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Everything posted by machiavelli

  1. machiavelli

    Switching Weapons

    Pretty sure this need to stop is in arma 3 as well. It is awful.
  2. machiavelli

    To Everyone Complaining About 1.7.7

    You only have to share any surplus you find after both your indvidual needs are met. Scareity and how this effects banditry is a seperate issue. Those two statements are your problem. You are naive and give too much credit to the human race (even less is deserved to the internet population). And they are not separate issues but are entirely hand in hand.
  3. machiavelli

    To Everyone Complaining About 1.7.7

    You are so clearly playing the wrong game then. Hopefully this mentality/player type is gone once the standalone and new cod is out.
  4. machiavelli

    1.7.* Infection WIP Update

    I guess it's the instantaneous infection that bothers me a bit. I'd really like to see another way of treating wounds to prevent infection. If this is just a normal bacteria infection and not the actual zombie infection, then that's the way to go. Create rubbing alcohol or something. I found 6 decks of playing cards...wth is the point of that? With the scarcity of antibiotics and the scarcity of animals to keep you alive, there ought to be another method.
  5. machiavelli

    Things About The Mod That Suck Thread

    Arma engine I'm sure, but not being able to switch weapons while moving is really bad. I'm speaking to primary to secondary, not switching from the backpack.
  6. The viral infected carry a bacterial infection which is uber-contagious and can kill within hours, yet can be cured with average antibiotics. Hmmmm... Just seems like it needs to be developed more. Arma is limited so I get that.
  7. I'm surprised I haven't seen anyone point out the silliness of antibiotics curing the infection anyway. If a small pack of pills could cure it, wouldn't the outbreak have been avoided? Let alone some ppl talking about other means to cure it. Just seems odd. I understand wanting to add something like this but this is supposed to be a catastrophe, not something to be fixed with an average pack of pills.
  8. machiavelli

    To Everyone Complaining About 1.7.7

    Maybe they just have a hard time admitting...gasp...that they suck at this game.
  9. machiavelli

    To Everyone Complaining About 1.7.7

    OP makes the right points. The infected are supposed to be the real threat. Start treating them like it and you'll live longer. You can play as you want, but obviously the pvp style gets you killed quickly. if you want to gear quickly and just kill other players, you have the wrong game. Go give wasteland a try.
  10. People may not be geared up for console release yet because they've not shown many games or gameplay. E3 will do that. I couldn't care less about tue consoles but I absolutely hope it leads to no more shitty port to the PC (looking at you assassins creed).
  11. Demanding a response after 10 minutes...cute. A beast of a machine and the game can look very nice. Otherwise a lot of stuff renders poorly. Anyone who has played dayz and ran through a forest can attest to that. Hdr can hurt your framrate a lot. I've found that AA doesn't take up too much, which smoothes out the edges. The fxaa options work okay too, with minimal loss. I usually have mine on high.
  12. machiavelli


    Are there satchel charges and can they be used to blow up houses? If not, that seriously needs to be added. If clans are established on a server, solo players need to be able to cause some havok.
  13. machiavelli

    Free Guns! A Fresh Start

    Oh, I missed the event? I was playing wasteland instead and went to a random car and got a Lapua. Seriously, what is the point of having dayz with uber weapons? If you want deathmatch with your leet free weapon, play a different arma mod. The dayz point is to have to risk everything for something good. Yes, I get it...server promotion and all, but just silly how people jump all over the easy path, missing the real goal of the dayz experience.
  14. machiavelli

    Why remove the 50?

    With the planned customization for the standalone, I think we'll end up being pretty happy with the weapons. Haven't they said there will be fewer military grade weapons, at least at first? I would like a camo svd, though with a different scope than the default. That thing is tough to get used to.
  15. machiavelli

    Key to change ACOG from zoom to red dot

    No matter how many times I mash the /, it never works. I can only switch sights by switching in and out of 3rd person perspective then back to first. Works as it should and just fine in arma 3.
  16. Thread is already necroed, so yeah, I just started getting this problem. Name has a gray block next to it and I can't do anything. Other times it's stuck on receiving data. I have tried both Wasteland and Origins. It has to be a Arma 2 thing, but I've verified on STEAM.
  17. machiavelli

    l85 scopes not working

    While the l85 is now gone, in some servers there are differnet versions, without the thermal. My problem is that the scopes do not work. It will be either an acog or some other long range scope and all I get is a really ugly red dot sight. For a quick second while scoping in and out, I'll see the actual scope I should be seeing. Currently, I have both the dlc installed. British something or other and the private military one. I thought these two did something to the l85, so I'm thinking it's there. Just don't know a fix. If I can figure how to take a screenshot, I'll edit this and post it.
  18. machiavelli

    l85 scopes not working

    What is the actual command called then? I have the normal aim down sights assinged to my right click. Is it the button for like changing the thermal l85 between thermal and nightvision?
  19. machiavelli

    l85 scopes not working

    http://img442.imageshack.us/img442/9953/2012122000001.jpg http://img717.imageshack.us/img717/3528/2012122200001.jpg
  20. machiavelli

    l85 scopes not working

    Of course, now I can't find an l85. No one else has experienced this?
  21. machiavelli

    Who's excited?

    Awesome link!! :/ Flipping through 97 pages on the sa thread on this phone app isn't all that easy.
  22. machiavelli

    Who's excited?

    What I miss or is this just random sa talk?
  23. machiavelli

    Combat loggers now get replaced with bots!

    Sure as hell hope it's ONLY whent the car is stopped. How much are we gonna hear about doing 90 and being pulled out of a vehicle with the glitchy zombies?
  24. So I changed my field of view and was aware that i'd have to adjust the mildots to make up for it. However, I'm also noticing normal ironsights are way off. Firing from a m16 or any other weapon, the bullets seem to travel upward. Obviously, targets which are within 50m I don't notice anything. However, anything beyond and it's a clear miss on the target, with the bullet going above my aim dot. Has anyome else changed their fov and how do you make up for this?
  25. machiavelli

    90 fov and ironsight/scopes

    Sd ammo travels up? I don't specifically recall, but I'm sure at one point I was. However, I've noticed the issue with makrov and 1911 too.