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Tegla (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Tegla (DayZ)

  1. Tegla (DayZ)

    So I found this cow...

    Oh right, this is why i left..
  2. Tegla (DayZ)

    So I found this cow...

    How is this in general discussion?
  3. Tegla (DayZ)

    Why do the majority of players i encounter suck?

    Before it blew up. There is your problem. I played the mod way before it blew up, and the player base was vastly different. But, it comes with numbers. The more popular a game is, the more it's going to attract little kids and pricks. The mod has been turning into a deathmatch month by month as it got popular, and it passed over to the standalone. What you can do though, is wait for private whitelisted servers. Not only will it stop the scripters (if the whitelist application was decent enough), but there will be a community of people that you know are mature and that you can have fun with. That is what i'm going to to anyways.
  4. Tegla (DayZ)

    [Street Lights] Power Grid Maintenance

    Sure, but in real life we wouldn't see guys shooting people that are trying to fix the grid just for shits and giggles. Highly unlikely at least. Your other points still stand, of course
  5. Tegla (DayZ)

    [Street Lights] Power Grid Maintenance

    Do you really think this is possible? Not to be pessimistic or anything here, but i am 100% certain that a random guy or group would have fun killing all those grouped up people just for the hell of it. Shame, really
  6. It was a problem in the mod, and i fully expected it to be a problem in the standalone as i got so used to it. It will, however, get fixed eventually alongside everything else
  7. Tegla (DayZ)

    No place for heroes

    I started watching this video, ended up on "Getting it" review. You should review more bad movies, that was hilarious
  8. Tegla (DayZ)

    So what do you guys mostly find at heli crashes?

    Found my first one yesterday. A combat knife, one mag and some m4 parts. I think it has been looted already
  9. Tegla (DayZ)

    Get that bandage on

    Well, he bandages his arm, not his sleeve, so i don't see why you would be able to see the bandage on the character. Then again, there are engine limitations for this, but i suppose that animation is possible
  10. Tegla (DayZ)

    Shoot On Sight

    Fair enough. The mod currently has more features, plus it has vehicles, so im still good on boredom :) Plus, i really like the community. Perhaps i'll see you on SA sometime
  11. Tegla (DayZ)

    Dayz not working

    If you could just explain the problem in more details than that, im sure we could be able to help. Do you get an error message? If so, copy it here. Does the game just close? Does the game even start? Please be more specific than this
  12. Tegla (DayZ)

    Shoot On Sight

    Indeed. Just started a while ago, but its really fun.
  13. Tegla (DayZ)

    Shoot On Sight

    The mod, but the SA server is hopefully comming with private hives and whitelisting
  14. Perhaps they are roleplaying a character with mental issues? Just exploring the options here..
  15. Tegla (DayZ)

    Shoot On Sight

    >inb4 'but it's a valid playstyle' guys show up It is, but it's a lousy one. Its like living in a basement and only coming out on holidays, and calling it a valid way to live life. It gets old really fast, and boring even faster. I have been playing on a RP server with strict no KoS rules, unless you have an in-character reason to do so, and its been the most fun i had in DayZ. Not to mention that most KoS-ers snipe people from that bloody hill/industrial building and not even loot the bodies afterwards. And they call that being a bandit?
  16. Tegla (DayZ)

    Need motivation to play 3p view servers

    Neither is not exploiting the brightness/gamma settings at night while everyone else does and has an advantage. Not saying the 3p view is an exploit, but people use it as such
  17. Tegla (DayZ)

    Need motivation to play 3p view servers

    He can still play in first person on a 3p server. I did
  18. Tegla (DayZ)

    Need help with Arma 2

    Keep spamming Install, or close then run in administrator mode. Im serious, it works. I have slow net, so i paused downloading when i was watching something, then resumed it later. Happened a bunch of times
  19. Tegla (DayZ)

    Need motivation to play 3p view servers

    Why not just play in first person then? No one is forcing you to play in 3p. >B-but muh disadvantage Play in 3p then >B-but i don't like 3p Play in 1p then
  20. Tegla (DayZ)

    Dayz mod (vannilla/epoch) or standalone?

    I can't decide to tell you if you missed out or not. The mentality was definitely different. The subreddit had quality content on it, and the forums were more serious in discussion. The playerbase was different as well. Im going to sound like a dayz hipster, but before DayZ went mainstream (for the first month or two), the players were more keen to talk to eachother and there weren't so much KoS-ers. I fondly remember the hype when i woke up and a new patch was up, and i eagerly awaited to see what will break in this one. The bugs were hilarious (hatchets dropping ammo, zombies flying over the house when you hit them, or aggroing from the other side of the map because you farted too loud). People weren't so pissed off at the devs all the time either. The major change was the playerbase. You can experience everything else(except the bugs and a few maps) now.
  21. Tegla (DayZ)

    Those Dumb Zombies !

    Eh, i stopped thinking of this kind of threads as annoying long time ago. I just find them cute now :)
  22. Tegla (DayZ)

    Those Dumb Zombies !

    No, it's not. The guy bought the game and just asked a simple question. 'anotherdeadhero' didn't have to be a dick about it and tell him not to play because it is early in development
  23. Tegla (DayZ)

    Dayz mod (vannilla/epoch) or standalone?

    The mod. It gave me so many hours of entertainment, i lost count (literally, there was a patch where you couldn't run the game thorugh Steam, so i played like that for a few months). It has many, many different mods, a lot of different maps, each special in it's own way(to be fair, nowdays you can't find populated servers for most of them), private servers with whitelists, and is more stable in general. The Standalone has potential, but it has a long development in front of it. I stop playing the SA everynow and then to wait for new patches and features, whereas i never stopped playing the mod since early 2012. I mostly play dayzrp now, and i just installed Epoch to give it a try (nope, never played it. mostly played vanilla and all the maps)
  24. Tegla (DayZ)

    gut feelings

    Well, if they actually manage to do that, i may change my opinion. I can't see how they would go about that, but seems plausible enough for me :)
  25. Tegla (DayZ)

    gut feelings

    You know very well that the majority of the players would just shoot the guy instead of taking their chances. In case you missed it, i'll quote my own post elaborating why it in fact is a bad idea