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Everything posted by bahhh

  1. bahhh


    I like this idea. heatpacks i've seen could be reusable after putting it in a boiling water. Maybe you need fire and both water to reuse? anyway i like this idea
  2. Ok. This isn't really about crowbars, it's something bigger. Currently most houses and buildings are unenterable. How about we change this? We make the houses itself lootable. Like a big giant tent. I know this is unrealistic, but this would make all houses important as enterable ones. Of course we would have to rebalance loot table since there will be so many more places we can explore. This could even work well with player built cabin that rocket talked about. Ok, now about the crowbar. We can make it as a toolkit and use it to break into houses(which is opening gear window of the house) Or we can shoot a bullet to the door to make it lootable. I'm wondering if this would be possible with the current engine, i'm sure there could be a workaround. I mean, rocket even made a melee weapon! i never thought that would be possible :) Whats your opinion guys?
  3. I know this is unrealistic and it hurts like hell when you break your leg.(yeah i've been there once) How bout we change the penalty for broken leg to walking only? If we could add limping animation that would be much better.
  4. It spawns only on heli sites. Best weapon for killing zombies(if u headshot alot) But for pvp, it's really bad lol. I threw it away after i had to shoot like 15 rounds to kill a person. But other than that, recoil is really low and really quiet and have lots of ammo inside.
  5. bahhh


    EDIT: Sorry. Wrong thread
  6. There's a solution for you. Go to option-game option- raise the aiming deadzone Problem solved :)
  7. I've been using this hatchet around and it is just hillarious. I didn't try the zombies, but i tried hacking players with the hatchet. It's an insta-kill lolololol It's so funny, i make this creepy voice "i see u...daklfjsldaf" and i would just hack him with this baby. The sound cutting through his/her body is hillarious. Sorry guys who died to me :D but it's just so fun
  8. NNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NO more fusrodah melee T.T Still, i managed to kill 3 and one of them even had a makarov :)
  9. bahhh

    Most Wanted Bandits

    Mk48 mod 0 for whoever kill the 1st
  10. I heard that dropping the melee weapon are causing the crash. I'm doing u guys favor by not dropping it :)
  11. I have this friend who have 95 kills(leaderboard #2) and yes, the heartbeat works. U have have your cursor on the person, but the heartbeat itself is hard to hear.(it's quiet) and my friend have tooooo low humanity that his heartbeat is like 5heartbeat per second :D Oh and the range is pretty short. it's like 5m. So it's pretty much pointless unless u met an unarmed bandit
  12. The scene where a girl had to kill his friend when he turned infected... (tears) This scene must must must get implemented in this mod!! I mean.. it's so beautiful!!(?) It would make THE most memorable experience in the whole game industry. I know it wouldn't be the same as in the movies, but will we be expecting this in the late future?? the infection system right now doesn't really gives us the urge to kill.
  13. It does say it's a bug in the wiki, but i want to know if this is true. I mean, even it was an intended feature, it wouldn't make sense either way. What bug causes zombies to walk indoors :D I hope this is fixed though(Yeah, i just said that) :)
  14. Currently, watch isn't really an interesting loot, and nobody really cares about finding one. And for realism sake, many people have watch on their wrist. What do you think of adding watch to the starting equpment? Pros: -Give space for other loots -No more confusion between dawn and night(irl nobody confuse this really) -more realistic? Cons: -Could eliminate that moment where you ask someone(directly) what time is it? -Can be too easy to find direction(using watch and shadows) What's your opinion?
  15. Oh, sorry. I meant that the zombies should be a bit weaker(nerfed) and then allow them to run indoors. Or we could just allow them run indoors and see how that works :)
  16. Walking indoors, really makes it easy especially with the new evasion patch. I'd say zombie should be nerfed and allow them to run indoors.
  17. I'd like a change how flare works right now. Currently u just throw the flare and it automatically ignites. How bout when we left-click, flare ignites and you are still holding it.(of course the flare animation should change) and when u left click again, that's when the throwing action starts. This kinda adds some realism and coolism? lol I mean like in the movies. When they are in a cave or somethin They ignite in their hands, they don't throw it :) What's your opinion?
  18. The current map is like.. high tech internet map :) It's hard to explain, but the map shouldn't be zoomable to show more details(?) It should only be zoomed in but not zoomed in showing more details like the usual map now. Did anyone get the idea of what i'm saying? lol Just saying it should be more like a paper map.
  19. Currently we know how many shots we need for a kill. If we make individual zombies have different health, there will be more element of surprise and fun. And also it's realistic that not all zombies take same amount of shots to die. It's kinda hard to explain, but i just think that we shouldn't know how many shots we need to kill a zombie. I hope u get the ideaof what i'm talking about :D
  20. Ok, currently blood can be replenished through eating food or by blood trans. But i think the food shouldn't give us any health. Please read further before throwing tomatoes :) First of all, it will give more importance to social activity. You need someone. Even if you are a lonewolf, someday you must take chances of interacting with other survivor. This would encourage that more. This might even help with the KOS problem since other survivor becomes more important But before to make this work, i agree that there should be a temporary solution for extremely low health. Maybe some drugs that would help you for a few minutes to find for help? About the cooked meat, yes it is true cooked meat won't be anymore if this implements, but what if we change the hunger and thirst into percentage?(i posted this right below this thread) cooked meat quench higher percentage of hunger.Problem solved :)
  21. bahhh

    Build 1.7.1 Rolling Update

  22. We shouldn't spawn with a backpack too. I mean, finding your first backpack could be another experience. And we don't really need all those space at start :)