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Everything posted by afflix

  1. With more and more people buying the game and downloading this mod, I figured i'd make simple guide for any new players to DayZ, or more specifically Arma2, as I myself have only played Arma2 for a short while! Anything to add, just post and I'll throw it in the list. ~ DT = DOUBLE-TAP ~ NUMPAD refers to a key on the number pad located to the right of your keyboard. ~ [#] See tips regarding this particular keybind. Movement - RUN/WALK: SHIFT (DT toggle) - SPRINT: DT W - PRONE: Z - CROUCH: X - STAND: C - VAULT (step over fences): V - LEAN (roll when prone): Q and E (Left and Right, DT toggle) - CLIMB LADDER/ACTION: MOUSE WHEEL SCROLL / CLICK (often times you may have to re-position yourself to successfully climb a ladder, look for a up/down arrow) [1] View - THIRD PERSON: NUMPAD ENTER (ensure you are in a 3rd person enabled server for this to work) - ZOOM OUT/WIDER FIELD OF VIEW: DT NUMPAD - - ZOOM IN: HOLD RCLICK - IRONSIGHTS: TAP RCLICK - HOLD BREATH: HOLD RCLICK (whilst aiming down sights) - FREE LOOK: ALT (DT toggle) Social - CYCLE CHAT CHANNEL: , and . - CHAT: / - VOIP/PTT: CAPS LOCK (DT toggle) - MUTE PLAYER: P > SELECT PLAYER > MUTE (located to the right) Gadgets - BINOCULARS: B - WATCH: O (DT toggle) - COMPASS: K (DT toggle) - NVG: N (DT toggle?) - MAP: M [2] Gear/Weapon - OPEN INVENTORY: G - PICK-UP ITEM: G or MOUSE WHEEL SCROLL / CLICK - USE/CONSUME ITEM: RCLICK ITEM ICON IN INVENTORY (specifically the icon, rather than the name in the list) - CYCLE WEAPON (cycle through grenades, flares, throwable items): F - SWITCH WEAPON (cycle between your primary and secondary weapon): ; - LOWER/RAISE PRIMARY (does not work with pistols): DT LCTRL or RCTRL + R - ZERO (adjust distance of sniper scope/shots): PAGE UP / PAGE DOWN Misc - FLASHLIGHT/HEADLIGHTS: L - SIT: ' - SALUTE: \ - TOGGLE WINDOWED/FULLSCREEN: ALT+ENTER (I believe you have to press ESC to bring up the menu, then ALT+ENTER) General Tips - FLUSHING: If you experience graphical glitches, sometimes 'flushing' might help. To do this, hold SHIFT and NUMPAD - and type 'flush'. - [1] CAN'T PICK UP AN ITEM?: I have occasionally struggled to pick up an item from a certain stash on the ground, usually because it is right next to a door. People often miss this simple tip: scroll the mouse wheel up/down until you have the option of 'Take x y z' or 'Gear'. - [2] LOST? One of the best maps I have found online so far is AvidBlur's.
  2. afflix

    This game ... !

    What an ungrateful little tike. The majority of your complaints aren't even about the mod itself, but rather ArmA2. "ITS SO BLURRY", why don't you google it? As mentioned earlier: post process effects will be the cause of this "BLURRY!?!?!?!" (also known as: MOTION BLUR). You should have refunded this game and spent your £25 / $30 on something a little more educating.
  3. I've managed to rebind 'Free Look' to the Space bar, just a second ago. Are you attempting to rebind the KEY LALT to something else, or something else to Free Look?
  4. Fair suggestion, considering space bar isn't used in DayZ (afaik). I suppose it'd be a good key to bind to vault aswell. Although, the original post is about the default keys. :)
  5. 'NUMPAD' refers to the actual NUMPAD itself rather than a physical key. So where I have put 'NUMPAD -'' date=' I generally mean the minus on the right hand side of your keyboard under the number pad section. Don't be sorry! This post is intended for anyone new and I won't judge anyone for any questions they might have! EDIT: I have updated the original post with a little colour change to avoid any further possible confusion :) Yup, they've been covered under 'View' in the original post, but thanks :)
  6. Ah thanks a lot, thats brilliant. Will update it as I come across any other tips and bindings I might find useful! I did try to keep the tips quite short as there are so many guides! :)
  7. I don't really know enough about the system to really like or dislike it. How do we rise / lower the temperature? At which point do we begin to become infected? etc. etc. More information would be grand.
  8. afflix

    Timing of Patch 1.5.8

    rocket, could we get a thread for a continuously updated changelog? It would be nice to be able to just pop into the same thread each time and see an editted first post rather than digging through this thread to find the goodies. Just a suggestion :)