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Everything posted by Pauijay

  1. cant hardly play on public servers anymore, every single time i try, hackers are there ruining the experience. do you think this will kill the community? i do. i'm starting to lose faith in the community and battleye's ability to remove this threat that seems to be never ending. is hacking this game REALLY that easy? thoughts? suggestions? i personally foresee the community dying and moving on to other games.
  2. So i spent maybe about a week on the server titled (as it is right now): DayZTakistan - 1.1 (Veteran|3D:on|CH:ON) Desync | Vilayer.com and have experienced numerous counts of admin abuse as well as possible scripting. Ranging from Teleporting, to Map hacking, to spawning in items into the game. i had a little chat with one of the admins named "pscyhobob" in reference to such events, and he directly admitted to multiple instances of admin abuse, so i will show you the screenshots and explain each one. Here the admin is basically admitting that he can look up and watch the world in real time, seeing player names, locations, as well as vehicles. as far as vilayer hives are concerned i dont know if this is acceptable or not, but what i do know is that they've been using this as a means to continuously find our camps over and over. as far as i was concerned the admins could only ban, reset the server, kick players, change the time of the server, and send out world messages. when i searched the vilayer hive admin commands it basically redirected me to battleye.com so i assume that the rules are the same, but he's claiming here, that he has the ability to overwatch the entire server at any given moment, in real time. not only that, but in a different conversation from the server admin HIMSELF, fully called himself out and admitted that he was using it basically to scout our location: 8:53 PM - Desync: I didn't know what u was doing, you'll be ok, you'll log back in at stary and can drive away, that is if the server don't fuckin roll back like it did last time with lingor now, how did he know where we logged out? oh, right... because they're using whatever means to find our location in real time. not to mention because they kept losing to us in firefights, decided to change the server to Utes (or whatever its called) without warning in attempt to catch me and my crew offguard....... this is psychobob, basically admitting he bans players without any rhyme or reason, other than they "appear" to do sketchy things. AKA steal their helicopter. we had met up with a guy that found their chopper and picked us up randomly (friendly guy i guess?) and for that one reason alone they concluded that he was "sketchy" and that was enough grounds to ban him on, further admitting they had no actual evidence of any kind of scripting or hacks in the works. in another conversation he states: 8:59 PM - name: so... did he hack his way up north? or what was wrong with him 9:00 PM - [-B^3-] Psychobob: I don't think the rpt showed anything either way 9:00 PM - [-B^3-] Psychobob: it's nerfed so bad that we get hardly any info from it 9:00 PM - name: so, basically, hes banned for finding the chopper? 9:01 PM - [-B^3-] Psychobob: banned because it's sketchy and we can't prove either way 9:02 PM - name: Its honestly, not making much sense man, .... he found it i dont understand it, u found our shit, it happens its a game so... basically if you play on their server and do something THEY deem to be sketchy, you will be banned. but in my personal experience that means something they simply dont LIKE.... but ironically if it's someone within their own crew... the rules aren't quite the same. what i'm talking about in this picture, is in another instance where i was in a field near NEAF. it was night time, raining, and i was prone in a pretty covered location, directly inside a bush... ghillied.. somehow, him and his buddies showed up in their chopper, started doing laps around me, and began firing the door gunner at me. now wait a second. you're going to ban a player for finding your chopper because its "sketchy..." but you're trying to tell me that you somehow managed to spot a ghillied prone player in a bush in the middle of the night while raining from a CHOPPER.... BUT because its in THEIR favor suddenly its not shady anymore. to me i'd say its more likely to find a chopper VS finding a guy so well hidden at night/raining from the sky, who isn't moving or shooting. and let me also point out that typically nobody hangs by NEAF on that server, most of our battles are 10 clicks west by NWAF. so what drove them to come all the way to the other side of the map, circle me and shoot at me..... hmmmmmm...... perhaps multiple levels of help, i would believe. most striking of all, i'm talking to psychobob in this screenshot about that earlier conversation where the admin of the server straight out told us where we were in the world. at first bob tried to play it off like it was at some later point, but in reality it was not even 5 minutes after the server went down. basically, let me break this down for you: we kill them at NWAF. we hop in vehicles (which one of the ones they were using was one of those hacked in black SUVs by the way... not sure how they got that) we drove to stary we're camping the north hill, suddenly the server goes down with no warning. magically, they switch to the small PvP map, Utes one of my friends ask him why they switched without warning, and was concerned about when the map switches back to chernarus if it'll be in the same state it was, due to the fact that in