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About Flektarn

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    On the Coast
  1. So I just bought Arma 2: CO on steam and I've installed both and played both atleast once. Then I got DayZcommander and tried to update but it said Can't find the folder, so I manually routed for where it needs to install. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 etc Then I update to latest Arma 2 patch and it patches and said it works and is up to date, however it still says I have the same patch as I started with? It said 100% completed patching in the patcher too. I can install DayZ just fine. -- Then I try to just play DayZ anyways and it loads but I get a underwater/ocean glitched menu and says that Bad server rejection crap. Once again, I tried to manually install 1.62 from Bohemias website but I get this error "Patch file is corrupted, file PMC\Addons\ca_pmc.pbo not found" I'm stuck at revision 95248 and I need 95948 ... I have reinstalled Arma 2, verified integrity, etc. Nothing works!!! Thanks.