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Everything posted by machiavelli

  1. machiavelli

    HARDCORE - we need place for meet

    I think it's a good idea, but until servers are allowed to set it to 1st person only, it's kinda pointless. I'm certainly not going to rely on an honor system on a server, especially with this troll of a community.
  2. This thread is troll, right? I mean, of all things to be added/changed from the alpha, someone is bringing up one of the most annoying aspects of an arma engine. If held out perfectly straight, you probably wouldn't be able to swing around with a mosin in a tight hallway. But must we really implement a specific action a player must take in order to turn around? Irl, it could happen in less than a quarter second. Add some kind of button mashing in Dayz for this, and you've just made it worse and ridiculous.
  3. Too freakin bad...jesus. Don't buy an alpha ever again. Do you even read the message that comes up every time you load the game? Seriously, you people are ridiculous. It's been said so many times that things are not stable and will likely change. That's what being part of an alpha is.
  4. machiavelli

    My Opinion on DayZ's Direction

    @Cinnabuns I love how you laid it out, except for the no loot respawn. Stuff needs to respawn, however at a very low rate. Maybe only 2 m4s spawn every 3 restarts or something along those lines. The people looking for the quick 20 minute play and dm through cherno would disappear, which would be amazing. There is no ruleset on how to play Dayz, but heaven forbid if people are actually pushed to communicate with other players...
  5. machiavelli

    VOIP global issue.

    Awesome. With all the childish bickering on the forum now, wish I had a quick "rocket replies" only option. Only parts of the forum worth reading now.
  6. This is awesome news. Glad to see you and the are actively patching what needs to be fixed and doing the clean wipe. Certainly unlike many other big games and devs (BF4). This announcement gets more more stoked for the future. Clearly, by some of these responses, you people shouldn't have bought the alpha. Anytime I load up the game, I expect to spawn fresh on the coast. Not bothered by it at all.
  7. machiavelli

    No loot, or do I just suck?

    Not a game, it's a simulator.
  8. machiavelli

    How to kill without damaging gear.

    Maybe filling a syringe with the cleaning liquid?
  9. machiavelli

    So much killing on sight.

    Headshot killstreaks? You are doing it wrong and playing the wrong game. No one cares.
  10. This. Especially the last bit. This is supposed to be a bit of a social experiment. The engine allows for it. If that's not what you want, you're doing it wrong.
  11. Playing on 1st person only servers is a great means to slow your role. Because you can't see over walls or even the grass in front of you, the player has to be more careful and aware. It's really made dayz, for me, much more enjoyable. It's great to know that I'm not being watched by a player behind a wall, who's likely just looking for the 360 no scope to brag about to his 1337 squad and 5 youtube subscribers.
  12. machiavelli

    TWS a BAD Addition

    TWS was removed so many months ago. Stop playing modded servers. /thread.
  13. I need some new underwear...great excite!
  14. Everyone else is cool with so many facebook friends and awesome activities outside of games. Jesus...we are talking about playing a game. There is an assumption one has the time. Get over the "high school cooler than you" garbage. Yes, I can blame them. If they don't want the survival aspect, they should play something else. Other games, hell, other arma mods/missions do it so much better.
  15. OP talks about those who don't have the time to invest in a play session. Those are the COD dm kids. Spawn in cherno and have an ak at a fire station in 5 mins. DM for 20 mins and get killed. Rinse and repeat. Hopefully the SA can wipe that situation out completely. As a simulator, Dayz requires that time investment. If that's not your thing, you are playing the wrong game.
  16. Nonsensical read but good enough. Psi is likely to post a video anyway. MLG...
  17. How much is it? Nevermind. Shut up and take my money.
  18. machiavelli

    DayZ Mod - who still plays?

    From Deans recent video, looks like you've been playing the real deal...
  19. Be a bandit like this all you want. As long as you can't easily find an ak within 15 minutes, I'm fine. I've seen so many people playing like they can just drop a quick 20 30 mins in a server, like bf3 or cs match. That's not how this should go. The standalone should be about dedication and an actual bond with your avatar over time. From looking at the server lists, none of it should be called dayz.
  20. machiavelli

    How would you prefer DayZ SA?

    Wtf? I do not have any hope for the standalone if it peddles to this community garbage. PvP man! My squad is so leet! L2A! Seriously, go play cod.
  21. machiavelli

    Melee Weapon Quick Switch Help/Advice

    I don't think anyone really wants an instant switch. But due to the engine, these are the only two choices? If a slight delay, animated or not, could be added to the movement while switching option, that would be the best route. As a simulator, arma should have been built with that in mind. I loathe so much the current weapon switching, either with melee or secondary. But an instantaneous switch is ridiculous, as this isn't battlefield or CoD.
  22. machiavelli

    Fix the hosptials?

    Suggested this several times myself. Really would balance it out and make it more authentic.
  23. In one sitting? Yes, hit every major town and the airfields. Did it like on my second time playing the game way back when. Without internet resources (loot guide, map). A truly unique experience. That character lasted 83 days...
  24. There is more than cherno and electro now...
  25. machiavelli

    How to stop kill on sight mentality.

    To reduce kos in dayz, a new cod is needed. Ghosts will be out soon enough and they can fap away with that.