the past after switching from lingor, they lost all their gear upon going back to chernarus. in response to his concern about the rollback and losing gear, is that earlier quote which once again was: 8:53 PM - Desync: I didn't know what u was doing, you'll be ok, you'll log back in at stary and can drive away, that is if the server don't fuckin roll back like it did last time with lingor so basically this conversation is starting out with me pointing out that that conversation was a few minutes after the server switched to chernarus. he expresses he knows that it took that early, agreeing and acknowledging that desync was aware of our locations, and then ALSO turns around and admits that if we had the power to do the same thing to them, we would immediately be banned. the server has a strict no combat logging, as well as no logging to despawn zombies from the buildings youre in, ect. pretty understandable. in the middle of a firefight with the server owner and co-owner (psychobob and desync)... the OWNER OF THE SERVER... the guy that sets the rules for his own server decides to combat-log because he was obviously about to die. not only that, but some how knows to only log on when we've left the area. in this picture is the "excuse" that as to why it's somehow acceptable for the server admin to do it, but obviously if someone did it against them, it's a bannable offense. (the server spams it every 10 minutes in global.) i have many more screenshots but i believe that this is quite enough (to me) to show the extremely poor quality, un-justified, one-sided, hypocritical viewpoints and actions of the admins, EVEN DISCLUDING possible hacking activity, (which i'm convinced they're using as well.) so, although i dont have any in-game footage or video of any of these events, this conversation TO ME is sufficient enough to make a point. but the real question is, even if that evidence isn't enough to convince you, the DayZ community, would you still go on their server and play? actually..... go on their server and play. i want you to. because then you'll see that they always find your base. always find your vehicles. get to locations on the map much faster than they should on foot, and somehow always know where you and your friends are located. they will ban you for things they themselves do, and horde the vehicles. i honestly felt that this needed to be brought to the community's attention because its admins that play like this that ruin the game for everyone. if you have any questions, comments, concerns, please feel free to contact me via the forum, and i shall give you further contact information. thank you so much for spending the time to read this.
  3. when people are forced to join private servers because almost everytime they step foot onto a public server, they encounter instadeath, teleportation, or any other means of retardation... the community has a problem. :(
  4. it is indeed connected to the vilayer private hive, and i shall submit a ticket concerning the issue. better to try then not, ey?
  5. lol didn't plan on coming back to your shit. we all got tired of killing you scrubs anyway :D but try not to make it so obvious you abuse admin powers.
  6. thats what i plan on doing, moreso warning other players.
  7. was never banned. its a vilayer hive server.
  8. too much hacking.... i went on a few public servers yesterday. EVERY. ONE. had a hacker.
  9. and if there's more than 15 people on a server, guarantee there is a hacker teleporting to players and killing them. stealing your vehicles, or some way/shape/form destroying your experience.
  10. i didnt know school extends to evenings and nights. the servers are dead all day, all night. everyday.
  11. its getting to that point with me too
  12. has anyone noticed that only maybe 10% of all the dayz servers have more than 10 people in them? its already going downhill :\
  13. on vilayer servers. but its there too. :|
  14. I've had pretty poor luck when it comes to finding people to play this game with. I've made a few topics on here, and one of the following has happened each and every time. 1. They turn to hacking / rely on hacked servers to obtain high end weaponry.... but aren't good players so still end up dying regardless of what they're sporting. Go back to server, get hacked gear, die again. Repeat forever. 2. Recruit me, act serious, but I come to find out its 2-3 guys that are extremely uncoordinated/and/or very young. Usually ends up resorting to #1 3. Don't even play DayZ and ask me to play ArmA2 Scenarios all the time. 4. Aren't experienced in any way/shape/form and I end up coaching them. Usually resorts to #1. What I'm really looking for is a well-established group, even as little as two guys, that take the game seriously, but also aren't TOO serious (you know the type: scream when you do something wrong, ect.), and have a sense of humor. Essentially I'm looking to be very tactical, pretty cautious (as I have earned myself decent gear) and to basically have fun at the same time. I find enjoyment out of hunting down players, unless they're not a direct threat, or barely armed. Any other questions, please feel free to contact me VIA: Skype: pauijay Steam: xxxdmdxxx
  15. not a bandit. just kill most people because if you've played this game for more than 4 seconds you'd know its either them or you
  16. good thing thats not my in-game name :D also, where does it say you can't talk about shooting people in this area of the forum?. .... haha. i don't have a bandit skin. honestly if you dont shoot most people that pose a direct threat, you probably die alot B)
  17. Pauijay

