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Everything posted by thesilliestSEAL

  1. thesilliestSEAL

    [ZH] Zombie Hords is Recruiting

    In-game Name: jimbo Steam name: thesilliestSEAL Age:23 The current time zone you're residing in(UTC):-6 ( central us time, Texas to be exact) Mic: yes How long you've been playing:about 3 weeks now Your preferred role and/or weapon: as50/ m107 or any full auto rifle (ak/akm/m16/m4) Humanity(bandit/survivor/hero): i can be whichever but as of now im at 2000 so survivor
  2. Hi im looking for a team or group that plays regularly. could be a couple days a week but at least one day for sure. it can be a hardcore tactical team or a casual lets do w/e team. contact me if anyone is interested. also i have a mic and multiple programs to comunnicate through. im just tired of dying b/c im soloing.
  3. thesilliestSEAL


    Dayz Name: thesilliestSEAL How long have you played Dayz: about 1 week now with my own account but id say 3 weeks total using a friends What time will you be usually on: pretty much anytime except mondays. What is your requested role. Im not sure. i dont have a preference so i guess its w/e im better at. ive always liked sniping tho : ) What you want to get from joining: a team or group of people i can count on to have my back. ive pretty much soloed this whole time and always get capped at one point or another. need another set or sets of eyes. Will you stay loyal. Id say yea. ive never een known to jump from clan to clan but in my experience clans or groups tend to always break up so ill be down for as long as ppl are still active.