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About Collin0730

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Collin0730

    [ZH] Zombie Hords is Recruiting

    In-game Name: Collin Steam Name: Collin0730 Age: 19 Current Time Zone: East Coast Mic: Broken, looking for a new one. Currently using the built in PC mic. Time playing: 1 Month Preferred role and/or weapon: Point man. I like to blaze a trail for others. Weapon: I have a M4A3 CCO. (I'd like to have an M4 Holo with M302.) Humanity: Survivor. (I don't go out of my way to kill players, but I don't hesitate to shoot on sight.)
  2. Collin0730

    Introduce yourselves

    Hey, Im Collin from PA. My in game player uses my game, and I play on US servers, usually. I've been playing for a few weeks now, so I know a few tricks and good loot and hiding spots. Hit me up if you want to squad up!