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About Atiarotias

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  1. well, someone was continuously killing me on normal server before switching to private hive, was that you? (Guy in soldier clothes?)
  2. starting half hour was chaotic and good. (that friggin chopper...!) Lost so much gear I had originally, learnt all over again not to trust people even bronies.
  3. whatever is going on Skype... is there simpler Voip thing like Mumble?
  4. I still have to walk South to meet, that's all. Official(normal) servers I guess
  5. hmm, I don't like/use Skype, but may be I'll reinstall for this thing while waiting: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5qERFFXtEY
  6. well, that was a horrible time to have the website down...? Is this still happening or what?
  7. I still haven't came across that many vehicles. I guess people hid them away at edge of the map. Got chased by a chopper a few minutes after some server restarted, pretty scary. Also, changed back to civillian clothes and found out i have the "Hero" skin with white shirt. so easy to get spotted... Is there any plan on seperating to groups? I'm guessing most of us don't know each other yet so.
  8. Too bad they took away Side channel (for many servers anyway), I've seen some obvious MLP fans/Bronies names on player lists, but had no way of talking to them. I'm sure they'd shoot me if I approached with only Direct chat (I know I would, from panic or whatever)
  9. From NZ or AUS, we can get most of North/South American servers with ping around 150 to 300. I've never seen UK based servers on my server browser though... (probably filtered out)
  10. I don't seem to have that "Teleport/Spawn back to Coast" issue people talk about, with my account so far? Still, I'll move my guy closer to the coast sometime soon for the meetup. My normal hang out is Vybor, so a little picnic ahead for me.
  11. Some sort of competetion would be fun, but with this mod, it's hard to keep track of anything but your own skin and gear. We could hoard all the zombies? (could of done some kind of Z-killcount comp, but we end up camping at top of towns)
  12. woow, almost 40. We need to basically find an empty server. (wouldn't want to hear "couldn't fit it all in" after all the waiting)
  13. It'll be important, Private server or not. I don't mind giving away L85 or/and AS50 if this'll be on normal server. (I'd rather wonder around with LMG, if I can find it, that is) Possible 30+ players! I'm sure we can find server on spot almost, as long as Teamspeak thing works and everyone stays informed.
  14. Oops, I got a warning for posting insults/racist things, got fished up by troll I guess. Shouldn't have reacted to some poor insult... I just updated to since most of servers seem to have updated anyway. Hopefully everyone has the same version by meetup. Private hive idea seems reasonable? Are there that many with decent latency though? Or player number limits.
  15. Walk around the fields and towns up north of the map, it's a lot easier to get geared up than getting breadcrumbs down south. (in my opinion anyway) I'm still 50/50 on this meetup. Unless government kicks me out of country during next week, I'd really really like to come around.