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Everything posted by machiavelli

  1. machiavelli

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    Played about four hours today after this patch. Only finding a bunch of junk items in the middle of streets as people are trying to cycle loot. Thought we were trying to leave the mod exploits behind?
  2. machiavelli

    Killed=Temporary Server Ban

    /flame coat on One of my gripes about the game is the ease of reclaiming your character's gear from the dead body. "No big deal. Just run back to your body." Even more so the casd when there are groups together, as they just camp the body until he returns. As it is supposed to be a difficult survival simulator, this aspect some negates the effects of dying. I would propose that if a player is killed, that player is kicked and cannot rejoin the server until after the next restart. His group can still claim his items, but they'd obviously be pressed for space and would need to prioritize. With the restart, the body and remaining gear is gone. As a new spawn, it's supposed to be a completely fresh start, a new character. I unddrstand that metagaming will never be completely wiped from Dayz, but this can at least block some of it. Unsure how the public hive works, this may not be a hive feature, but perhaps a server feature. Again, don't know how that could work.
  3. machiavelli

    Would You Want To See a Player Report Button?

    Not gonna happen. I can think of no way in which you can stop people for reporting someone just because they are raging.
  4. machiavelli

    Rocket standing down from Dayz by end of year

    Pretty sure all of us had different ideas on how dayz was supposed to be.
  5. machiavelli

    Rocket standing down from Dayz by end of year

    PLEASE tell me the follow up was "What are those flaws?"
  6. I know I'm impressed. You a bad mothafucka! Children...
  7. machiavelli

    Stahp Rocket! You're ruining teh Alpha!

    This entire forum loves walls of text. So many of these threads are just such specific stories of whining. And I thought the tf2 forums were the worst... Almost everyone, especially the children, think they are game designers. Cool story bro.
  8. machiavelli

    Final Game

    It will be ready tomorrow.
  9. machiavelli

    Killed=Temporary Server Ban

    These suggestions just make it a bit harder to "Run back to your body." I'm proposing a way to end it. That's fine if the player's group wants to grab his stuff, but they'd be pressed to grab it all and they have to wait, at least on that server, until the next restart. My idea here is that the player died, regardless of how (think past glitch deaths for now). As a new character, immediately having knowledge of where a bunch of gear is (your previous character) is easy-mode. However, I don't like the current mechanic of a time limit on the body being there. I think dead bodies ought to stay in the world, until the restart. It makes for a better experience, as it makes the world feel lived in. Yes, this isn't really a priority in the development of the game. However, it's a suggestion, being the Suggestion Forum.
  10. machiavelli

    Killed=Temporary Server Ban

    Handing someone an extra weapon is much different than meta gaming and running back to where the previous characrer left off. I really see it as easy mode for all these super leet squads. There is a division, I think, of players who think it is a group game and those who think it is a lone player's game. To each his own.
  11. machiavelli

    Killed=Temporary Server Ban

    Yeah. Your character died in that world. Tough shit. That's fine, move to a different server. Your group would be somewhat challenged in grabbung everything. Granted, it would suck for glitch deaths, but even the current ladder ones can be carefully avoided.
  12. machiavelli

    Killed=Temporary Server Ban

    @Westerburg Do you see how many steps you put in that? That's much more taxing than "Run back to your body." Add in whatever time delays they have for server hopping and ghosting, you could easily be looking at a couple hours, with getting to the meet up location too. If players want to waste time like that, have at it. I propose this knowing they have this 10 minute limit on bodies being there. However, I'd like to have bodies not disappear between restarts. May be more resources, but that's on the devs to optimize. It would make the world feel lived in, at least previously (harharhar). What happened to this guy? Who may be in this town? Why does he not have pants and a glowstick?!
  13. machiavelli

    Raw Mouse Input Is Crucial To Immersion

    You can come off the pedestal anytime now... It's been tried. It does nothing, as the accell is done by the engine, not windows. This topic though is an argument on whether or not the engine should attempt to simulate more "realistic" movement and how it's done. Subtly different.
  14. machiavelli

    Raw Mouse Input Is Crucial To Immersion

    The accell is engine based. This fix won't do anything, as it's the engine doing it. If it seems to have worked for you, good.
  15. I'm assuming different types of berries and some may actually be poisonous?
  16. machiavelli

    There are no good Dayz SA youtubers?

    PsiSyndicate puts stuff up a lot. He's streams a bunch too, usually with the 2nd or 3rd highest view count for Dayz. He's not necessarily the best commentator, but he puts out a bunch of content. Whole heartedly agree on EireBornFenix and his content. Great stuff. I like that he tries to get the group to actually bandit, not just camp high traffic spots. Sacriel doesn't really do YT anymore. He mostly just streams his stuff now, doesn't edit them up for YT.
  17. machiavelli

    A sucker for Alpha's.

    A thread not bitching about a small missing feature? What is this craziness? Well said all around. There were warnings everywhere yet people still bitch. Issues have been expected and minimal, from my playtime. Keep up thegood stuff Dayz team!
  18. This, so very much. Hell, statement could apply to 80% of the threads now. Entitled little runts...
  19. machiavelli

    the 7 SIN of STANDALONE

    The only one the devs can't and shouldn't address is the fresh spawn killing. It's awful, cowardly, etc but it's not something that should be "fixed." Everything else, I believe, will either be wiped out completely to a very large extent. I would add zombie glitching, in general.
  20. machiavelli

    Thank you for being better than DICE

    Someone made the decision to release that broken crap as a final product, while trying to sell more of it at the same time (dlc). I have no sympathy for them. It's not just small bugs, but stuff that is obvious and doesn't even make sense. Expect the same hot garbage for Battlefront. Good job Dayz team.
  21. machiavelli

    20 Plus Million Dollars Later...

    The generation of entitlement. So sad that this is the community. Hasn't even been out for a couple months. Try being a half life fan...We've been completely abandoned.
  22. But you sure a hell can turn or raise your weapon a hell of a lot quicker than in a game.
  23. I've heard stuff about accell being on to simulate actually holding a weapon and some others claiming different butt stocks change it. It's the most ridiculous thing I can imagine as a reason it is on. Both positive and negative accell need to be able to be disabled completely. Negative accell itself is in no way a useful or sensible feature. It's a engine bug and needs to be squashed entirely.
  24. machiavelli

    whats should we do

    This is why the community is bad. Just so many garbage troll threads. How is this funny?
  25. machiavelli

    All the 1st ranters

    This. Also, it just turned weekend. Haven't had a chance to load it up yet. Yes, I'm a senior gamer and must maintain full employment.