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About Djabber

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  1. Hey there, You're pretty much offering exactly what i'm looking for. Some short info about me: Nickname: Djabber Real name: Jasper Age: 23 Location: Holland Playtime dayz: About 2/3 months aswell. Racked up about 200/300 hours and can safely say i've got good aim and gamesense. Mainly because i'm quite a veteran at the FPS scene. Time you usually play: Really depens, i'm quite active though :) Either pm me on here or add me on steam (if you even use that) Steam: dj*AT*bber.nl
  2. Remove pls :) Currently people are just abusing it.
  3. Yep, upon server restart vehicles got teleported back to their "original" position in their "original" state (e.g. they had to be repaired again and all loot gone)
  4. Djabber

    Graphical issues, please ?!

    http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/yhksh/successful_graphics_glitch_fix_for_nvidia_gpu/ Testing right now, i'll keep you guys updated
  5. Djabber

    Graphical issues, please ?!

    Exactly, hopefully more people that are experiencing these glitches will respond to this topic. I know for a fact there's load of people out there with the same glitches.
  6. Hey, Like i said before in another topic (which got deleted i think), i really enjoy DayZ so much, it's such a great concept and i love all the work you guys put in. Problem is, i can't go anywhere near the military places because of the enormous amount of glitches i get. It's so damn frustrating, i've literally tried everything i could find on these forums. From changing every possible set of settings ingame, to reinstalling my entire computer. Nothing fixes it. I haven't been playing DayZ that long but what i hear from people, these glitches only appeared after a certain update. Thus making me think it's something relatively easy to fix. However still no fix, can't find ANY decent response to any progress in fixing it. The game is pretty much useless to me now cause i can't get any good loot and therefor have such a huge disadvantage to others. I've heard so many people dealing with this issue aswell, and a lot of them just quit playing cause there is really no point like this. Like i said before, i love DayZ, i want to spread the word about this awesome game. But do i really want to recommend a game that's unplayable atm? I'm just afraid stuff like this, especially without response from Dayz staff will be a gamebreaking deal for a lot of players, which would be a really bad thing. Can anyone with actual insight in the matter tell me if this is gonna be fixed any time soon? Thanks alot and my apologies if this annoys you in any way, i really want the best for the game.
  7. Hey, Like i said before in another topic (which got deleted i think), i really enjoy DayZ so much, it's such a great concept and i love all the work you guys put in. Problem is, i can't go anywhere near the military places because of the enormous amount of glitches i get. It's so damn frustrating, i've literally tried everything i could find on these forums. From change ingame every possible set of settings ingame to reinstalling my entire computer. Nothing fixes it. I haven't been playing DayZ that long but what i hear from people, these glitches only appeared after a certain update. Thus making me think it's something relatively easy to fix. However still no fix, can't find ANY decent response to any progress in fixing it. The game is pretty much useless to me now cause i can't get any good loot and therefor have such a huge disadvantage to others. I've heard so many people dealing with this issue aswell, and a lot of them just quit playing cause there is really no point like this. Like i said before, i love DayZ, i want to spread the word about this awesome game. But do i really want to recommend a game that's unplayable atm? I'm just afraid stuff like this, especially without response from Dayz staff will be a gamebreaking deal for a lot of players, which would be a really bad thing. Can anyone with actual insight in the matter tell me if this is gonna be fixed any time soon? Thanks alot and my apologies if this annoys you in any way, i really want the best for the game.