To all of the nonstop bitching on this thread, its a fucking hotfix. 90% of the hotfixes i've ever seen caused more problems then they fixed, also this is NOT a mandatory update. Don't bitch about losing your shit and what not when you were the one who decided to manually install a hotfix that nothing was confirmed for, and as a million people on here have said already YOU made the decision to buy Arma 2 for a mod that was in early alpha stages. Anyone who bought minecraft with me when it was early alpha went through all types of problems and minecraft is a hell of a lot simplier then a mod like this. Also to all the bitching about the devs of this mod do you have any idea what it requires to make a mod like this, I mean seriously this is one fucking incredible mod bugs or not (hence over a million users). How about giving these people some credit for going out of their way and wasting hundreds of hours of their lives to make something entertaining for you, FOR FREE. And yes anyway you wanna look at it the mod is FREE. If you wanna be a part of an alpha test then that's your decision but you can't expect an alpha to deliver bug free game play PERIOD.