up to this point has left us at a disadvantage. Our disunion will be our downfall. But, we can quickly make this an advantage. We already kill for survival or entertainment, the added benefit of hurting an enemy who threatens that is icing on the cake. I issue a call to any and all bandit clans, groups, even solo rebels, to unify against this threat. In light of the similarities between DayZ and S.T.A.L.K.E.R, and the fact that the aims of the Coalition and Duty faction match, I say we take the name of Freedom. Not only does this fit into the S.T.A.L.K.E.R theme, but, it is, after all, what we fight for. Freedom to take what we will, kill who we want, and be what we are. Bandits. Well, now that the rousing speech part is over, down to brass tax. I am seriously concerned that if these guys are not made an example of, it could be a problem. As long as there isn't a unified defense against banditry, we still have near complete freedom. If this idea of a Coalition spreads, and gets organized, that could become quite an issue. So, if you want to help, I'll take care of the organizational work, and we continue to do what we do. Just a bit more targeted.
  2. Caesar (DayZ)

    A Threat To Banditry Itself, And A Solution.

    Perhaps I was unclear, I never said we had to trust each other. The old adage, "Honor among thieves." comes to mind. Less trust, more, "Kill the survivors before each other." Killing is what bandits do. I just meant we should focus it. We already cause damage just trying to kill whoever, if we focus all that damage, that could be truly awe-inspiring. Also, imagine the fucking loot! Ambush a caravan and take what you want. I like the sound of THAT.