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Everything posted by Provostzakharov

  1. Provostzakharov

    Hacker on US167

    Hacker, name "Trey" on US167 at least spanning 9pm central standard time through 10pm. I came under fire in the middle of nowhere, never saw from who, ran for 10 minutes, continually coming under fire every 30 seconds or so, finally get back to my van and he killed me while trying to drive away. Never saw him. I spawn at coast. 1 minute later a helicopter comes straight down out of the clouds, a guy gets out, and snipes me immediately. Saw his name is Trey. I spawn at different coast. 1 minute later, again, a helicopter comes straight down, exact same thing happens. Trey again. I spawn at different coast, run into the forest. Helicopter comes again, this time it lands far away because of the forest and I run in the opposite direction. Trey again. He takes off again and tries to suicide the chopper into me, crashes and dies. I try and loot his gun from his body but about 30 seconds after the crash he is back on foot this time and I die. Please ban this asshole.