    Where are the Mature players? US timezone

    i'm down, you sound like youre looking for what i'm looking for. hit me up! steam: xxxdmdxxx skype: pauijay
  18. Pauijay

    New Group

    Skype: Pauijay Steam: xxxdmdxxx
  19. Pauijay

    New Group

    Name: paul joseph In-Game Name: "a black guy" .... although i change it frequently. Age: 27 Mic(Yes/No): of course. what kind of gamer doesn't use a mic? i'll tell you what kind. bad gamers. Do you have skype, or teamspeak? both! Humanity(If available): 7000... i have no clue how i got it that high. but i love the hero skin. haha How long you've been playing: a month, heavily. know the game inside and out, and the map. can usually figure out where i am and where i'm going pretty quickly. Play Style: i like to scout and do recon. get in close, loot, check cities out, ect. i also enjoy hanging back doing watchover for others that are doing recon, it really depends on how many people i'm with, what kind of gear they have, ect. Would you rather sit back and snipe or take charge? most people that i've played with aren't very coordinated. although i let them make decisions most of the time, in my head i'm usually in a point of disagreement due to their bad decisions. i dont take the game as life and death, so i usually just go with the flow regardless. makes the game interesting. i'm pretty versatile and can assume quite a few positions though.... (no homo) Active(!!!!): i play daily as long as i'm playing with people that are interesting to play with. i find myself getting bored and not wanting to play if the people i'm with are scaredy cats that just log out when they hear gunfire or want to hide in the woods for forever. i'm honestly just looking for some good tactical search and loot and pillage, and gunfights, and bandit killing. people that aren't insanely attached to their gear and dont mind showing a little courage or losing their stuff.
  20. I've been searching for a group of players for a little time now. Everytime (which isn't often) I do find a few people. Well play for a little while, all is good. Then something magical happens. We find a server with hacked camps. Or spawned crates. Or something that allows extremely easy access of obtaining high end weaponry. Now, this is fun and stuff. But it usually ends like this: 1. Find crate and load up 2. Let's go to electro and kill people / jump servers and kill people 3. Get into firefight, die almost instantly 4. Omg lets go get more gear. (walk 4000m) 5. Repeat. -______- I want some genuine "loot, kill, move on" action. You died? Damn oh well. Let's meet up and loot some more and gear up. If you and a couple buddies roll like that, and aren't obsessed with just getting good guns cheaply, hit me up We all know when we find a dead hacker. You think that as/50 with thermal and 6 clips was legit? You think they just FOUND that m4a1 cco sd laying in a Deer stand? Let's get real. I feel empowered and awesome when I come across a legitimate gun in a firehouse or finally finding GPS by the grace of god, (given its spawn chance is like 2%.) I want a group of dudes that feel the same way to kick it with! Steam: xxxdmdxxx Skype: pauijay I also have TS and Vent.